Computergame addiction lol this dude


I usually play for that long, sometimes, thats how I got 20 hours of playtime on saints row very quickly. But.. a disease? ...illness? They need to get a clue. They say the addiction too beer is an illness. its not. It is the persons choice to drink.. just as it is our choice to play for 12 hours straight. I have almsot no friends in real life, im sorry to say, Maybe a few, very close friends but I am not cool in any way. A kid killing himself.. Obviously he has some kind of mental problems, just like that kid who played DnD and ended up killing his family with a sword, Ive seen a story on where a kid killed himself because of the cruelness of people on xbox live, he was probobly a great halo2 player, but because of retards, he ended up killing himself. It truly was sad reading it. But people do start playing to seriously (My neighbor.), or not playing seriously enough. (Ex. Hackers.) Unfortunately, I have never found a game that can consume me for months on end. MMORPG's will either get screwed(SWG), or I'll get bored.(WoW).
My first MMORPG was Star Wars Galaxies, And, Of course, SOE has to be a retard by taking away the very thing that made that game unique.. And transformed it into a wannabe WoW. Strangely, I am rambling on now. Ill stop. hopefully, this will have touched someone. Even if it is my cat who is on my bed right now. (PLAYING WOW!)
Cat: F***!
Cat: I need to kill these Godd*** GNOMES! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!
Me: ...sigh...
haha you're a piece of work mate
Wasnt that sweet? I just came up with all that right now.
I'm currently into my fourth day of WoW. I wasn't ever going to get it, but I played it at a friend's house and I got hooked. Hooked as in I want to keep playing, not I can't not play. Also, Lol at me starting this video but doing a quest while listening to the audio.
WOW? I'd rather stick a corkscrew in my japs eye, thanks.
I;ve never played for longer than 4 hours MAX.

(Actually clicked the link)

After the whole Wah-Wah incident between all the A Currect Affair programs, I tend to no longer listen to them. Hey, Channel 9, how about you do something to help Cameron!
I'm currently into my fourth day of WoW. I wasn't ever going to get it, but I played it at a friend's house and I got hooked. Hooked as in I want to keep playing, not I can't not play. Also, Lol at me starting this video but doing a quest while listening to the audio.

I played WoW for about 4 hours on a private server with a copy borrowed from a friend. It took me all that time to try every single character. After about half an hour of gameplay, I wanted to play CounterStrike, but I forced myself to explore the game further.

Here are my honest thoughts on this game: It lacked excitement. The idea of walking around (yes, walking around) in some massive world completing quests did not sound overly compeling to me. I gave the game a shot anyway, even though my right middle and index fingers were aching after just 5 minutes of gameplay. I could never quite figure out how the fighting system worked, but then again, I never cared to research the topic to more depth.

When I played as a human, I got lost in that goddamn city estate and then half the time (more than half the time) I spent in spirit form. Some bastards kept killing me and I never figured out the fighting system.... Having to spend ten and fifteen minutes to return to human forms is worse than having to wait in between rounds in CounterStrike after you get killed. Like 5 times worse because in CS you never have to wait more than 3 minutes to play again.

The game was promptly uninstalled from my PC and I am DAMN GLAD I did not like it. I loaded up CounterStrike and after a few minutes I was completely detramautized. CS is truly therapeutic.
12 hours? Pfft. You should see the ****ing times I've racked up.

In all seriousness though... piss on that video. I'm not saying it doesn't have any validity, but the whole way they channelled it was ridiculous. Cue close-ups to the kid's blank stare, emphasize the word "killing", cut to the photo of "the child he once was". ALAS, POOR CAMERON. ALAS. WOE IS HE.
For God's sake, just cancel his account. You're his parents. You pay the bills. You manage the finances. Cut. Him. The ****. Off.

