Concept Artist

I'm in Blue Thunder because its a friends mod, Madcow. Voice acting isn't really that much, do some voices and your done. There are alot of people in more than one mod, alot. Not just small jobs either, people who are leaders of two mods, co-leaders and such. Voice acting really doesn't take alot of time away, just a couple of voices that could be done in less than a day. Maybe its time we get back ontopic.
Gotta love the internet. Say anything you want and you get to keep all of your teeth :<
Ok, i have seen several of your posts, and they are really pointless. So i think you should only post if your interested in teh actuall topic. You may not be able to get punched in the jaw, but you can get pretty well slapped by what people think of what you post. Trust me, i know, i was banned for making posts like that from many a forum. NOt trying to be mean or anyhting, but it is true. You need to stay relevent to the topic.
Emo. Emo. Where art thou Emo. Perhaps En1gma may tell.

You must be joking right? I mean, coming from you this is obviously a joke.

You obviously jump at any opportunity to be negative. You need to sit down, look around- realize you are no one special.
Do not critique me, do not assume that what you write is some intelligent retort. Who's place is it you presume to sit it? Where do you get off even thinking that what you say holds any weight. I don't care if you've been banned before- as far as Im concerned it should happen again. As for you not being mean? What the hell were you trying to do. Bake me a cake?

Nothing I said was remotely negative, it was pun towards all of the loud mouth mother-jacks that say stupid crap knowing short of being banned would have no reprecusion.

Sit down, cry, stfu, and eat your bagel troll.
Calimaw said:
You obviously jump at any opportunity to be negative. You need to sit down, look around- realize you are no one special.
Do not critique me, do not assume that what you write is some intelligent retort. Who's place is it you presume to sit it? Where do you get off even thinking that what you say holds any weight. I don't care if you've been banned before- as far as Im concerned it should happen again. As for you not being mean? What the hell were you trying to do. Bake me a cake?

Wow. You really just jumped at nothing.

He was trying to be helpful (although what he posted wasn't very, he was still TRYING). He didn't say anything negative at all (aimed at you at least).

I think YOU might need to sit down, and take a few deep breaths.
I don't enjoy gorillas on my back for saying "Gotta love the internet... teeth :<". It wasnt something that even needed commenting on. Sure I blew up, people like him set me off, today is not a good day for me, and Im having a hell of a time even getting a response from people about a serious topic, where as ludicrous and ridiculous mind bending banter seems to be a great magnet for comments. Stupid people drive me up the wall. If he's not looking for a fight, he should have kept it to himself, Im not competing in the special Olympics here.
He is just trying to help to get this topic ONtopic as am I. He shouldn't keep it to himself, I think its time we do get this ontopic. He's not stupid for saying we need to get ontopic, don't see how that can really work. Please, this is getting way offtopic, I think its time to get back ontopic please.
I don't believe this fellow who posted the thread is around any more. I believe people managed to scare him.