Conservatizing the Bible


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Conservatives are making an attempt to rewrite and conservative the Bible, eliminating passages they see as "liberal".

How ****ing stupid is this? Wow...

Lo and behold, the Bible has gotten too liberal, according to a group of conservatives. And it needs a little editing.

That's the inspiration behind the Conservative Bible Project, which seeks to take the text back to its supposed right-wing roots.

Yes, even scripture is not orthodox enough for the modern conservative. Not that it's the fault of the author(s), exactly. The group cites a few reasons why the Bible is too progressive: "Lack of precision in the original language ... lack of precision in modern language" and "translation bias in converting the original language to the modern one."

So how can the Bible be conservatized? The group has proposed a Wikipedia-like group editing project. Some of the ideas would only bring the translation closer to the original. But others would fundamentally change the text.

Read more at:
I'm trying to think about this, but my brain isn't letting me. I think I feel a stroke coming on...
What is this I don't even


Edit: Well okay, it's not much of a shock really seeing as how the Bible was written from the very beginning and rewritten several times later throughout history to fit one's agenda current at the time. But the changes this group is proposing seems more like they're doing it to simply to spite liberals rather than trying to go back to the "roots".

Ah wtf do I even care, I don't give a shit about the Bible in any case.
Maybe there wasn't enough gay hate in there.
Just when you thought things couldnt get more rediculous. I cringe to see what they churn out and shove down peoples throats.
King James is gonna be ****ing pissed!
Why are news threads always filled with puns?

Honestly, conservatives need to stop feeling like the liberals are society-spoiling hellspawns that exist only to take away our freedoms and ruin our children's minds. All they seem to be doing is trying to make it out like they're the heroes against those devious, conniving, dastardly liberal bastards.
TBH the Koran is more to its original text than the Bible these days. when you translate and change things you lose the core values. like ever sit in Kindergarden class in a circle and the teacher said one little story and each would tell the person next to the time it came to the last kid, he/she would say completely different from what the teacher 1st said.
Christianity is not insane enough?

Socialistic terminology permeates English translations of the Bible, without justification. This improperly encourages the "social justice" movement among Christians.

For example, the conservative word "volunteer" is mentioned only once in the ESV, yet the socialistic word "comrade" is used three times, "laborer(s)" is used 13 times, "labored" 15 times, and "fellow" (as in "fellow worker") is used 55 times.
Who the hell are those people? Since when conservatives simply hate workmen so much?
that moses was such a liberal scum wearing that toga
that's like purposefully buyin gthe Extra Stupid Version of the Bbile

"13 pages of sanitized stories about God"
It's going to be a bunch of conservatives that destroy Christianity. How ironic.

It even says somewhere in the bible that it's not supposed to be "edited".

I'm not a fundamentalist for this reason. I'm not sure how much the bible has been "edited" over the years and it's hard for me to accept it as a cornerstone foundation for Christianity. Men over the years have been and still are wishy-washy like that.

How much has it really changed in the past 2000 years? I mean come on. Not even the saintliest of saints have that much integrity and discipline.
you see...these people are not even realizing what they are doing, rewriting the supposed word of god. i think the title ****ING IDIOTS is appropriate and doesn't need further explanation either.
Too bad there is no Inquisition anymore, this is one big fat heresy.
you see...these people are not even realizing what they are doing, rewriting the supposed word of god. i think the title ****ING IDIOTS is appropriate and doesn't need further explanation either.
amen. :thumbs:
The Book of Glenn

The Book of Rush

The Book of O'Reilly

Revalations: 2012 AD

can anyone else think what names they'll make??
Hey Warped. I noticed you mentioned 2012. I have a comment on that.

Do you ever notice how the people who are most pulled into the 2012 end of the world doomsday prophecies are Christians who believe the end days are near?

Why are Christians putting any stock into a number that had importance to the Mayans, a civilization that had shit-all to do with Christianity.
Hey Warped. I noticed you mentioned 2012. I have a comment on that.

Do you ever notice how the people who are most pulled into the 2012 end of the world doomsday prophecies are Christians who believe the end days are near?

Why are Christians putting any stock into a number that had importance to the Mayans, a civilization that had shit-all to do with Christianity.

I'm hoping that the whole 2012 scare is to make people switch their viewpoint a bit (or even religion) and its going to be a big disappointment. i still expect at least a 1,000 people to kill themselves that day that normally wouldn't but just watch people right before then go ape shit.
Do you ever notice how the people who are most pulled into the 2012 end of the world doomsday prophecies are Christians who believe the end days are near?
My folks have been saying that too. My mom and her sisters are Catholic and are really anxious for some reason although they say their feelings have nothing to do with the Mayan calendar.

TBH, I think personal troubles (finances, family, etc.) as well as worldly political tensions have something to do with it and I often wonder if things weren't the way they are now if they'd still believe that.

American and world history has seen the same thing too during WWII, the Great Depression, the Civil War, Revolutionary War, etc. when times were tough the more devote claim the end of times. Maybe they mean by God's time and not our own? After all, they say that a few hundred years is, "but a wink of the eye".

...but once the smoke clears and troubles have settled, they seem to forget and continue to live out their days.
Christianity is heavily influenced by pagan religions and beliefs, so it actually doesn't surprise me a whole lot.

and so on...
and so on...

Oi, we have a philisophizer on board.

Oh... well... now we're going to have to go back and conservatize that!

babies=out-populating and protecting america from the muslims
babies=out-populating and protecting america from the muslims
babies=out-populating and protecting america from the muslims
babies=out-populating and protecting america from the muslims
babies=out-populating and protecting america from the muslims
**** this pisses me off.

Editing the Bible? Really? As though there's anything to edit? They should be sterilized.

So, how many of you want to bet that this whole thing amounts to ****-all and everyone continues to use the NKJV and NIV Bibles?

As to 2012, it's not Christian fundies so much as people who want to see an end to the rest of the world. They want to see it remade as they want. Not surprising.

Me? I'm gonna do shit-all on 12/21/12.
So they'll delete the New Testament and take the rest literally?
It seems like the conservatives are really starting to go batshit recently. I can't imagine how all this shit would actually strengthen their party, and not simply start isolating those saner folk who considered themselves conservative.
I have a friend who reads the Satanic bible and shes just a little too eccentric. also these games are funny


