Cons of the Source


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well, we all know the AMAZING things source can do, now let's name the cons of Source, after all, nothings perfect ;)

The ones that come to mind for me so far are:

1. Lighting isn't fully dynamic.
2. Appears to be clipping issues.
3. Water is not real-time nor dynamic, thus if you shot a barrell with water in it, the water would remain in the barell.
4. Jaggies, appears as though AA doesn't work with it.
5. A.I seem to not go for cover, from what we've seen they reload right in front of Gordon.

Anyone else think of any others?
How many times do we have to show how water physics are not NOT a con! OMG End the pain please! There must have been 1000 posts already explaining that you cant list something as a con for an engine if it doesnt exist as a pro in another engine!]

Also, HL1 has dynamic water physics, and so does HL2. Oh no, water wont spill out of a hole by Havoks own doing... big whoop. Its scriptable! And the average gamer cant notice the diferenece!

Someone please explain to me why so many people refuse to do reasearch before posting what they believe to be facts. I'd really like to know.
Damn, imagine an engine that support real time water physics !
that would be amazing... but we'll need some GREAT hardware to make the engine run well.
About the lightings: I don't really know if Source supports dynamic lighting & shadows, but I saw in Gabe's answer to this question that Source has a lighting system that can be comparable with Doom3's one, but using another method...
I agree with all the other cons, but as TrueWeltAll said, * the pros are winning against the cons...

*EDIT: goddamn me ! I had just pasted Gabe's quote here... how stupid am I ?
aww the little head crab (adam) got raged by a thread.. goo goo understand adam? we all know u do stupid raged baby
2 was a bug, and was being worked on.

5 was just the way they were set for the demo.

3 ........doesn't actually matter in any game ever made to date.

1 is an issue, but it remains to be seem how dynamic you could decide to make the shadows yourself with the engine, as opposed to what they set it to tell HL2.

4 is an issue, and to some people an important one. We'll have to see how it swings out.
hey heres what I gots to say to totally smash some of your cons away

1. dynamic lighting is being tweaked it will look very good to say the least in the final version
2. clipping was fixed end of story.... feet will not stick through feet that was a temporary but painful image its all been worked out
3. aa is being worked on by both hardware driver people and gameing companies includeing valve expect it to be worked out by shortly after hl2's release
4. water has never been dynamic or real time in any game..... ever doom III will not have it STALKER certainly wont and it doesent seem like something will anytime soon water is still extremely realistic looking and will affect other aspects of the gameplay and can displace in scripted events
5. ai is still being tweaked and is amazeing to say the least and I didnt notice the behavior you described

otherwise that was a nice educated fun thing for you to post not many cons to source.... :cheers:
HL2 Stone, stop acting imature. And learn to act your age.
Stfu HL2 Stone, he knows more than you do and he gave more useful info than you ever did here, so shut up if you have nothing to say.

And guinny next time search for old topics, we talked about it to DEATH. It always ends up someone bringing up Doom III engine and topic turns into flame war.
Thanks alb1221, you proved me wrong, there ARE people who do the research before posting! Too bad its normaly the ones who don't do any research that create new threads like this one...
Why cant we be friends, why cant we be friends

This engine is still better than any other game, ofcourse its going to have a few problems, but it still kicks ass.
Here's my list:

1. It isnt out yet.
2. I dont have it yet.
3. I wont have it tomorrow.
4. I want it now.
5. I cant have it now.
ROFL Great list SilverBullet! I agree! Thats my con list too!
32 people viewed dident say anything they just left the topic without saying a thing. adam comes feels hes a bit cooler then all 32 and has to say something. that pisses me off. all the topic is, is to point out stuff thats wrong. dont need to flame it id like know what we can find. but no cool ass adam has to be himself noobish head crab and try to make a point that only u support. burn now kthx
I suggest to any moderators that are viewing this thread to consider a punishment for hl stone such as a temp. ban stop being a defus man seriously :bonce:

