Conspiracy Theories


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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Tell us your whacky conspiracy theories.

Werthers Originals are made out of old people, thats why they like them so much.

True story.

Someone had this awesome picture about a guy in school discovering a conspiracy. I would post that picture, if only I could find it.
On may 1st, 0600, Operation Morning Glory will be initiated, and a nuke detonated in New York.

alcohol was invented to stop the Irish from conquering the world - to this day Irish people feel compelled to move to every corner of the globe but once there they don't remember what they were born to do :| Still think drinking is cool kids?
Shodan said:
Werthers Originals are made out of old people, thats why they like them so much.

True story.


No, no, no, you've got it ALL wrong. Old people are made out of Werther's Originals.
All conspiracy theories are spread by the government in order to distract us from the truth.
Sulkdodds = Kathaksung

No, Sulk.

Actually, Yes. He's YOUR father.
Pirates Vs Ninja will soon become a reality. D:

It was all explained to me last night, anyone who is not a Pirate or Ninja had better hide.

aw HELL naw

I just finished traipsing through two such retarded threads in the politics section, and now there's number three? ****ing hell.

Loose change is loaded with errors and assumptions.
It fails at journalism, let alone science.

Even other conspiracy theorists call it deceptively shoddy in justifying its claims.

Goodamn, I fear for this generation's youth, if they believe this nonsense just because it's on the internet and has a soundtrack.
Are you saying the milkman conspiracy is a FAKE conspiracy, CptStern?
heh not sure if you're talking about psychonauts or about your lineage ;)
CptStern said:
heh not sure if you're talking about psychonauts or about your lineage ;)

I am talking about the milkman conspiracy! The MILKMAN conspiracy! Do I even need to elaborate anymore than that?
CptStern said:
heh not sure if you're talking about psychonauts or about your lineage ;)
lol your kidding right :p
You really don't know about the milkman conspiracy?
we dont talk about the milkman conspiracy...not after.....
*sobs hysterically
Another popular conspiracy theory is that all the gamers in the entire world will unite into a totalitarian super-unit that will rule the world with an iron fist forever. People will be forced to follow their commands using an RTS, a term used by gamers to tell their favourite mindgames. (RTS = Rapid Telepathic Shock) This device will cause the victim to convulse and move his body to another location indicated by the RTS.
The is currently one (1) user watching this conspiracy:
Jack_Thompson (Email this user!)
Beerdude26 said:
People will be forced to follow their commands using an RTS, a term used by gamers to tell their favourite mindgames.

Ask Kirovman what he does at work, and you'll be smacked in the face by Irony's big penis.

Also, SCALAR WAVES are being used for all sorts of nefarious purposes.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Ask Kirovman what he does at work, and you'll be smacked in the face by Irony's big penis.

Also, SCALAR WAVES are being used for all sorts of nefarious purposes.

-Angry Lawyer

Like spamming forums!


Honestly, Raziaar. Ask Kirovman what project he's been assigned.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Honestly, Raziaar. Ask Kirovman what project he's been assigned.

-Angry Lawyer

What project have you been assigned, Kirovman? <waits>
you dont have enough security clearance and as a result he may have to kill you after telling you
In all seriousness, the reason I've not posted it is because I'm not sure if Kirovman accidentally leaked something secret. So I'll let him post it, because that way I don't get bumrushed.

-Angry Lawyer
hehe, has Kirov been doing that experiment I posted a while ago.
I'm doing a project involving transfer of electromagnetic energy over long distances......


I think what Lawyer's talking about isn't commercially secret, but I probably shouldn't talk about it anyway. Better safe than sorry.

But have a big irony penis slap anyway.