Confirmed: the Sun is a sphere


Feb 3, 2005
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NASA's 2006 STEREO probes have sent back our first full 360 degree, 3D view of the sun.
The probes can actually take pictures of four wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet radiation, giving scientists even more important information on a consistent basis.
Like advances in weather forecasting, seeing the backside of the sun can help scientists see things like sunspots form before they are in view of Earth, giving us valuable time to prepare for events like flares and plasma clouds that could head toward our small planet. “With this nice global model, we can now track solar storms heading toward other planets, too,” points out Guhathakurta. “This is important for NASA missions to Mercury, Mars, asteroids … you name it.”

Everyone knows the Sun is a disk! NASA is LYING!
isnt it a ball of fire that boils constantly?
It's a ball of molten hydrogen and helium. It won't ever have permanent features, but some sun spots, and solar prominences can last years. The most interesting thing about it for me, is that the sun is a very loud place due to all of the burning, and constant explosions. So if it were possible to stand on the sun, imagine constantly hearing a bunch of dynamite explode in your face, indefinitely. The explosions would create a white noise, distant, and near, and it is likely that you would go deaf fairly quickly.

Sorry to go off topic with that, I just think it's interesting. :p
It's a ball of molten hydrogen and helium. It won't ever have permanent features, but some sun spots, and solar prominences can last years. The most interesting thing about it for me, is that the sun is a very loud place due to all of the burning, and constant explosions. So if it were possible to stand on the sun, imagine constantly hearing a bunch of dynamite explode in your face, indefinitely. The explosions would create a white noise, distant, and near, and it is likely that you would go deaf fairly quickly.

Sorry to go off topic with that, I just think it's interesting. :p

Fairly quickly? The amount of energy being released you'd be deaf the first instant any amount of sound were able to reach your ears. The sun is more like nuclear explosions not dynamite. Just think... from 3.3 miles away in our atmosphere a 1 megaton nuclear bomb produces 183 decibels... imagine being right next to it.
Fairly quickly? The amount of energy being released you'd be deaf the first instant any amount of sound were able to reach your ears. The sun is more like nuclear explosions not dynamite. Just think... from 3.3 miles away in our atmosphere a 1 megaton nuclear bomb produces 183 decibels... imagine being right next to it.

Yeah. That. You explained it better than me.
In space no one can hear you scream.
Actually I think you are right. Makes sense.
But where's the celestial teacup?!

Goddamnit, NASA. God. Damnit.
If the sun creates a nuclear explosion and there's no one around, does it still make a sound?
If the sun creates a nuclear explosion and there's no one around, does it still make a sound?

That's kind of like asking: "Is the world still there when I close my eyes?"
The sun makes sound in the proximity of its surrounding gases.
The fact that these things are still being confirmed is a good enough reason to take the same approach to every aspect of your life - you might find some awesome things.
Confirmed - I still have feet. Updates on this situation as we get them.
That's absolutely god damn awesome. I would love to have that as a constantly looping animated desktop background.
In space there is no air. so no sound.

The sun is a super heated ball of hydrogen and helium, it isn't really molten... well.. it is I geuss. It is plasma which is the fourth state of matter, It's inside is in a constant struggle between the extreme pressure pushing out and gravity pushing in. When iron first forms in a star then the star literaly has SECONDS TO LIVE, it will compress to a small sphere of super dense particles and for either a Black hole or as a rebound explode into a super nova which will create the metals and elements that for the planet.. thsi is what Carl Seagan ment by "We are all made of stardust" because it is true
I always thought the sun was an uneven 2D circle with lines of light coming out of it all the way round the edges.
We may never now, have you ever looked in 2D?
How would you know?..... aaahhhh my brain is coming apart
I completely derailed my own thread at the title. Anyone watch the any of the videos? Which ones are cool?
Sun unleashes huge solar flare (time-lapse video)

"The eruption is a so-called X-flare, the strongest type"


The massive spot near center is the X-flare.

The unpredictable eruptions on the Sun can interfere with modern technology on Earth, such as electrical power grids, communications systems and satellites.

My internet wasn't working when I woke up this morning, I had to reset that bitch. I have no idea if it's related, of course.
The fact that these things are still being confirmed is a good enough reason to take the same approach to every aspect of your life - you might find some awesome things.

What demon motivates you to say such truth? Elaborate upon this, I say.

Well... here's something relevant to the original post.

I like it a lot becuase it reminds me of the movie Sunshine. However, the video is from 2007, but it's from STEREO.

I like how a pattern like that, which is present in celestial bodies, can also appear in microscopic scales, like in animal cells, for instance.
I like how a pattern like that, which is present in celestial bodies, can also appear in microscopic scales, like in animal cells, for instance.
Interesting comment. I have observed such things in other areas of nature... though I can't think of any off-hand.
Sun quakes are what solar flares are essentialy called, cool thing it did that to youre comp, In the 1800 there was one that actually was so strong it set telegraph wire lines on fire, and in 1990's I think one happened that cut off copmmunications for like 5 minutes or so
Well, there is a lot of doom and gloom with a forecast suggesting: hot with a chance of shit hitting the fan.

Are solar flares a real threat? (video)
Defence Secretary Liam Fox has highlighted warnings from scientists that essential infrastructure could be paralysed by a once-in-a-century solar flare.

Newsnight's Science editor Susan Watts considers how much we really need to worry about the warning and the possibility of life without electricity.

Researchers say the Sun is awakening after a period of low activity, which does not bode well for a world ever more dependent on satellite navigation. (video/article)

The Sun's irregular activity can wreak havoc with the weak sat-nav signals we use.

The last time the Sun reached a peak in activity, satellite navigation was barely a consumer product.
All we have to do is sacrifice people to the sun god, maybe by flying them into the sun in a spaceship?