Conspiracy Theory

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Terror attack and distraction (6/4)

On May 26, A.G. Ashcroft and FBI director Mueller warned public that based on credible source Al Qaida would attack US this summer. FBI also issued 7 pictures of most wanted terrorist suspects.

But in next few days the "credible source" was revealed as high suspect. Some of the "most wanted" were said arrested already.
Re: "Terrorists on Ashcroft's 'Wanted List' Already in Jail
May 27 2004
At least two of the terrorists identified by John Ashcroft as part of an 'Al-Qaeda cell' that is waiting to attack America this summer are already in jail.

Re: "Terror threat source called into question Ashcroft cites al-Qaida plan, but how credible
is the information?

By Lisa Myers
Senior investigative correspondent
NBC News
Updated: 6:57 p.m. ET May 28, 2004

WASHINGTON - Earlier this week Attorney General John Ashcroft warned of an attack planned on America for sometime in the coming months. That may happen, but NBC News has learned one of Ashcroft's sources is highly suspect.

A senior U.S. intelligence official previously told NBC News that this group has no known operational capability and may be no more than one man with a fax machine.

Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, only the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can publicly issue such threat warnings. What made D.O.J. neglect DHS? Is FBI really so incompetent to reward suspects whom are in jail already?

The fact that D.O.J. didn't inform Homeland Security Dept. proved that there is no threat from Al Qaida. Feds didn't have any material evidence to send to DHS. They just picked up randomly some information from their old data file to create an "Al Qaida attack".

Then why Ashcroft and Mueller gave such a warning? It's a psychological pre-propaganda for a possible real attack - an attack done by Feds in the name of terrorist in order to distract. Such like McVeigh's excution to divert attention on a framed drug case (soured) in 2001; Michael Jackson's case to divert public's attention on Bush's inglorious London visit; Nick Berg's beheading to divert criticism on abusing prisoners' case.

See framed case D.O.J. tries to distract at:

If there is harassment (blank page, slow entering, server busy....) try
Another posibility is you are an agent or an informant. Coming here to harass, to discredit, to monitor.
This is very funny stuff. :D
kathaksung said:
Another posibility is you are an agent or an informant. Coming here to harass, to discredit, to monitor.

Quote, "Quote," The FBI Special Support Group , or SSG (They're nicknamed G's), supposedly does much of the routine work for the Bureau, leaving the FBI agents themselves free to pursue more important matters. ...

They usually work part-time, and earn about $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 per year or more. The FBI doesn't advertise the existence of the SSG, but it's no big secret either. The reality of the Special Support Group is much different than the "released" information. SSG teams regularly harrass and even menace people on the FBI's Black List. ...

The FBI calls this harrassment "dangling," and they do it on a regular basis to people who frequently have committed no offense other than to have drawn the ire of the Bureau. Many SSG's are of the lowest caliber of human life, especially those chosen for excessive harrassment of innocent citizens. Far too often SSG teams consist of bullies, perverts, racists and ex-convicts and other dregs whose sole purpose is to drive people crazy and ruin their lives. If one of their victims snaps and tears one of them up, the bloodied G will press charges, perjure himself if confronted with his FBI affiliation, and the victim is locked up. Mission accomplished. That's one reason why the FBI is not very open about the SSG. This is just one of the many questionable and outright illegal activities that the FBI uses our tax dollars for. The very people sworn to uphold our Civil Rights are perhaps the most flagrant violators. If you attend a protest rally, or otherwise call attention to yourself, don't be surprised if you start seeing the same bizarre group of people showing up everywhere you go, bothering you and behaving like psychotic clowns."

So you are saying that I'm here simply to discredit you? I have been around these boards alot longer than you, and unless one of your 'claims' is that the FBI can see the future, you need to take a reality check. Not to mention that I am hardly "low life".

(On a funny side note, these "SSG" members are called 'G-Men')
and all along we thought this had nothing to do with Half-Life :E

Edit: As for your source about this, anyone that is interested, try to find some reference to this SSG that isn't form the 'Geeman'(the guy that runs the angelfire site he used as reference).
clarky003 said:
lmao ,I cant believe it,on, they look for every little thing that Moore says and try to turn it against him, to slander his opinion ,.. how desperately sad.

Moore isnt doing anything but putting factual findings under scrutiny, everyones allowed to speculate after that, heck Bush and Co speculated that there where weapons in Iraq :rolleyes: ., and they think hes a trouble maker, and opposes the US, they nat on about how he 'supposedly' hates America, and how he lied in his movie, (but wait hed be in alot trouble if he had lied) , and everything that was said was included in his book, with reference to legitimate news articles.., then hey presto he uses his knowledge of a corrupt world to put 2 and 2 togther.


are they all hicks.. and extreme patriots and rich people on that site.. or what?

I know one thing for sure, they dont seem to give a toss about the enviroment and global warming, just their valuable image as a country

they are just doing to moore what moore does to bush. go here. but that's not what we're talkin about.

this guy has no life. he sit's at his computer all day and makes up stories to get attention. of course he'll have some accurate facts because he has dedicated his life to this crap. if the government were really after this guy, they would've shut him up a long time ago.
Icarus said:
So you are saying that I'm here simply to discredit you? I have been around these boards alot longer than you, and unless one of your 'claims' is that the FBI can see the future, you need to take a reality check. Not to mention that I am hardly "low life".

(On a funny side note, these "SSG" members are called 'G-Men')
and all along we thought this had nothing to do with Half-Life :E

Edit: As for your source about this, anyone that is interested, try to find some reference to this SSG that isn't form the 'Geeman'(the guy that runs the angelfire site he used as reference).

S.S.G. work to the order. In internet, not only they attack on particular dissenters which Feds disliked, but also spread news and rumour, to propaganda for the Feds.


Tenet resigns (6/9)

CIA Director Tenet resigned abruptly on 6/3. He cited personnal reasons for resignation. That's an excuse.

Media said he resigns because of failure in intelligence assessment on 9/11 attack and WMD of Iraq. That he may have been hastened by a critical report from Senate intelligence committee which will single out the errors of the agency. That is not a true reason either, I think.

Failure to warn 911 attack was a very serious fault. As director of CIA, he should have resigned right away after the WTC collapsed. He hadn't. Because 911 attack was allowed to happen. Inside group needed it to activate war in Mid-East. So nobody took the responsibility. Now it's almost three years passed. Is it a late wake up?

Paul O'neill, Richard A. Clarke, all revealed Bush determined to go to war in Iraq even before 9/11. WMD was only an excuse Bush used to start the war. CIA, was forced to squeeze the information to favour the demand of Bush cabinet. CIA, had sent Joseph Wilson to Niger to investigate if Saddam intended to buy nuclear material there. He found no evidence could prove this allegation. Government knew this. But Bush still used it as evidence in his State of Union. When Wilson revealed that Bush lied, he was punished. His wife's ID as being a CIA covert agent was leaked by White House.
In whole event, Bush is the main suspect and offender. How could Tenet take over the responsibility?

Then why Tenet resigned? View from this angle. On 5/26, Ashcroft and Meuller announced Al Qaida would attack in this summer. Tom Ridge of DHS didn't know this in advance. Tenet of CIA hasn't mention it too. The information was unique from D.O.J.. But is it the main responsibility for CIA to deal with Al Qaida abroad? How could they let something like 911 take place again in US? That's the real reason of Tenet's resignation. He knew there will be a big attack in coming months. He is not able to stop it. Because again it is from "friendly fire". To avoid to take the responsibility of a big failure, or in another word, to avoid a duty. He resigned in advance to avoid humiliation. (Or another possibility is he was saved from humiliation by inside group, they arranged his resignation to protect him?) The seat of CIA director will leave vacant until November election. Because the attack(s) will take place during that period. So nobody will take the blame of failure again in terrorist attack intelligence.

On the other hand, is it absurd to leave such an important position remained in vacancy when the country is in terror emergency?(as D.O.J. says) Can you immagine a captain of a battleship permitted the leave of the sonar operater while there is an alert of submarine attack? It only proves a designated attack will happen. Samething like "Operation Northwoods".

The terror attack is designed to benefit the interest of inside group. Such like Bali bombing to arouse indignation of the people against Islamic extremist to support Iraq war. Or Madrid bombing to help Aznar's election in Spain. Is it a little bit early to carry out the plan at this time for Bush's re-election?

I've said the attack will take place around 6/19. Feds arranged my wife's trip and a party at that time to fix a frame case. Because they are in a hurry. If you have noticed that most financial experts pridicted that on 6/30, Federal reserve will boost the interest rates. A step they should have done earlier but had postponed by Feds (D.O.J.) for nearly a year. Because they hold a large amount of real estates invested in my case. Feds is in a hurry to finish my case to release their estates. From this event, we can see the interest of D.O.J. is more important than Bush's interest. Other department, DHS and CIA, must give way to it.


