"condemned:criminal origins" by monolith

Yeah i've had my eye on this one looks Awsome too me graphics 10/10 gamplay 10/10 sound 9/10 this game is going to rock and its only for Xbox 360.
Alan Freeman said:
Yeah i've had my eye on this one looks Awsome too me graphics 10/10 gamplay 10/10 sound 9/10 this game is going to rock and its only for Xbox 360.

You can't judge gameplay by just watching videos...

But yes, it looks awesome. I'll be buying it when it comes out.
Yea this title looks absolutely killer :D

Monolith sure knows how to make some freaky games!!!
Watched some of gamespots new gameplay videos...on gameplay 8, the last guy reacted/acted weirdly, as do some of the npcs in other vids
only type of negative thing I've noticed so far though, it looks really neat.
what the... that freaky sequence is really weird

whats up with those statue things everywhere? and they keep moving every time your flashlight goes bright?
Looks really cool, especially the weapon damage tidbit and the fact that you can block attacks.
I've never been more freaked out watching anything from the internet
cadaver, so little have been said about the PC vers, nothing have been shown etc.
And remember guys, from the beginning it was also supposed to come to the PS3.
The PC vers is only listed as TBA on every place I've seen, and it'll probably released like a year after the XB vers.:p
Seems to have everything I didnt like about fear.
TheGrimSweeper said:
Looks like its using the same Engine as F.E.A.R, which is pretty sweet.
Well, if it does use the F.E.A.R. engine it should be able to have soft-shadows, too bad it doesn't, I like soft-shadows so much more than the "hard stencil" ones.
F.E.A.R with soft-shadows = Lovely.
F.E.A.R. with stencil-shadows = Mmm?
Still some pretty nice graphics tho, but not the most impressive I've seen.
Even though I have a good PC, I'm getting condemned for X360, because I have a surround system hooked up to all my consoles and this game is going to be awesome with it.
I do like the way the animations are 'clunky' like if you really gave a person a bat with a piece of concrete on, they would swing it badly.
^Ben said:
I do like the way the animations are 'clunky' like if you really gave a person a bat with a piece of concrete on, they would swing it badly.

Yea I thought the swinging/other violent animations were done really well :D
what the... that freaky sequence is really weird

whats up with those statue things everywhere? and they keep moving every time your flashlight goes bright?

No foo, they only move when you walk farther through the map, and they only move up behind you, so that you can't go backwards...don't know why...creepy though.

I feel stupid using spoiler tags...
If it does use the same engine as F.E.A.R. (it'd have to be changed quite a bit in order to utilize the multi-cored XBox 360) then it'd be super-simple to develop it on the PC simultaneously since it is a PC based engine. In fact the XBox 360 version should talk longer as they'd have to optimize it for using multiple-cores.
^Ben said:
Seems to have everything I didnt like about fear.

Your still flaming fear? Damn you must be very lonely.

Anyway, ill be picking this up for sure!
Dude He Broke The ****ing Shotgun Buttstock Over That Lady/doll/skeletons Face!!! Instense!
operative x said:
Dude He Broke The ****ing Shotgun Buttstock Over That Lady/doll/skeletons Face!!! Instense!

He also...headbutted it to finish it off? Liek Ewwwie? I think a swift kick to its head, sending it rolling, woulda been cooler :D
I hope this game has co-op because my chicken shit ass would'nt be able to play this game all alone. Idontbelonghere you can be my wingman mmmkay? I'll let you go into rooms first, and if your not attacked i'll follow you in.:cheese: