Computing coursework

May 24, 2003
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Its the final week day of the easter holidays, i have work tommorow and i will probably do nothing on Sunday. Basically, this is the day i have left to do my whole second year computing project.

On top of that i have my Art personal study and my history coursework to finish.

In a sentence...Im going to be royally rogered, and judging by the stories about Prince Charles and his late ancestors, that isnt going to be fun.

So anyway, im at that point now where the "il do it later" no longer makes me feel better. I used to do my work when i got it but this last 2 years ive always scratched it though at the last minute. But now this is the last minute, i realise its going to take a little longer than i anticipated. I dont want to do it but its that time when i have to.

So basically, what do you fine people do in this sort of situation?

Do you even get into this situation, or like me do you spend time writing about it to people you will probably never see in real life.
I do have a plus to this whole malarky. Today while at the library i found a book ive been waiting to get for ages. Someone else doing the same history coursework as me (prohibition) has had it oout for months, and its a nicely sized book dedicated to prohibition. I tihnk its possibly someone in my class who had it as well...but i cant be sure.
I would sit behind my desk and start working till I finish it.

Never let your works to the last minute. This is my last week too and I am right now revising for my Final exam coming next month. I am chatting here and working on my complicated work at the same time. :D

Be cool.
You just reminded me of my situation. Which isnt all that different....

I normally go on this forum and talk about random stuff.....

Oh shite!!! :rolling:
me ?, pfffft, I always spread my work out into nice little chunks :D, or if its something really pathetic and easy, I just do it in one go on the day it was set
yikes that sounds familiar.

it all really depends on how much this coursework is weighted. 40-50% of your final grade and the rest on exam? if it's like that then i suppose you could just do what you can manage in the time and just absolutely kill yourself revising for the exam. although if it's 100% coursework well then get cracking.

i normally work in spurts. i'll open up all the programs i'm going to use then i'll start browsing the net or chat on irc or play some championship manager. then i'll think yeah i'd better make a start, so i'll do some work for an hour or so...before i know it i've spent 4 hours doing my work without realising. it's just hard to get started that's all, but once i'm in the groove it's fine. i'm guessing that's how it is with you from what you said.

failing that throw a sicky tomorrow and get it done during that time. good luck.
yeah itsjust getting into the groove...I have actually written about 6 pages this past 2 days but it feels like 2 lines. Kinda annoying actually, because i suppose i was "in the groove" but still its not enough.
No matter how hard i try, i never ever seem to do work before the day it's due it/early hours of the day it's due in