If Feds call you and defame my message, it is a tactic of intimidation. They don't want people know the fact.
It also proves what I wrote are truth. They are afraid of it.

The same tactic FBI has used on political dissenters.
Quote, "F.B.I. Goes Knocking for Political Troublemakers
By Eric Lichtblau
New York Times

Monday 16 August 2004

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been questioning political demonstrators across the country, and in rare cases even subpoenaing them, in an aggressive effort to forestall what officials say could be violent and disruptive protests at the Republican National Convention in New York.
Help puppet Bush

There are two events in June which I think were arranged deliberately at this time.
One is the Michael Moore's "9/11 Fahrenheit" will open to public on 6/25. Which will give a negative image for Bush. If there is a big bombing taking place on 6/19 or a little later, then the film will be neglected by public.

Another event was the report issued by 911 investigation commision which said there is no credible evidence that Saddam and Al-Qaida had cooperated to attack US. The panel disputes Bush's reasons to invade Iraq. It was reported by media on 6/17. This, too, could be neglected if there was a big attack taking place on 6/19.

If there was really an attack happened, Inside Group needed not to worry about these negative event. Bush would once again become a "hero in terror war". And other information 911 panel released would help to inflame panic and indignation against Islamic people. When media repeatedly to broadcast the picture of the collapse of WTC and the voice of pilots of hijacked plane. The effect is same like they broadcast the film of beheading case. US government is very active to start a psychological war to its citizens. To prepare for more war in Mid-East.

But the planned attack didn't take place. I think it's because my analysis in message 232, 233 revealed their plot.

When the planned bombing didn't come to offset the negative influence of 911 panel's finding and Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11", inside group came to help Bush.

1. Give out a poll to boost Bush. It's the old tactic. Poll is a tool Inside Group used to manipulte the mind of people.

Re: "Outlook on Iraq aiding Bush, Kerry loses lead from last poll
By Ron Hutcheson, Knight Ridder,
6/18/04, S.J.M.N.

Bush went from trailing Democratic Sen. John Kerry to leading slightly, 48 % to 46%.
The results of the latest Pew Research poll of 1,806 adults taken June 3-13. "

2. unusual support from rival on war with Iraq.
"McCain unites with Bush, shows support for Iraq war
By Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times
6/19/04, S.J.M.N.

President Bush and his old political rival Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, shared a military stage Friday to present an unusual joint defense of the war in Iraq."

3. Support from Democratic leader

Former President Clinton has revealed that he continues to support President Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq .....

4. Justify Bush's Iraq war by Russia leader

Russia Warned U.S. About Iraq, Putin Says

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 19, 2004; Page A11

Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that his intelligence service had warned the Bush administration before the U.S. invasion of Iraq that Saddam Hussein's government was planning attacks against U.S. targets both inside and outside the country.

The surface of Clinton proves when it touches the interest of inside group, there is no partism. All politicians serve for their master: inside group. What surprised me is they even push out Putin to protect Bush. How eager they tried to save their puppet when their designated plan failed to carry out.

One thing interesting if you have noticed the date that media reported the defense from these big shots. Which may prove my prediction of 6/19 is correct. When I read these news, I knew the "terror attack on 6/19" was cancelled or postponed or delayed. Otherwise inside group didn't need these defense. In their plan, an "terror attack" would boost Bush's fame, and of course, distract the attention to a framed case.

Okay, I've reviewed the facts on his website, and here's a summary of his story to help explain:

A stranger who he talked to for about a minute is later arrested for smuggling heroin. Now the feds hate him!

1. Psychology intimidation
Guy does not pay attention while driving and, as a result, is ticketed twice in one month.

Conclusion: The FBI is secretly testing his brain!

2. Infra-scanner, surveillance behind wall
While Guy uses a glue gun, his roomate walks around in the apartment.

Conclusion: The FBI is a secret police force that controls America. And it is using infra-red sensors to see if he's smoking weed.

3a. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)
Guy carries cash in his pocket, and has a pain in his leg many weeks later.

Conclusion: Money contains radiation so powerful that it can make your limbs stop functioning, but somehow not powerful enough to cause any permanent damage.
The radiation is used to track Guy's movements, despite the fact that every single US citizen has the same radioactive money.

3b. Tracking and wiretapping
While outside, Guy sees at least one car on the street at any given time.

Conclusion: Guy is being tracked by a team of dozens of FBI operatives. Also, his phone is tapped.

