Computer-to-Phone Phone Calls

Jul 1, 2003
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I dunno how many of you know about this... but..

Check it out. It's meant for long distance calls. My friend called the room we were in and we messed around with it. I was on the phone end. How it works is...the person on the computer types..then the operator reads back what was typed, then the phone person talks back as if talking to the actual person.

Some operator came on the phone asking me if I knew how to use IP Relay. She explained that you have to talk in the 1st person and say "Go ahead" after each segment. We had some fun with it. After a little bit we messed around some more by making the operator say funny things, such as, "No I will not eat the cheese you staunch prick" "mwahahahaha" and other funny things. All of them worked.

For the computer user's end they even put (calm) or (angry) tags after sentences.

After a little while we started talking to people down the block..then it said a supervisor was coming in for assistance...and they told us that we had to stop because it's meant for long distances (they obviously had tracked the IP and phone number) we left it at that.

I'd recommend not making any threats..they can track your IP pretty quickly and people have been arrested over this. Other than should be able to prank a few people before being cut off.

I'm gonna call some friends long distance tomorrow :)

BTW: It's free for the U.S. and it's territories.
sounds like an evil bush administration scheme to take more privacy away from you through companies!

Down with big brother! death to the bourgeoisie! Viva la resistance!
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
sounds like an evil bush administration scheme to take more privacy away from you through companies!

Down with big brother! death to the bourgeoisie! Viva la resistance!

although i can't figure out how to call. im trying to call myself and am not successful yet
You type:

call (123)-456-7890 <-the phone number..

I assume you can only do it during the day though..
In the UK it's called Swyx, you'll find many businesses are using it now to communicate with their other departments overseas etc.
Yeah, I've used this before... only I was the one being called. It's kinda freaky... especially when the person who called you is making them say rather odd things...
Originally posted by Letters
Yeah, I've used this before... only I was the one being called. It's kinda freaky... especially when the person who called you is making them say rather odd things...

There was something like this designed for deaf people, it was about 5 years ago, and he'd always take advantage of it for free calls. Aparently they have to say anything, my friend spent an hour talking to his friend about how sexy the operator sounded. Only once, when they were being horribly offensive, did they ever have the operator actually hang up.