Computer Restarts when saving game


Jul 13, 2003
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OK, so I have had HL2 on my system for awhile now, and just the other day (after a steam update), I picked up the game and the moment I hit F5 to save the game, my computer restarts. I have saved a couple time using F5, but the game eventually restarts my computer anyway. So what do you think? Is this HL2, or my computer?
Okay, so it also restarts during other seemingly random points during gameplay. This has never been a problem in the past. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your CPU is probably over heating...
Make sure the inside of your system is fairly dust free, all vents are not blocked, and turn down any overclocking.

Though, do you play any other graphically intencive games? And do they make it reboot too?
I have had that same bug with my older computer.

Check the PSU and/or refformat.
I can run far cry on maximum settings at 1024x768 resolution with no problems whatsoever, and I have never had problems with HL2 up until this past week. In my experience, memory errors can cause instant system reboots without warning, but I don't know what would be causing the memory error. This problem is a bit annoying... again, any help appreciated mucho :)
Have you a Nvidia 6200GT? I hear on the Steam fourms people with 6200s have restarting problems.
Well, re-installing HL2 didn't work. I don't know what's goin on with it. All my settings and stuff were not deleted and neither were my saves, so I used those... think I should try using something else? My save game might be corrupted or something :-\ Hmm... I dunno, though. It loads fine and I'll be playing for a little while and then I'll hit F5 to save and it will restart. Sometimes it doesn't restart. I can save a few times then randomly it'll restart, or it'll restart the next time I hit F5. I'm so confused.
Clean the card, pure and simple, the fans on the 9800's heatsink love to hold onto dust, it can work fine on some games but not others, i had something similar, some games would push it to its limits others wouldnt and yes far cry isnt as hard on the machine as hl2.
Alright well I could see how dust might mess with the heat of my video card, but why would saving my game cause the crash if it was a graphics problem? Wouldn't just running the game for enough time to heat up the card cause the problem? Saving the game is more of a CPU intensive thing than GPU intensive... anyways, I will take your advice and dust out my computer. We'll see what happens...