4. Burglary and flooding
People who had absolutely nothing to do with the heroin smuggler have plumbing problems and one loses a few $ 1000 from a burglary.

Conclusion: "Government commit more crime than anyone else." In this case, the FBI is determined to have these people obtain insurance money. Damn them!

5. Microwave killing
Guy has occasional headaches, and his old neighbor likes to visit his house.

Conclusion: The FBI, after spending what must be vast sums of cash and manhours monitoring Guy, decide that they should kill him for no reason, and in the most inefficiant way possible: Shooting microwaves at Guy's van every thursday for a several years until he maybe has a heart attack.

6. Looter and scapegoat
Guy tells his entire family that the feds are tracking him with radioactive money. Out of the entire family, only Guy's sister has her house broken into. The police capture a man who is black.

Conclusion: The feds have commited this crime because they love to annoy, but do absolutely nothing to stop, about 5% of the people who hear about their radioactive money.

7. Alleged murder of Ernie
A guy, who has a lot of money, dies of a stroke.

Conclusion: Because they wnat money, the FBI used thier combined force of theives, radioactive money and heart attack microwaves to give Ernie a stroke.

8. FBI's profit
In 1961, the FBI made criminals pay large fines.

Conclusion: America is ruled by a government mafia. The FBI is based entirely around stealing money from random people and using high-tech weapons to kill them just because they want to.

9. Estranged friends and customers
Since 1991, Guy has recieved considerably fewer christmas cards from family. His customers go to his store with the sole intention of buying things.

Conclusion: Even though the FBI is trying to kill him for no reason, they are also telling everyone Guy has ever met and ever will meet to treat him kinda okay, I guess. Because they are evil.
The lack of family correspondance, coincidentally, has nothing to do with Guy's announcement to his entire family that the government is tracking them with radioactive money.

10. The death of old people
Three elderly people, who have nothing to do with the heroin smuggler, die.

Conclusion: The FBI is stopping everyone* who knows about Guy's story by either killing them or framing them for murder, sending them to jail and then hiring prison gangs to kill them.

*everyone except his family, roomate, co-workers, customers, brief aquaintances and friends.

11. Helicopter Surveillance
Over the course of two hours of driving, Guy sees a star, a van and a helicopter.

Conclusion: The FBI is using night-vision equipped helicopters to make sure that Guy has no idea that they are using night-vision equipped helicopters.

12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)
While guy is driving at night, he starts to feel sleepy, has trouble keeping his eyes open, and almost hits a truck.
Conclusion: The government is using mind control microwaves to make Guy tired when at night.

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

Guy has a headache at night, and is also tired at the same time.

Conclusion: Microwave rays again!

...I gave up after I realized there's 105 (!) points more or less as valid as these. Ugh.

My conclusion:
This guy is a paranoid version of a hypochondriac.

He reads an article somewhere about microwaves, and immediately he realises that microwaves are killing him. He puts up metal sheets (or 'placeboes', as I like to call them) and suddenly he's cured.

He reads something about radiactive money and suddenly his leg pains are attributed to the money in his wallet. Once he takes it out of his pocket, he's fine.

He reads something about infra-red and suddenly he realises he's being monitored. Etc, etc.

So, the solution is simple: Stop reading things about government technology, and you'll never gain any more problems.
Mechagodzilla said:

Okay, I've reviewed the facts on his website, and here's a summary of his story to help explain:

A stranger who he talked to for about a minute is later arrested for smuggling heroin. Now the feds hate him!

1. Psychology intimidation
Guy does not pay attention while driving and, as a result, is ticketed twice in one month.

Conclusion: The FBI is secretly testing his brain!

2. Infra-scanner, surveillance behind wall
While Guy uses a glue gun, his roomate walks around in the apartment.

Conclusion: The FBI is a secret police force that controls America. And it is using infra-red sensors to see if he's smoking weed.

3a. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)
Guy carries cash in his pocket, and has a pain in his leg many weeks later.

Conclusion: Money contains radiation so powerful that it can make your limbs stop functioning, but somehow not powerful enough to cause any permanent damage.
The radiation is used to track Guy's movements, despite the fact that every single US citizen has the same radioactive money.

3b. Tracking and wiretapping
While outside, Guy sees at least one car on the street at any given time.

Conclusion: Guy is being tracked by a team of dozens of FBI operatives. Also, his phone is tapped.

4. Burglary and flooding
People who had absolutely nothing to do with the heroin smuggler have plumbing problems and one loses a few $ 1000 from a burglary.

