Congratulations Valve


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Lets put all our difference aside for once, lets all forget all grudges we may have had against Valve, lets forget all mistakes they may have made, and just congratulate them on the completion of this masterpiece!


(no discussions please)
oh god.

threads like this make me want to vomit :/
Thank you valve for your hard work... Now lets get started on HL3
Computer Science major over here, I'll be done in time... email me.
I don't think I have even criticised Valve once, seriously.

Congratulations Valve on making the best game ever, and being so open and responsive to the fans

Now take a long deserved vacation ;)
Congrats Valve, im sure it will live up to our expectations. Has Gabe released a PR too yet ?
YAY for valve :) I supose we can pat VUG on the back since its gold :p
half-life 2 Is Going To Suck - Wait, Nm It Already Sucks!!!

jk :)
I think you would have to be a complete ass to hold a grudge against Valve. That's just about stupid. Valve gave us one of the best games in PC history and are about to release what looks like another. Sorry to be offensive, but really, people need to get over themselves.

Congratulations VALVe!!! Thank you for sticking it out through rough times, and for putting up with all of the bullshit from the community, and from others who wish to make your lives miserable in other ways...

Thanks for all you have done for the community, and for gaming in general, I can't even imagine what gaming would be like today without you guys!!



Thank you Valve! now i'll be wasting another 5 years on my computer.
Suckerpunch that scanner pinata VALVe!!!

oh wait, you already did that! Get wasted and party a couple of weeks in mexico. Give your family the attention they have been waiting for.

Great job, congratulations!
omg get over it... if you want to say thanks send them an email!
brisck1 said:
Now go Take a damn holiday!! :p

Nah they have to patch out soem issues in cs;s first THAN they can get a nice long holiday THAN we need tf2 info =p it never ends
Thank you valve i never doubted you and never plan on it.I knew it would come out eventually .

Oh the GOLDness of it all!

:cheers: :rolling: :thumbs:
I don't wish to rain on the parade, because I believe it's true. The press release certainly is from Vivendi...

But has anyone received confirmation from Valve yet? Through email or a statement of some kind? I keep checking the official Half-Life 2 website and Steam Powered, but there hasn't been any update to the news sections yet.

No doubt this is academic, but I'm still displaying a quiet note of caution until I see Valve back up Vivendi's claims too.
Well since I've cosplayed as Jesus(no lie, I really did, at school), I'll forgive VALVe of their past sins, such as lying about release dates to get the hype up and such.
Congrats VALVe, good luck on giving VUG a beating.
Whoa, I guess that makes me a heretic!
coZ said:
omg get over it... if you want to say thanks send them an email!

Well done coZ, you now have more posts in this thread than the vast majority of the other posters! :thumbs:

Congratulations to Valve on a game well done! We'll be playing in just over 4 weeks on!

I'ts most likely valve will come across this thread, I offer my congratulations - I hope the entire staff got very drunk at the celebratory party


Either way, don't slack off now - we all want November 16th :)
Congratulations Valve! You are going to kick ID Software and Bungie's collective asses next month!