Computer fried, $500ish budget to fix


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Well, this past weekend my power supply crapped out, and it seems to have taken the motherboard with it. I really really need a new PC because I just entered into the finals department in my school, and I need to be working 8 hours a day on my projects. Having a borked PC makes that difficult.

With an early x-mas present, plus some, my parents are giving me about $500 (USD, in case the dollar symbol doesnt show). I was planning to do a complete build sometime after x-mas, but this messed up all my plans. I need a computer now, which means I cant wait for all the Nvidia GTs to get in stock, so that knocks me back to the GTS series. I was also planning on getting a quad core processor, but I dont know if ill be able to now.

What I am thinking now is that I should go all out and get the Quad core, with a good mobo, then seriously skimp out on the ram and video card. Problem there is that once my projects (High resolution 3D models and textures) start getting more complicated, ill need a good PC with lots of RAM.

Newegg seems to be down at the moment, so I cant show you what I was looking at, and I cant do much planning without seeing the specs on everything, so I have a few questions.

Firstly, I MAY be able to salvage my ram, and possibly even my video card. If my video card isnt messed up, then thats a huge help, since its decent enough (7800GT 256mb). But if I can save my RAM, would I even be able to use it in a newer motherboard? Its 2 years old now, just 2gigs of regular old DDR PC3200. I dont know if newer boards can use older ram. How much of a bottle neck would this make though? Gaming isnt terribly important, since I have lots of work and no time to play now, but I need a stable, and fast computer for rendering and working with high poly models.

Another worry I have is my PSU. I just bought a 500 watt PSU from bestbuy to replace the busted one (to no avail), so would that be enough power to cover a quad core processor and everything else? What about when I eventually upgrade to dual graphics cards?

Im kind of typing off the thoughts as they enter my head, so just as a recap to make sure i didnt miss anything:

My psu died, and took something else with it. Not sure what, but hopefully only the motherboard and not anything else. If thats the case, then I can keep a bunch of my old stuff (optical drives, hard disks, old ass RAM, case, and my 7800gt video card). I need to stretch 500 bucks to get me something decent, upgradeable, and very preferably a quad core cpu. I need to know if my old ram could hold me over until the upgrade, or if the new mobo will require new ram also.

I need help, and lots of it to stretch this money as best I can, so what are your opinions and thoughts? I may not respond quickly, since im mooching off my roomate's computer right now, but ill answer whatever questions you have asap. I'll also know if I can salvage my video card and ram tomorrow hopefully, and ill update with that info.

First what brand of PSU. If you dare mention you have some third rate YumCha piece of crap you had it coming. Frankly I'd have bought a 600watt Corsair PSU it's pretty damn hard to get any better than one of those babies and reviews agree with me.
First what brand of PSU. If you dare mention you have some third rate YumCha piece of crap you had it coming. Frankly I'd have bought a 600watt Corsair PSU it's pretty damn hard to get any better than one of those babies and reviews agree with me.

You mean the one that blew? It was some kind of 430 watt Antec PSU, I think a Truepower or something. It lasted over two years with heavy daily use, so it wasnt a piece of shit. If you were asking which one I just got, then its an Antec Earthwatts.

Anyways, the point of this thread is to figure out what to spend my money on, not what happened to my old stuff.

You mean the one that blew? It was some kind of 430 watt Antec PSU, I think a Truepower or something. It lasted over two years with heavy daily use, so it wasnt a piece of shit. If you were asking which one I just got, then its an Antec Earthwatts.

Anyways, the point of this thread is to figure out what to spend my money on, not what happened to my old stuff.


ouch the truepower 430w psu are known for blowing ..bad luck, sorry to hear it

btw the GTS 112sp was on sale for $279 the other day (, they ship to the US) outperforms the GT at anything above 1680 x 1050 ..if that's too much, try salvaging your old card and wait for either the GT to dip in price or the 8800gt 256mb version to be released .***mour puts it at around $179

wait for a ram deal ..a few weeks ago I saw a 2G kit for $49 (with mail-in rebate)
I think if your new mobo supports the same type ddr that you have, you're in luck. Check mobo specs to see if ddr 3200 is supportable.
Ok, since newegg is working now, I can show you guys what im looking at. This is being optimistic and assuming my 7800gt is still functioning.

Mobo: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L

CPU: Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz

RAM: 4Gigs G-Skill DDR2 800

Total is 490 at checkout, but the ram has a $40 mail in rebate.

What do you guys think?
I'm negative towards Gigabytes motherboards, but it looks like you have a swinging box if you're videocard is safe.
how would you know which parts work? I mean without a 2nd pc...
I tested them in my friends computer. Seems like my video card is OK, so I ordered the parts. Should I get a beefier PSU since im getting a quadcore cpu now? Or is a 500watt ok? I could return it to Best Buy and get a more powerful one made by BFG (them and Antec are all that my Best Buy sells)
I'm negative towards Gigabytes motherboards, but it looks like you have a swinging box if you're videocard is safe.

Uh why? Gigabyte motherboards are great. The high end ones are considered some of the best for the enthusiast level too.
I tested them in my friends computer. Seems like my video card is OK, so I ordered the parts. Should I get a beefier PSU since im getting a quadcore cpu now? Or is a 500watt ok? I could return it to Best Buy and get a more powerful one made by BFG (them and Antec are all that my Best Buy sells)
A 500 watt should be fine for your system. I'd be worried if you had a videocard newer than the 7800 (since newer cards draw so much power), but as far as I'm aware you'll have some decent breathing room for wattage.

Sorry to hear about your system, that really sucks. But at least your new one won't be too far behind the cutting edge :D
I would consider that a coincidence because myself and many other have only had positive experiences. My Mobo/Video and even my case are Gigabyte products.