Conclusion: "Government commit more crime than anyone else." In this case, the FBI is determined to have these people obtain insurance money. Damn them!

5. Microwave killing
Guy has occasional headaches, and his old neighbor likes to visit his house.

Conclusion: The FBI, after spending what must be vast sums of cash and manhours monitoring Guy, decide that they should kill him for no reason, and in the most inefficiant way possible: Shooting microwaves at Guy's van every thursday for a several years until he maybe has a heart attack.

6. Looter and scapegoat
Guy tells his entire family that the feds are tracking him with radioactive money. Out of the entire family, only Guy's sister has her house broken into. The police capture a man who is black.

Conclusion: The feds have commited this crime because they love to annoy, but do absolutely nothing to stop, about 5% of the people who hear about their radioactive money.

7. Alleged murder of Ernie
A guy, who has a lot of money, dies of a stroke.

Conclusion: Because they wnat money, the FBI used thier combined force of theives, radioactive money and heart attack microwaves to give Ernie a stroke.

8. FBI's profit
In 1961, the FBI made criminals pay large fines.

Conclusion: America is ruled by a government mafia. The FBI is based entirely around stealing money from random people and using high-tech weapons to kill them just because they want to.

9. Estranged friends and customers
Since 1991, Guy has recieved considerably fewer christmas cards from family. His customers go to his store with the sole intention of buying things.

Conclusion: Even though the FBI is trying to kill him for no reason, they are also telling everyone Guy has ever met and ever will meet to treat him kinda okay, I guess. Because they are evil.
The lack of family correspondance, coincidentally, has nothing to do with Guy's announcement to his entire family that the government is tracking them with radioactive money.

10. The death of old people
Three elderly people, who have nothing to do with the heroin smuggler, die.

Conclusion: The FBI is stopping everyone* who knows about Guy's story by either killing them or framing them for murder, sending them to jail and then hiring prison gangs to kill them.

*everyone except his family, roomate, co-workers, customers, brief aquaintances and friends.

11. Helicopter Surveillance
Over the course of two hours of driving, Guy sees a star, a van and a helicopter.

Conclusion: The FBI is using night-vision equipped helicopters to make sure that Guy has no idea that they are using night-vision equipped helicopters.

12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)
While guy is driving at night, he starts to feel sleepy, has trouble keeping his eyes open, and almost hits a truck.
Conclusion: The government is using mind control microwaves to make Guy tired when at night.

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

Guy has a headache at night, and is also tired at the same time.

Conclusion: Microwave rays again!

...I gave up after I realized there's 105 (!) points more or less as valid as these. Ugh.

My conclusion:
This guy is a paranoid version of a hypochondriac.

He reads an article somewhere about microwaves, and immediately he realises that microwaves are killing him. He puts up metal sheets (or 'placeboes', as I like to call them) and suddenly he's cured.

He reads something about radiactive money and suddenly his leg pains are attributed to the money in his wallet. Once he takes it out of his pocket, he's fine.

He reads something about infra-red and suddenly he realises he's being monitored. Etc, etc.

So, the solution is simple: Stop reading things about government technology, and you'll never gain any more problems.
Best read in a long time.
Mechagodzilla said:

Okay, I've reviewed the facts on his website, and here's a summary of his story to help explain:

A stranger who he talked to for about a minute is later arrested for smuggling heroin. Now the feds hate him!

1. Psychology intimidation
Guy does not pay attention while driving and, as a result, is ticketed twice in one month.

Conclusion: The FBI is secretly testing his brain!

2. Infra-scanner, surveillance behind wall
While Guy uses a glue gun, his roomate walks around in the apartment.

Conclusion: The FBI is a secret police force that controls America. And it is using infra-red sensors to see if he's smoking weed.

3a. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)
Guy carries cash in his pocket, and has a pain in his leg many weeks later.

Conclusion: Money contains radiation so powerful that it can make your limbs stop functioning, but somehow not powerful enough to cause any permanent damage.
The radiation is used to track Guy's movements, despite the fact that every single US citizen has the same radioactive money.

3b. Tracking and wiretapping
While outside, Guy sees at least one car on the street at any given time.

Conclusion: Guy is being tracked by a team of dozens of FBI operatives. Also, his phone is tapped.

4. Burglary and flooding
People who had absolutely nothing to do with the heroin smuggler have plumbing problems and one loses a few $ 1000 from a burglary.