I'm personally not going to judge the kid as I'm pretty heavily invested in the game as well. He has his reasons, and I have mine. If the two are similar at all, I'm not gonna knock him. I have a fairly limited number of hobbies and due to my current situation, I'm far from the most sociable person in the world. The difference is that I have a job to sustain my habit. He's subject to the flow of money his parents direct to him. So who really should be taking action here?
I'm far from the most sociable person in the world. The difference is that I have a job to sustain my habit. He's subject to the flow of money his parents direct to him. So who really should be taking action here?

Well at least you have something going on in your life. That kid doesn't go to school and doesn't work. ha ha. I'm not sure what you mean by not being the most sociable person in the world. You come across very sociable on this forum....
I can be extremely sociable with people I already know/like. The question is wether or not you make that list.

There aren't that many on it. Not in a nearby vincinity at least.

My posts on this forum are pretty much an expression of what I won't say to people I'm not already on close terms with. The other day, when I explained my position as an atheist to somebody, I was subsequently called uneducated, ignorant, close-minded, and was threatened with having my ass kicked. Events like these act as good dissuaders from meeting new people.
I can be extremely sociable with people I already know/like. The question is wether or not you make that list.

There aren't that many on it. Not in a nearby vincinity at least.

My posts on this forum are pretty much an expression of what I won't say to people I'm not already on close terms with. The other day, when I explained my position as an atheist to somebody, I was subsequently called uneducated, ignorant, close-minded, and was threatened with having my ass kicked. Events like these act as good dissuaders from meeting new people.

I think it depends on the way you present your beliefs to others. If you tell someone that you are an atheist while hinting that you think they are idiots if they do not think like you, I understand why not many people are making it into your list. It becomes sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which you know that other people won't like you and then when you meet someone, you subconsciously make it happen. At the end of the day, you did not end up with a new friend but you'll pat yourself on the back for predicting, correctly, that the person wasn't going to like you anyway. Something to think about if you haven't already...
I don't go out of my way to insult people. The only ones with the pleasure of experiencing that would be my friends, and in that case, we know full well we're going to piss each other off and then laugh about it later. My hatred of religion as presented here is its most distilled, pure form. But in the context of day-to-day events, it simply doesn't matter to me. I largely argue against religion on conceptual terms, which don't have much place in daily life.

But let's get real here. I'm an atheist because I not only find a severe lack of evidence suggesting the existence of a god, but also because I find most (if not all) religious claims about such an entity to be unfulfilling, contradictory, or downright absurd. That brings up the unavoidable implication that I believe your theistic views to be without any merit at all. No matter how much I mince my words (which I do all the time to avoid or at least minimize conflict), that is going to rub people the wrong way.

That does not warrant threats of physical assault.
I don't go out of the way to insult people. My hatred of religion as presented here is its most distilled, pure form. But in the context of day-to-day events, it simply doesn't matter to me. I largely argue against religion on conceptual terms, which don't have much place in daily life.

But let's get real here. I'm an atheist because I not only find a severe lack of evidence suggesting the existence of a god, but also because I find most (if not all) religious claims about such an entity to be unfulfilling, contradictory, or downright absurd. That brings up the unavoidable implication that I believe your theistic views to be without any merit at all. No matter how much I mince my words (which I do all the time to avoid or at least minimize conflict), that is going to rub people the wrong way.

That does not warrant threats of physical assault.

You don't believe in God because you haven't been presented with enough evidence of his existence and because you disagree with most religious claims. That's fine and I respect your point of view. One thing though, even though religions were invented by people with ulterior motives or just plain loonies, how does that disprove the existence of God? Also, why do you disbelieve something just because you don't have enough evidence to prove it exists? That's the part where I say it's "better" to be an agnostic than an atheist.



You do not want to argue with me about the difference between agnosticism and atheism. Trust me.

But that's besides the point. So what if I think there is no god? Since when is that any kind of criteria for threatening to kick somebody's teeth in?
Also, why do you disbelieve something just because you don't have enough evidence to prove it exists?

that sentence pretty much answers itselfl.

But that's besides the point. So what if I think there is no god? Since when is that any kind of criteria for threatening to kick somebody's teeth in?

it's a simple answer. people are ****ing idiots.
You do not want to argue with me about the difference between agnosticism and atheism. Trust me.
Giving a **** and not giving a ****?