also... maybe adam should be less critical but whom am I to talk
wow no, rofl u dident jus say that? pls ban me i called the noob a noob and thats about it? where did i break rules that orther people havent 1 million times. die now.
Guys, just drop it, be the better man and end it. Sorry, I've been temp. banned the past 2 weeks, not too caught up with the threads. However, I don't think my thread is invalid just because it's been discussed before. I'd just like to know what cons we know of within the source. Sorry for indirectly and unintentionally starting a flame war. Just get back on topic. :)
HL2 Stone, your defending your position when you were wrong, and you know it. You were mocking me, and thats wrong. Goo goo ga ga ring a bell? Infact your still doing it. I will say it again, stop acting immature, and learn to act your age. Also, just because it says 32 people viewed this thread, did you ever think that everyone who viewed this thread DID reply? And that the extra amout of views is from us re-veiwing the thread to read the newer replys? Gee, guess that slipped your mind completely. Also, thanks for being presumpous and frankly rather rude by assuming that I thought myself as anything higher than anyone else. You call me a noob when infact Im one of the top level designers in the HL community. Yet another one who doesnt do his research... But anyways, I will end this on a happy note. I like you, lets be friends! :D
Okay I think alot of people in this thread should just take a nice deep breath and relax. This thread is perfectly valid.

EDIT: Okay it looks like its already sorted out.
EDIT again: YAY!!! This post made me a Hydra.
agreed :cheers: :cheers: now reply to my post on this thread that would rock

and this thread is valid and a fun thing to discuss guinny
and after all this? thats all i wanted to hear its a good thread... im going to watch the vid again and see if i can find more defect see ya in 25mins
Thanks alb! About your post, if you watch the city 17 part of the e3 demo, you'll notice when he takes the radiator off the wall, and prepares to shoot it at the combine, the combine is standing there, in the open at the top of the stair case reloading, while Gordon has plenty of time to take the radiator and aim it. Also, what happened to the 2 guys that barged in downstairs? Did they just say "aw **** it" ? That's the issue I'm talking about. :)
LOL thats an incredibly good point that would be funny if you went down there and they were smokin weed through there masks sitting singing by a barrel fire

edit: also hopefully enemies will reaize it when gordon is going to chuck a radiator at them.... lol that was a mistake hope that gets worked out or at least tweaked

Combine 1: Yoooooo man....isn't that like the dude we gotta like do ....some shit or..or something mannnn?

Combine 2: *pufffffff* I dunno whateverrrrrrrr......

Gordon: Yo hit me up with that shit b......*pufffffffffffffff* that's the shizzle right there yo.

*Guy at top of staircase who was reloading comes down and caps Gordon in the back of the head*

*Game Over. Reloads from last save point.*
Ok look if u look at the pics of the hammer editor it shows waypoints for the enemy AI right? and valve said they did away with that right? that means that the demo specifically had enemies responding in a certain matter to show different aspects of the game they do take cover they do act intelligently so there goes ur "they dont cver" theory. plus all this about clipping and graphics is just stupid this demo was done back in september 02 so its gonna be changed up
My other issues are stupid? I believe you've done onto yourself if you believe they aren't issues. Seeing as they specifically stated no work has been changed to source since sept. 02'
The waypoints for the enemy AI could have been patroll routes. You would still have to have things like that put in no matter how good the AI was.
1. It's not done yet.
2. It's not done yet.
3. It's not done yet.
4. It's not done yet.
5. It's not done yet.
Actually i think someone could do a mod for the game to add lighting ala Doom III, as i have seen a mod for the original Quake that adds Doom III technology like lighting and bump mapping, it is pretty crazy, someone could do it i think.
maybe (i didnt mean for that to offend btw) but where is the clipping issues i didnt see any i know the AI in the nideo was to show certain things of the games ability otherwise it wouldnt make sense. i read in a CGW preview that they had a combine soldier chasin them and each time he chased gordon it unfolded in a different way. The shadows i can understand but eh i dont care i mean nice looking shadows are great but graphics arent what a games for to me anyways
Screen from quake with the mod, someone can do it for HL2 me thinks i someone were so inclined
we know its not done where just doing some spotting its fun. we know its going to be fixed but were looking to see what we can its fun.
The Source engine already has dynamic lighting! The thing is, HL2 has much more open environments than Doom 3. To do dynamic lighting calculations for ALL of that open area at once would be too taxing on today's computers. The cost would not be worth the benefit. That, I imagine, is why the Source uses a mix of static and dynamic lighting instead of the all dynamic lighting approach of Doom 3.

My guess is that if you make a mod with smaller, less open areas, using full dynamic lighting would not be a problem.
hmmm this is minor but after gordon goes up the stairs and knockes all the trash down to block the way.... he hitts the blockade off that door way anyone think those sounds were right for it?