Computer Underperforming


Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
I have a strange problem in CSS. I have a great comp, but I still lag when mucho physics are taking place at once. I can drop as low as 20, which is pretty annoying. The strange thing is I even lsoe fps when shooting someone, even if its a hostage. It'll only for half a second, but it makes all the difference in the middle of a firefight. Also, if I reduce the directx level, my comp doesn't lag at all, even with a billion things flying around. This doesn't make sense to me. Are there any options under CSS or Windows that might stop my cpu from performing at its highest?

AMD Athlon 64 3200
Radeon X800 Pro
1G Ram
i know this aint a very good place to post this but i have my credit card here and i'm wondering is it a good idea to buy it. But one thing stopping me is how it will run on my computer. My specs are;
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.08GHz
512 RAM
GeForce FX 5200
If someone here has similar hardware, especially the GFX card would they please post some info

briggsb2k dont hijack other peoples posts, and white devil, if u want to, u can format, then it might run better, or u can get latest drivers
Well you shouldnt have too much of a problem..

Im running it on:

1.7GHz AMD Athlon XP 2000+
GeForce 4 Ti 4400

And it runs fine, and looks amazing :)... I average 50-70fps, infact it even runs slower when i turn the graphics settings down :S.. not complaining tho :)
WhiteDevil said:
I have a strange problem in CSS. I have a great comp, but I still lag when mucho physics are taking place at once. I can drop as low as 20, which is pretty annoying. The strange thing is I even lsoe fps when shooting someone, even if its a hostage. It'll only for half a second, but it makes all the difference in the middle of a firefight. Also, if I reduce the directx level, my comp doesn't lag at all, even with a billion things flying around. This doesn't make sense to me. Are there any options under CSS or Windows that might stop my cpu from performing at its highest?

AMD Athlon 64 3200
Radeon X800 Pro
1G Ram
Sounds like a software problem, try updating your graphics drivers.
I have a Athlon 64 3000+, X800 XT PE, 768mb DDR.
And i can get about 100fps maxed out.
it doesnt really matter what u can get maxed out.
more ur average fps and ur lowest
I have all the latest drivers. I just finished reformatting my computer, so we'll see how things go now. I just hope its not a hardware problem...
briggsb2k said:
i know this aint a very good place to post this but i have my credit card here and i'm wondering is it a good idea to buy it. But one thing stopping me is how it will run on my computer. My specs are;
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.08GHz
512 RAM
GeForce FX 5200
If someone here has similar hardware, especially the GFX card would they please post some info


I have a similar second computer (only difference is its a Intel P4 2.8ghz 800fsb)

the game runs great at 800x600 with everything on high (except aa and aaf, both are off)
Mate I am in same boat
I have a
512mb ram
Radeon 9700 pro

I got res 1024*768 with models and textures set to MED everything else set high apart from no AA and got trillnear mode on.

Now i can get about 70 fps standing in closed space on my own but once i see a few enemys or in a open area it hits 30 or less.
One point my FPS hit 10 FPS... JESUS!

All other games work fine i got all latest drivers on etc.

What the hell is up

If I do a stress test and put everything max apart from no AA and FSAA i get 88FPS in it now to me thats good so why ingame med settings I getting bollock performance?

Whats going on i wait all this time for a game I be playing for the next 5yrs and cant even run on it my system, feel sorry for all the buggers with lower systems than this.....................

Please help I beg.
When I throw a nade in office near the computers, my fps goes down to 10 - 13. But regularily I get 60 - 65 fps, never drops while running around, it's only while things are going on. Even this seems extremely low as people are getting around 100. Something is holding me back, and its getting annoying. Hopefully this reformat fixes my prob. *prays*
nah format dont work

Reformat wont fix I done it mate and others with same spec with me....... were all getting shagged scores check the forums at

Dont know what it is.. maybe a bug in source engine to do with older cards like 9700 pr0/9600xts or some crap

I got all latest drivers on too
white devil are u sure ur aa and af is off? and even if u had those on max, with ur kind of comp and card, u should be running around 100
It can't be anything like that. The reformat got my fps to shoot up over 100, but still drops like crazy during firefights or explosions. WHAT IS IT!?
Dunno maybe a bug for certain cards?

I do love CS:S dont get me wrong and I am a proper Valve Fanboy but I dont think this is retail quality/release quality.

Defo feels like beta still ;)
If it were Valve's fault everybody would be experiencing this problem, while they're obviously not.
this may be a silly question but...

what dx path are you running in?
I think those cards are dx8/7, if you are running in 9 by some odd bug, then that would explain things.