Condemned Demo Tomorrow !!!11

Wow, this actually ran decently on my rig on Medium settings. :O
Unfortunately I only got up to the part where one of my men are complaining about the smell of cigarette smoke.
I'll finish it when I get home from school.
guys any direct public link.....????

edit: gamershell DOH!
xlucidx said:
Wow, this actually ran decently on my rig on Medium settings. :O
Unfortunately I only got up to the part where one of my men are complaining up the smell of cigarette smoke.
I'll finish it when I get home from school.
yeah i just got up to that point too lastnight before i had to go to bed, looks awesome, great voice acting btw, often overlooked, i liked the minimilistic feel, just a handgun with a few rounds etc, ran really well too.

i've heard the full version(360) is very short though and gets repetitive :(
jimbo118 said:
yeah i just got up to that point too lastnight before i had to go to bed, looks awesome, great voice acting btw, often overlooked, i liked the minimilistic feel, just a handgun with a few rounds etc, ran really well too.

i've heard the full version(360) is very short though and gets repetitive :(
It's not repetitive, but it is short (to put it in perspective, the demo is around 1/10th of the game). It's a huge blast to play, though. There's nothing better than ripping a metal signpost off a wall and whacking people over the head with it.

I'll download the demo and make comparisons.
It was alright, but after playing oblivion and riddick the melee combat feels kinda dull.
Wow, they certainly changed things a lot for the demo. Most of it is the first level, but the small part where you briefly go outside is from way later in the game (and that huge brawl doesn't even happen), then it goes back to level one when the guy in the jumpsuit attacks you (I'm keeping it vague, because he's an important character). They certainly blended the two levels together very smoothly, and there are parts that have been taken out completely with shortcuts added and more enemies, probably to keep the pace faster and action more intense.

Anyway, apart from those large differences, everything else is pretty much the same. Nothing different about the combat, finishers etc. Although I found it much harder to fight and block than on the 360.
Wow, pretty cool. It's a bit Max Payne goes CSI. Very good atmosphere. I like the way NPC's hide behind corners and suddenly jump up on you. The first time it happened I almost jumped off my chair. Pretty good ending too. Oh, and it runs very good too. Everything maxed @ 1280x1024. I might consider getting this.
One of the best of its kind since Kingpin. I love the fighting system and all the gore, violence and the sick murderer :D
I wasted my money when i bought FEAR, everything in that game was crap in my opinion but i am for sure getting Condemned asap :D

Best horror game out there atm ;D

EDIT: Just played some with all lights turned off and difficulty on hard. As I came to the room where you need the fireaxe, I left my shotgun in the other room and grabbed the axe and smashed down the door, two addicts or whatever they are were in this room. First I got attacked by one of them and my health was like 10-15% so I quickly ran to the room where I left my shotgun, with only 15% health I would not have a chance to beat the other freak, I though he was hiding in that room but as I came closer to the shotgun I heard his running footsteps just behind my back and my heartbeat increased alot, I also started swetting and felt cold :O
But luckily I was quick enough to grap my shotty and shoot the bastard. I must admit, this is the first time since AvP that I got really scared :I

This is truly one entertaining game with a great atmosphere.
I played it last night. Good atmosphere like everyone said. Creepy. I'll probably get this game.
It was a tad scarier on PC for some reason, on Xbox 360 I didnt find it scary atall :/

But other than that it was pretty cool, although you can rip alot of stuff off the walls the fighting wasn't that much fun. I'd prefer it if there was some hardcore high tech weapons :p.
Axyon said:
It's not repetitive, but it is short (to put it in perspective, the demo is around 1/10th of the game). It's a huge blast to play, though. There's nothing better than ripping a metal signpost off a wall and whacking people over the head with it.

I'll download the demo and make comparisons.
1/10th :eek:
Good god that is incredibly short :stare:
I must say I didn't find a shotgun so I think I'll go back and play it again. The sound seems really good in this game. Graphically it's pretty similar to FEAR, some parts look better some worse.
I can't get enough of this game. It's so damn brutal and I damn love it :D
this is good stuff.

first game to ever scare me (towards the end of the demo)
yeah the blur effects gave me a headache too but i like the game. I'll probably have adjust some settings.

As for the edited nature of the first level. Thats something that Monolith also did with their FEAR demo. Edit together some various areas to give as much of an impression of the game as they can. The first level of the actual game is most likely going to be the same as the 360 version
Wow - didnt really think to bother downloading it, but saw a video of it on tv and im like wow i remember this from e3 last year. then im like holy crap a demo.

Combat is very awesome.
It's alright. I liked the investigation stuff much more than the melee combat because it wasn't anything special to me. I liked the way the gun combat felt though.
AmishSlayer said:
It's alright. I liked the investigation stuff much more than the melee combat because it wasn't anything special to me. I liked the way the gun combat felt though.


I didn't really like it all too much in general... too dark and a bit boring.
Didn't like it either. Visuals are mostly boring. Combat looked good in the videos but isn't even as good as Oblivions.
nutcrackr said:
1/10th :eek:
Good god that is incredibly short :stare:
I must say I didn't find a shotgun so I think I'll go back and play it again.

It's in a room whose door needs to be chopped down with an axe.
Terrific graphics. Meh gameplay. The melee is pretty well done alright, but the CSI elements are so ridiculously simplified that it makes me sad they even tried to make the gameplay more involved by adding this silly waste of time in there. And if this is 1/10 of the final game, then this won't be in my collection until it hits the bargain bin. Oh well. I am enjoying the Tomb Raider demo much more. :)