I find I'm somewhere in between the two - I don't give a **** either way :)

Also, I have no idea how this turned into a religious debate as I just skimmed to the end of the thread... fuelling pointless debates ftw! :bounce:
It's overflow from the Fundies Say the Darndest Things thread, I think.
that sentence pretty much answers itselfl.

it's a simple answer. people are ****ing idiots.

I believe there is life in another planets, even though I have no evidence whatsoever to prove it. Do I have "faith" in aliens? No, but common sense tells me it's a mathematical possibility that just like life started on Earth it could also have started elsewhere, just like it is a possibility that there is a creator whose existence is beyond human comprehension. The universe is not logical you know... Logic exists in the human brain and in the human brain only to explain the universe, but the universe itself doesn't have to abide by those rules. Just because you can't prove the existence of something through logic doesn't mean it doesn't "exist." Since I don't know, and since I think I understand some of the limitations of my human brain, I am neither much a theist nor an atheist.
Giving a **** and not giving a ****?

I find I'm somewhere in between the two - I don't give a **** either way :)

Correction: If you don't give a **** either way, then you simply don't give a ****, and you would therefore fall into the latter category. There would be no in between.
I believe there is life in another planets, even though I have no evidence whatsoever to prove it. Do I have "faith" in aliens? No, but common sense tells me it's a mathematical possibility that just like life started on Earth it could also have started elsewhere, just like it is a possibility that there is a creator whose existence is beyond human comprehension. The universe is not logical you know... Logic exists in the human brain and in the human brain only to explain the universe, but the universe itself doesn't have to abide by those rules. Just because you can't prove the existence of something through logic doesn't mean it doesn't "exist."

Belief in life elsewhere in the universe is based on mathematical probability, not faith. Even if there were no life aside from our own, nobody would blame you for having a reasonable belief.

Since I don't know, and since I think I understand some of the limitations of my human brain, I am neither much a theist nor an atheist.

You are one of the two.
He's an agnostic, which is a pussy term for atheist.;)
"This never-ending computer game is played by MILLIONS around the globe."
Most of whom do NOT get addicted. Sure, a lot of people spend far too much time playing it but for pity's sake, don't make it sound like the WoW community at large (let alone the wider gaming community) is about to spend all that time playing it and having their lives all but wasted.

I've heard of people going on longer playing sprees than that though - I know people who've played for over 24 hours straight (obviously with brief loo and food breaks) but they don't do that all the time so we must come to the conclusion that there is something wrong in his life that is causing this addiction. Treat the root of the problem, not just blame the game.
Although of course, it's far easier to do that than face up to certain realities about him as a person or oneself as a parent.
The guy in the video doesn't really look like mr.popular now does he.
I can't play Wow, it gets boring after more than 2 hours of gameplay
i thought WoW was boring from the get-go, but those games usually dont attract me so i wasnt surprised.
It could be a great game, and hats off to Blizzard to achieving this milestone in Game-history, but its just not for me.

Gimme a nice MG42 and i'll be happy ;)
I believe there is life in another planets, even though I have no evidence whatsoever to prove it. Do I have "faith" in aliens? No, but common sense tells me it's a mathematical possibility that just like life started on Earth it could also have started elsewhere, just like it is a possibility that there is a creator whose existence is beyond human comprehension. The universe is not logical you know... Logic exists in the human brain and in the human brain only to explain the universe, but the universe itself doesn't have to abide by those rules. Just because you can't prove the existence of something through logic doesn't mean it doesn't "exist." Since I don't know, and since I think I understand some of the limitations of my human brain, I am neither much a theist nor an atheist.

Belief, or better said, acceptance of the chance that life formed outside of Earth, is rational. Rational meaning, based on reason. That reason is our understanding of chemistry and Darwinian evolution and ordinary statistics.

Belief in God, is irrational. It's not based on any reason, it's based on human emotion and therefor subjective and not objective like the odds of there being alien life. Why do you hold this belief? "Because everything is so beautiful!" (just an example, may not apply to you) isn't on the same level of reason as "We know selfreplicating molecules can form under the right conditions and given enough time. Seeing as there are a 100 billion galaxies each containing at least 100 billion stars, the odds of a place existing where these conditions are met is likely."

And actually, the universe is perfectly logical, it's the human brain that isn't. The universe allows itself to be generalized into mathematical laws, aka: logic. The human brain does not. Human brains are machines built to form connections between everything, whether or not those connections are actually there or not. They're not logical.

You don't believe in God because you haven't been presented with enough evidence of his existence and because you disagree with most religious claims. That's fine and I respect your point of view. One thing though, even though religions were invented by people with ulterior motives or just plain loonies, how does that disprove the existence of God? Also, why do you disbelieve something just because you don't have enough evidence to prove it exists? That's the part where I say it's "better" to be an agnostic than an atheist.

Atheists don't "disbelieve" something, not by definition. Atheist means non-theist, not anti-theist.

I do not believe in God precisely because there is no reason to, I however do not exclude the possibility of him existing, simply because there is no such thing as proving the non-existence of something, but I honor the possibility no more than I give the existence of Zeus any thought. I do not actively disbelieve God, I merely do not believe in God. Subtle, but o so important semantics.

But yeah, I'd stay out of the agnost/atheist debate :P
I always thought that most MMORPGs where seriously flawed in that a level 50 player has next to nothing to fear from a level 15 player. Just my thoughts.
If you play games for so long.. ever. You suck. Whats the point in living to play ****ign WOW everyday for ever.
If you play games for so long.. ever. You suck. Whats the point in living to play ****ign WOW everyday for ever.
What's the point is going to this ****ing forum everyday for ever, or played CSS, or any game.
If you play games for so long.. ever. You suck. Whats the point in living to play ****ign WOW everyday for ever.

Yes, because I'm sure WoW is going to last an eternity.
What's the point is going to this ****ing forum everyday for ever, or played CSS, or any game.
This forums a good place to go intbetween other things. If you play games all day your missing out on alot.
the forums are quite different from games
This forums a good place to go intbetween other things. If you play games all day your missing out on alot.
Yes, because everyone who plays MMOs for a long time do it all day and night :rolleyes:
Correction: If you don't give a **** either way, then you simply don't give a ****, and you would therefore fall into the latter category. There would be no in between.
Yeah, probably. But what I meant is a don't care about the distinction. I used to think I was an athiest, then I thought agnosticism summed me up more nicely... now I just find the whole thing pointless so I don't really bother filing myself into either.

So I probably do "belong" to one or the other, I just don't give a ****.

The whole "agnosticism is just athieism in disguise!" thing is semantics at it's most retarded. I fail to see how it proves anything, whether correct or not...

the forums are quite different from games

"Do not listen to the heretic! His comparison is void, the forums are not an addiction! Please resume your regular posting sprees."

The whole "agnosticism is just athieism in disguise!" thing is semantics at it's most retarded. I fail to see how it proves anything, whether correct or not...

The only thing trying to be "proven" is the distinction itself.

I do happen to believe it holds significance, however. "Agnosticism" has somehow come to carry a softer edge than "atheism". There are many, many people that want to play some kind of safe middleground with the former when they honestly are a part of the latter. The reason as to why isn't rocket science. The godless have been persecuted heavily throughout time. And while nobody in western civilization is recieving state-sanctioned execution in this day and age, social prejudice is still entirely prevalent. It's no wonder people wish to steer clear of associating themselves with something carrying such heavily negative connotations in this day and age, despite how unjust they are.

Social progress and acceptance comes through understanding. You thwart that when you accept misuse of logic because you think it doesn't matter. It does. Clear definitions are required, otherwise things are left as a muddled mess. The only thing that will ever arrise from that are ignorance, uneducated accusations, and even the fear of honest self-expression.
Agnostism is stupid.

You don't have to belive there is no god to be an atheist. Atheism is just not holding a belief that god exists.