Computer Modeling WTC Tower Collapses

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Hi Everybody,

I had an idea for a game and emailed a game designer with it. He suggested I post it here to see what people think.

I'm not a programmer or game designer, but I'm fascinated with the idea of what we might learn if we did a Finite Element Analysis of collapses of the World Trade Center Towers and/or WTC7.

There is HUGE interest and a HUGE debate out there on these collapses. This represents a large potential market. So whether or not you are a conspiracy theorist, it doesn't matter. The computer-modeling of the collapses would be interesting to everyone.

Also, from what I understand, the NIST models were not useful or perhaps even embarassing to the official story and they have never been released.

The architectural plans for the North Tower are available for download by anyone at What exactly is involved in doing a sophisticated, true-to-physics, collapse simulation of the buildings? Would this take an incredible number of man-years to accomplish?

I'd love to be able to watch a slow-motion collapse of one of the towers without all the dust and smoke and try to discover what forces were able to fracture the 47 steel core columns so conveniently and manageably. It would also be a geeks thrill to be able to "get inside the collapse" as it is occurring.

Now, as I was thinking about this this and wondering whether perhaps this could be made into an Open Source Project for people to work on all over the world, it occurred to me that a computer game modeled on the WTC collapses might be fun.

To keep the retailers happy, you could make it a high-rise in Shanghai or something thinly disguised but acceptable. There would be two modes: (1) Some severe damage and intense fire on an upper floor that eventually leads to a gravity-driven collapse, and (2) A deliberate top-down controlled demolition of a high-rise.

Our hapless player is caught in the building and must get out to save his life but must navigate the building with (depending on the mode) bombs going off, fires, smoke. He would have to help people escape, be helped by other people, navigate through passageways and improvise escapes, etc.

What do you think about the physics simulation of the collapses?

What do you think about the game idea?

I think you would immediately get the pants sued off you by people outraged at anybody attempting to have fun based on a horrific tragedy where people died.

Of course nobody sues people who make WWII games but I dunno.
Our hapless player is caught in the building and must get out to save his life but must navigate the building with (depending on the mode) bombs going off, fires, smoke. He would have to help people escape, be helped by other people, navigate through passageways and improvise escapes, etc.

What the ****? You can't be serious.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its a bad idea. But bombs going off? Seriously?
Haha, just another WTC conspiracy thread in disguise. Nice try asshole.
Hmmm... *adds a new rule, no WTC threads*.
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