When the Internets goes too far: Lolcats + the Bible = can't has cheezburger

shouldnt you be out looking for a girlfriend, establishing your career or spending time with your family instead of wasting time hanging out on a gaming forum/playing video games?

oh... ;(
shouldnt you be out looking for a girlfriend, establishing your career or spending time with your family instead of wasting time hanging out on a gaming forum/playing video games?

Ja, thats why we dont make us much threads nor post like you do.

Stern dont be angry. Me no provoke fight.
shouldnt you be out looking for a girlfriend, establishing your career or spending time with your family instead of wasting time hanging out on a gaming forum/playing video games?

shouldn't you be out looking for a girlfriend, establishing your career or spending time with your family instead of wasting time hanging out on a gaming forum/playing video games?.

I don't care how much time you waste on the net. FYI m ex is still stalking me, hardly circumstances that lend themselves to finding new totty, I prefer friends to family, who I see often enough anyway, and I haven't been home for a week and a half until recently, and I'm off away again tonight.


How one spends their free time is hardly wasted if they chose to spend it as such.

We all spend too much time here TBH. ? _ ?, I've become rather more eccentric since being exposed to you lot. :D
It's more coherent than Creationists and Fundamentalists. :cat::cat::cat:

Am I the only one on here who cares about how blasphemous this is?? I probably am, actually!!! :P
I actually like lolcats and still think they're funny.
Cats are adorable, but lolcats are just unfunny

which reminds me,
John 3:16-17 said:
So liek teh Ceiling Cat lieks teh ppl lots and he sez 'Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleevs in him u wont evr diez no moar, k?'17 Cuz teh Ceiling Cat not snd hiz son 2 take all yur cookies, but so u cud maek moar cookies 4EVAR!
The only phrase that really pisses me off is kthxbai.
If I ever hear someone say "I can has cheezburger" in real life I will make it my mission in life to molest their children every chance I get until my dick is spitting out sand.
why does the word cheezburger make me so ****ing hungry.

cheeseburger does nothing.