confused about Gordon



He seems kind of wimpy while not wearing H.E.V suit. shouldn't he be at least a little strong after his adventure in HalfLife?
He must have a really muscular right arm after having to swing that crowbar for three days straight(Half-Life 1).

However, to Gordon it has really only been like 2 weeks between the beginning of HL1 and the end of HL2. It takes longer then that to truly "bulk up".
He also just woke up after a rather long nap, and City 17 was all out
of Mt.Dew. So it can be understood that he was not up to full speed
when he first arrived.
Of course, all there was in City 17 was water. Good tasty water. In fact I have a case in my car does anyone want some?
Who sais gordons a wimp? When barney tells him "citizen, come with me" and then says "yeah im gonna need me some privicy for this" Gordonss thinking: BRING IT FOOL! And just waiting to open a can of whop ass. But then its just barney and they share some memories and then hes on his merry little way.
He also trows the can in the metrocops head. Thas childish and mean.
I didn't say he was wimpy, I said KIND of wimpy, wimpy people don't fight combine, zombies, antlions, barnicles, stiders, or anything thing else Gordon fights.
So he can't punch without a HEV suit.

Big friggin' deal.
i always put that can in the trash just for the sake of scripted content, but then i pick it up again and lob it at him. shame on your mother!!!

anyway, i'm sure gordon is strong, he just doesn't have those big bulky weight lifter muscles, he has those athletic, lithe muscles that he would get from being constantly active. and how would YOU know? have YOU ever seen gordon nekkid?

luckily for alyx it's also about having nerves of stone and balls of steel!! and plenty of SPUNK!!

no pun intended

ent_fire alyx setexpressionoverride scripts\citadel\al_gogordon

i feel i've gone too far...
why whould you do that its just to trow it in his head and run past him. And i always throw suitcases and boxes at them. Evil basterds.
npc_create npc_jerk
ent_setname Rizzo89
ent_fire Rizzo89 setexpressionoverride scripts\morontown\ri_imabigfatjerk
I think it's because he cant crouch very low because of the suit.
Only the cool factor stops Gordon Freeman from ROUNDHOUSE KICKING THE GUARD IN THE FACE.
Jintor said:
Only the cool factor stops Gordon Freeman from ROUNDHOUSE KICKING THE GUARD IN THE FACE.

If Gordon ever tried roundhouse kicking someone, he would be killed by Chuck Norris for obvious reasons.
He's like, 'yeah, i COULD throw a shelf at you with the grav gun, but i'd much rather batter you with a radiator cos that's just who i am baby.
Hesuses said:
If Gordon ever tried roundhouse kicking someone, he would be killed by Chuck Norris for obvious reasons.
Chuck Norris is the star of FEAR!
nah, Chuck got his ass handed to him by Bruce Lee once...therefore, the only person with such awesome abilities must have been SHORT RECOIL!
... I'm so confused right now. What on Earth (or Xen) are you talking about?