Console and view problems



So i have this strange problem, that my console won't work (yes, i have enabled that thignie in options) and my view distance sucks (I can see like 5 metres forward)..

If anyone could tell me how to adjust view dist. or enable console, i'd be greatly thankful :)
Please post your PC specs, also it is a legal version? (sorry to ask that, its just the illegal version doesn't work.)
Of course it's a legal copy :)

And specs:
NVidia GForce 2
AMD Athlon XP 2000+
1,67 GHz
256 RAM
You don't really have enough RAM I suggest at least 512MB. and a GeForce 2 will probably play the game ok, but you won't get very pretty graphics, what kind of Framerate do you get?

The console thing, try all the buttons, sometimes its the button above tab and left of 1, other times its ~ next to return, it changes for different areas of the world.
Dunno about framerate, and it does play nicely with that hardware, but i guess that i'll have to buy some better equipment... BtW I will buy Radeon 9600 and 256 additional RAM in few days... just have to hope that that does the trick =)

Also some help on console, ppl please :D
What country are you from?

Sometimes it gets weird with non "standard" keyboards.

Goto you config.cfg file and add this.

bind "F1" "toggleconsole"

and now F1 should be your console key, but first remove the original "toggleconsole" reference.
And the view problem is caused by your card, the only reason it's running "ok" is because the card is only drawing 5 meters infront of it ;) Anymore and your card will commit suicide.

/me remembers trying hl2 on a freinds integrated graphics card.
It'll be considerably better, considering it does dx9 while your current does dx7 and has no pixel shaders. You should get more ram though 256 isnt really enough, stick in another 512 and youll be able to play with fairly high settings.
You have to enable viewing the console under keyboard settings I think.
Edit: nvm didn't read first post properly.
Tomarru said:
It'll be considerably better, considering it does dx9 while your current does dx7 and has no pixel shaders. You should get more ram though 256 isnt really enough, stick in another 512 and youll be able to play with fairly high settings.
i don't see how a card can't have pixel shaders...
but ya, 9600 will rock your sox compared to that
well i can play with pixel shaders, but anyways my console won't work still...
OK my console works now, so no need for any new posts, thanks to trippy one more time :D