Concept Artist Looking for Work...



Hey all, this is my first time posting on this forum. Because i'm so interested in HL2, I decided to join. But to cut the talk, the reason for my posting was that I was wondering if any upcoming mods may be able to use my services. I expect nothing from it, of course, expect to be a part of a great mod and be able to exhibit my art.

Before I get to showing any of my works (in all their crappiness) i'd like to put some parameters on the kinds of mods id like to work with (if any would take me anyway, lol). Ive taken note at the mass abundance of aliens vs. whatever mods, and as much as I like the sci-fi theme, its getting slightly old. Especially since the advent of Unreal 2k4. That said, I would like to work on maybe something fantasy based, if anyone has anything for that. Otherwise, I will consider mostly anything. And really, I could go for a sci-fi alien thing as long as it has some new and cool ideas involved (sort of like Halo, sleek, nice, stylish. That sort of thing). And, I dont think I would care to do anything with an aplocalypse/outbreak/post apocalypse scenario. That, is old to me.

In terms of art, I generally lean towards organic material. But I can do buildings, machines, etc. I also draw outside the bounds of humans a lot, but can draw humans with mild precision. I most often work in black and white, pencil on normal paper. But I can also do color digitally and have been working on that. For a good drawing, the time required depends a lot on the size and subject matter. For a more in depth idea, email me with what youd like and I could possibly tell you. And, on a side note, some have told me I write fairly well and could use my skills with that also in a mod if it required it.

Now, about what I have to show. Right now the site I store things on is having troubles, so i'm going to link my Elfwood account (an art site) which has a few things ive done. If youd like to see more recent things (such as items that arnt a year old) you can email me and request something. Theres also a bio there about me, eventhough it needs updating slightly.

I apologize in advance if I come off as rude or otherwise egotistical, I really do not mean it. I just hope I can be a part of some of the awesome mods ive seen in the past and present. It looks really fun, and I would enjoy contributing to one of my most anticipated games ever.

My Elfwood account can be found here: [link]

My email is [this]

I wish everyone luck on their mods and a good time playing HL2 when it arrives. Thanks all.
You have some good work, but E-Force has allready 2 artists. I hope you can find a mod team that suits you. I would recomend with ductonius, he has a goo team.
Cause and Effect is always looking for more concept artists for creature and character designs. We offer a lot of creative control and a work-at-your-own-pace system.

You can check out the link in my sig, and contact me through PM if you're interested.

Also, check out Sourceworld, which is a somewhat unconventional mod that needs scifi/fantasy character and creature designs. An info link is also in my sig below, and you can apply here: