Confused with Barney's Dialogue

If any Metrocops had decided to side with the rebels during the uprising, they would have most likely gotten rid of their uniforms by the time Gordon arrives a week later and just become normal rebels.
Apocalypse89 said:
If any Metrocops had decided to side with the rebels during the uprising, they would have most likely gotten rid of their uniforms by the time Gordon arrives a week later and just become normal rebels.
Just like Barney also had time to have a shower and switch uniforms before we saw him in Episode 1?
Metrocops had been seriously brainwashed. They couldn't do anything which shows a single bit of disobedience to the central Government, the Combine. You can see the modification on the cops' bodies, which was in Nova Prospekt. The effect of it is that they cannot have a mind on helping rebels, no matter what the circumstances are.

On the other hand, Barney is dressed in metrocop's uniform. Barney may steal it from others because Barney was not modified, or combinfied. He is still a real human who doesn't co-opt with the Combine.
bbson_john said:
Metrocops had been seriously brainwashed. They couldn't do anything which shows a single bit of disobedience to the central Government, the Combine. You can see the modification on the cops' bodies, which was in Nova Prospekt. The effect of it is that they cannot have a mind on helping rebels, no matter what the circumstances are.

On the other hand, Barney is dressed in metrocop's uniform. Barney may steal it from others because Barney was not modified, or combinfied. He is still a real human who doesn't co-opt with the Combine.
No. What you saw in Nova Prospekt was a combine soldier.
AJ Rimmer said:
No. What you saw in Nova Prospekt was a combine soldier.

Metrocops are similar, I think. 'cos if the cops are true human, I am sure they will know what's happening and will join the rebels.
bbson_john said:
Metrocops are similar, I think. 'cos if the cops are true human, I am sure they will know what's happening and will join the rebels.

There are metrocops which are this way, and have had their memory replaced with combine codes and programs. At one time the overwatch radio voice says, "Memory replacement is the first step toward rank privileges". When you choose to have your memory replaced more and more, you move up to higher ranks and lose the ability to make choices for yourself. Total memory replacement would probably result in having no ability to choose for yourself at all. The ones you were fighting after the rebellion had begun were most likely ones that had their memories replaced, and wouldn't be able to turn over to the rebel side.
Revenge said:
Just like Barney also had time to have a shower and switch uniforms before we saw him in Episode 1?

He could have been working undercover for a while even after the uprising began, destabilizing Civil Protection's ranks from the inside. And even after that, he might have needed the uniform to take advantage of the security clearance.

In any case, ever single surviving citizen in City 17 had time to change into a combat uniform by the time of Gordon's arrival, so I don't see why a defecting Metrocop couldn't.

And bbson_john, only high-ranking metrocops are brainwashed, since memory replacement is a requirement for being promoted. low-ranking ones probably have their original mind(or part of it) intact.
Apocalypse89 said:
And bbson_john, only high-ranking metrocops are brainwashed, since memory replacement is a requirement for being promoted. low-ranking ones probably have their original mind(or part of it) intact.

Okay, so we have the conclusion. The remain cops are high rank cops. Other cops have already turned on the Combine.
bbson_john said:
Okay, so we have the conclusion. The remain cops are high rank cops. Other cops have already turned on the Combine.
Not likely. Most Metrocops have probably fled or are dead. The ones that are still alive are probably high ranking ones, yes, but I doubt there are many metrocops who'd be allowed to join the rebels.
AJ Rimmer said:
I doubt there are many metrocops who'd be allowed to join the rebels.

What prevents them from throwing their uniform away and pretending to be refugees? Remember, that unlike the Overwatch soldiers, they are ordinary humans under that gas-mask.
Lightice said:
What prevents them from throwing their uniform away and pretending to be refugees? Remember, that unlike the Overwatch soldiers, they are ordinary humans under that gas-mask.

These are humans we're talking about. In a small community like City17 (like 10,000? less? more?) people know each other and they know who sold out. Their long term memory may be fcuked but they'll still remember. Most metrocops couldnt just assimilate back into rebel forces.

Remember what they did to that combine soldier at the vortigaunt camp? They hung him on like a stake and used him to test out antlions viscious attacks on. The rebels really do hate the combine. Even though the metrocops are more human thats probably even more reason to hate them. They sold out while they were still in control of their mind.
Lawnmower233 said:
These are humans we're talking about. In a small community like City17 (like 10,000? less? more?) people know each other and they know who sold out. Their long term memory may be fcuked but they'll still remember. Most metrocops couldnt just assimilate back into rebel forces.

I was not aware that we knew the number of residents in City 17 - to me it appears like a fair-sized city with quite possibly hundreds of thousands of citizens. Hell, we see hundreds of metrocops alone, during the game - do you think that a a city of 10 000 needs that many cops, even under a totalitarian rule? Also, remember that no-one is native to City 17, with possible exception of Father Grigori. They all are immigrants. The same holds for metrocops. The chances of them being recognised by citizens without their gear are slim.

Remember what they did to that combine soldier at the vortigaunt camp? They hung him on like a stake and used him to test out antlions viscious attacks on.

I assumed it to be a doll, but if it was a real corpse, I imagine that he was shot in a fight. You wouldn't want your prisoner give away the position of your hideout with his helmet radio and besides, capturing people, who don't care about dying and own hand grenades alive, isn't really worth the trouble.

And he was an Overwatch soldier, not a metrocop, anyhow.

Even though the metrocops are more human thats probably even more reason to hate them. They sold out while they were still in control of their mind.

There is no doubt that there is plenty of hatred around, but there are several ways an ex-metrocop could at least partially redeem himself, by saving lives and giving info about Combine. And there is still the matter which I mentioned, of removing the uniform and passing as just another refugee.
Lightice said:
I was not aware that we knew the number of residents in City 17 - to me it appears like a fair-sized city with quite possibly hundreds of thousands of citizens. Hell, we see hundreds of metrocops alone, during the game - do you think that a a city of 10 000 needs that many cops, even under a totalitarian rule? Also, remember that no-one is native to City 17, with possible exception of Father Grigori. They all are immigrants. The same holds for metrocops. The chances of them being recognised by citizens without their gear are slim.

I assumed it to be a doll, but if it was a real corpse, I imagine that he was shot in a fight. You wouldn't want your prisoner give away the position of your hideout with his helmet radio and besides, capturing people, who don't care about dying and own hand grenades alive, isn't really worth the trouble.

And he was an Overwatch soldier, not a metrocop, anyhow.

There is no doubt that there is plenty of hatred around, but there are several ways an ex-metrocop could at least partially redeem himself, by saving lives and giving info about Combine. And there is still the matter which I mentioned, of removing the uniform and passing as just another refugee.

I doubt a metrocop would have much info about the combine. Maybe a soldier would but I think for the metrocops the robotic sounding "Overwatch" controls everything worth while and the metrocops know only as much as they need.

Secondly most of the cops we see are complete assholes. They obvious enjoy their job and its long past the days where they just do it for a meal. People that have become so power hungry and evil like most of the metrocops I doubt could throw down their differences with the rebels and join them. Its been, what? like a day or two since the citadel's dark fusion reactor went boom. I doubt a cold front like the metrocops and a warm front like the rebels could just throw aside their differences and hug each other. In fact they'd create one hell of a storm if they met.

And the idea that every single metrocop magically was either forgiven for their evil deeds or found a vortex to xen where they threw all their old combine clothes, found new rebel clothes (where off dead bodies? Wouldnt they be covered with blood? and bullet holes?) AND then somehow swallowed their pride (they have just gone from overlords to common scum in a day) and put on the most amazing pretencious act of all time to manipulate every single rebel into believing they're Sorry/Not a Metrocop, are slim.

They'd have to get the rebels believing they were one of them. How would they do this? No rebels know them. The rebels are hardly going to welcome some stranger wearing bloodied clothes with bullet holes in them and with no wounds into their gang. Would you? I certainly as hell wouldn't. And even if a few of them managed to pull this off. COuld the whole city full of metrocops do the same? I don't think so I'd say the metrocops would stick together and fight the rebels to the end for a train out of the city. I doubt they'd co-operate when there's limited space.

And also about the Soldier at the vortigaunt camp. I know hes an overwatch soldier. That was the point.

If they hang up a corpse for viscious antlions to play with they must hate the guy, right? How do you think they feel about a metrocop who's still HUMAN? You can forgive a mindless soldier with a frontal lobotomy and no larynx for what he did. He's just a mindless drone. But how do you forgive a human whos beaten hundreds of citizen in maybe a week? and taken PLEASURE in it?

I doubt you could. I coudl forgive people like Barney who are good and are "way behind on their beating quota" but not the majority of the Metrocops. They are pure evil.
The whole point of the Metrocop uniform is that it entirely masks the citizen's identity. The masks obscure their face, their voice, everything. Only if they choose can they show the person who they are under it, and why would they reveal that to people? When the shit hits the fan, all they need to do is to get hold of some the mass-produced citizen's uniforms. They probably have some lying around their own homes as they were all citizens once. They then walk out into the street, meet some rebels and get recruited and no one knows anything whatsoever about their past. They could quite easily make it up after all, because movement around City 17 seems to be pretty finely controlled for the citizens and the rebels are drawn from citizen ranks either before or after the uprising. No one person in the rebellion knows the history and previous alliegences of every person in the rebellion, so why would it be difficult to slip through the net, especially in all that chaos? As far as the rebellion is concerned, if your guns are pointing away from them and at the combine, you're more of friend than a foe, and they haven't got time to look through the old family album and see you recieveing your degree in Anticitizen Torture at Citadel U.

It is more likely that they'd get into their citizens uniforms and simply escape, but I wouldn't under estimate the Metrocop's ability to switch alliegences once their overlords looks set to topple. Some people just naturally align themselves with whoever has the most power, and who can give them the best quality of life.
kupoartist said:
The whole point of the Metrocop uniform is that it entirely masks the citizen's identity. The masks obscure their face, their voice, everything. Only if they choose can they show the person who they are under it, and why would they reveal that to people? When the shit hits the fan, all they need to do is to get hold of some the mass-produced citizen's uniforms. They probably have some lying around their own homes as they were all citizens once. They then walk out into the street, meet some rebels and get recruited and no one knows anything whatsoever about their past. They could quite easily make it up after all, because movement around City 17 seems to be pretty finely controlled for the citizens and the rebels are drawn from citizen ranks either before or after the uprising. No one person in the rebellion knows the history and previous alliegences of every person in the rebellion, so why would it be difficult to slip through the net, especially in all that chaos? As far as the rebellion is concerned, if your guns are pointing away from them and at the combine, you're more of friend than a foe, and they haven't got time to look through the old family album and see you recieveing your degree in Anticitizen Torture at Citadel U.

It is more likely that they'd get into their citizens uniforms and simply escape, but I wouldn't under estimate the Metrocop's ability to switch alliegences once their overlords looks set to topple. Some people just naturally align themselves with whoever has the most power, and who can give them the best quality of life.

I agree. SOME might slip through the net. Just no where near all of them. That leaves lots of metrocops still on the combine side. We actually fight some of these loyal metrocops while we shuffle some people to the train station in the last leg of the episode. Whether they were helping the Combine soldiers just to get on the train I dunno but they still fighting against the rebels. My guess is most metrocops are either dead or fighting with each other to get out of city 17. I doubt very few "slipped the net" and joined the rebels.
Then there's the extreme propaganda and brainwashing the metrocops go through, not to mention some (if not the majority) has had memory replacement, if not by some surgery then by good old Breen-o water, and are actually naturally inclined to hurt their fellow men, not fight with them.