Concept Art

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It doesn’t really look like a real Valve concept art. To me it looks more like a fan made, photoshopped ‘contept art’. It’s pretty nice tho.
if it's magazine exclusive i'm 100% sure they paid some freelance artist to make something
Very nice stuff.

Thanks Samon and Comoxor. :)
Im pretty much sure its official art work, Pczone had a trip to Valves HQ, must of come back with a load of these, what you dont see in the shot is that at the bottom it says: Limited Edition #### and Valves logo.

Theres also a pic of a plush Vortigaunt in the mag, valves new xmas toy :)
Can I have a PM please too! after all Samon I did give you the old Half-Life 2 voice over's. :)
I would like scans to spontaneously appear in my inbox.

I would also like Samon to love me.
I have it now! Samon is sending round the links, i believe.
Thank YOU!

I dont know about you guys but that looks like a screenshot to me.
That really looks better than the one in Ep2 trailers, way more realitic and..epic. I hope it's not photoshop. Thank you Samon btw!

*hl2poo and noobz i just check your messages.*
Thank YOU!

I dont know about you guys but that looks like a screenshot to me.

A screenshot? To me it looks like a couple of photo’s and maybe some LotR stills pieced together in photoshop.

I really don’t think this is a screenshot.
Any chance of one of those lovely PM`s?
Is that the other peice of the Citadel in the foreground?
'Tis very awesome. My jaw dislocated when I saw the thing.

In other news - I am 1337. Yes, 1337th post.
It's defenatly not a screenshot. It's a matte painting. With elements of different pictures placed in one composition.

Altough it would be really really amazing if it was a screenshot...Maybe for HL3???

Wouldn't it be Cool that you could wander around in the top part of the citadel that was blown away??? Maybe the gravity gun could be supercharged when you are in the vacinity of this huge chunck of debry...

Man seeing things like this makes the waiting even longer ;)
Looking at the picture a word pops into my head: Castle. The citadel reminds me of a castle, the way it is built on raised ground near a river in a flat area. Maybe that's how City 17 was started.
What's with all the secrecy regarding the pic(s)? Why not just post a link to wherever the pic is hosted?
Looking at the picture a word pops into my head: Castle. The citadel reminds me of a castle, the way it is built on raised ground near a river in a flat area. Maybe that's how City 17 was started.

It wasn't built as such though, it arrived. City 17 was already there. I think the raised ground you are looking at is the sort of crater around the base, where the energy burst occurred.
Thanks for the pic, dude.

The right side reminds me of the destroyed SDF1 from Robotech :P
It wasn't built as such though, it arrived. City 17 was already there. I think the raised ground you are looking at is the sort of crater around the base, where the energy burst occurred.
Maybe the raised ground was caused by the explosion but I meant that City 17 (or whatever its name was pre-Combine) was originaly built around a caslte or fort like many towns and cities are.
Probably me being a bit thick, but are/were there any castle type structures in any of the old eastern-bloc countries? Hmmm...*Me tinkers off to Wikipedia*
Perhaps... There might have been.

*dramatic tone* We might not know.
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