console command...whats it called?


Mar 29, 2005
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i once used this console command that showed how hard the comp was working to render or produce certain things. there were a list of things like fps and such with bars of different colors beside it reperesenting how hard the comp was working in that particular field. i completely forgot what the console command was called. anyone know it?
CSS Console Commands:

mat_wireframe 1
Shows everything the engine draws, including models, but only the outer lines (toggle off with "mat_wireframe 0") Therefore, you can see through walls to see EXACLY everything the engine draws. If you were Weeble or Bob, you wouldn't see the pipes without mat_wireframe on.
Mat_wireframe is also usefull to check if and how your occluders and areaportals are working.

Shows engine loads for different parts of the engine, e.g. models, worldbrushes, ropes, decals etc. (toggle off with "-showbudget") see "9. showbudget"
for more information.

mat_leafvis 1
As mentioned earlier, this shows the boundaries of the leafvis you currently are in (toggle off with "mat_leafvis 0)

cl_showfps 2
Just shows fps. Nothing new.

Other command usefull for checking what exactly causes FPS drain. Use these in combination with a FPS-meter, e.g. "+showbudget" or "cl_showfps 2" to see the impact.

mat_showwatertextures 1
Shows which entities are drawn twice because they are partially inside water.

r_occlusion 0/1
Toggles func_occluders on and off, to see their effect.

mat_bumpmap 0
Turns off bumpmapping, so you can see what kind of impact is has on your map ("mat_bumpmap 1" to put it back on)

mat_specular 0
Turns off reflections, so you can see what kind of impact they have on your map ("mat_specular 1" to put it back on)