Conclusion: "Government commit more crime than anyone else." In this case, the FBI is determined to have these people obtain insurance money. Damn them!

5. Microwave killing
Guy has occasional headaches, and his old neighbor likes to visit his house.

Conclusion: The FBI, after spending what must be vast sums of cash and manhours monitoring Guy, decide that they should kill him for no reason, and in the most inefficiant way possible: Shooting microwaves at Guy's van every thursday for a several years until he maybe has a heart attack.

6. Looter and scapegoat
Guy tells his entire family that the feds are tracking him with radioactive money. Out of the entire family, only Guy's sister has her house broken into. The police capture a man who is black.

Conclusion: The feds have commited this crime because they love to annoy, but do absolutely nothing to stop, about 5% of the people who hear about their radioactive money.

7. Alleged murder of Ernie
A guy, who has a lot of money, dies of a stroke.

Conclusion: Because they wnat money, the FBI used thier combined force of theives, radioactive money and heart attack microwaves to give Ernie a stroke.

8. FBI's profit
In 1961, the FBI made criminals pay large fines.

Conclusion: America is ruled by a government mafia. The FBI is based entirely around stealing money from random people and using high-tech weapons to kill them just because they want to.

9. Estranged friends and customers
Since 1991, Guy has recieved considerably fewer christmas cards from family. His customers go to his store with the sole intention of buying things.

Conclusion: Even though the FBI is trying to kill him for no reason, they are also telling everyone Guy has ever met and ever will meet to treat him kinda okay, I guess. Because they are evil.
The lack of family correspondance, coincidentally, has nothing to do with Guy's announcement to his entire family that the government is tracking them with radioactive money.

10. The death of old people
Three elderly people, who have nothing to do with the heroin smuggler, die.

Conclusion: The FBI is stopping everyone* who knows about Guy's story by either killing them or framing them for murder, sending them to jail and then hiring prison gangs to kill them.

*everyone except his family, roomate, co-workers, customers, brief aquaintances and friends.

11. Helicopter Surveillance
Over the course of two hours of driving, Guy sees a star, a van and a helicopter.

Conclusion: The FBI is using night-vision equipped helicopters to make sure that Guy has no idea that they are using night-vision equipped helicopters.

12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)
While guy is driving at night, he starts to feel sleepy, has trouble keeping his eyes open, and almost hits a truck.
Conclusion: The government is using mind control microwaves to make Guy tired when at night.

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

Guy has a headache at night, and is also tired at the same time.

Conclusion: Microwave rays again!

...I gave up after I realized there's 105 (!) points more or less as valid as these. Ugh.

My conclusion:
This guy is a paranoid version of a hypochondriac.

He reads an article somewhere about microwaves, and immediately he realises that microwaves are killing him. He puts up metal sheets (or 'placeboes', as I like to call them) and suddenly he's cured.

He reads something about radiactive money and suddenly his leg pains are attributed to the money in his wallet. Once he takes it out of his pocket, he's fine.

He reads something about infra-red and suddenly he realises he's being monitored. Etc, etc.

So, the solution is simple: Stop reading things about government technology, and you'll never gain any more problems.

Agreed, best read I've had in a whille. Gave me a good laugh too :thumbs:
Mechagodzilla said:

Okay, I've reviewed the facts on his website, and here's a summary of his story to help explain:

A stranger who he talked to for about a minute is later arrested for smuggling heroin. Now the feds hate him!

1. Psychology intimidation
Guy does not pay attention while driving and, as a result, is ticketed twice in one month.

Conclusion: The FBI is secretly testing his brain!

2. Infra-scanner, surveillance behind wall
While Guy uses a glue gun, his roomate walks around in the apartment.

Conclusion: The FBI is a secret police force that controls America. And it is using infra-red sensors to see if he's smoking weed.

3a. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)
Guy carries cash in his pocket, and has a pain in his leg many weeks later.

Conclusion: Money contains radiation so powerful that it can make your limbs stop functioning, but somehow not powerful enough to cause any permanent damage.
The radiation is used to track Guy's movements, despite the fact that every single US citizen has the same radioactive money.

3b. Tracking and wiretapping
While outside, Guy sees at least one car on the street at any given time.

Conclusion: Guy is being tracked by a team of dozens of FBI operatives. Also, his phone is tapped.

4. Burglary and flooding
People who had absolutely nothing to do with the heroin smuggler have plumbing problems and one loses a few $ 1000 from a burglary.

Conclusion: "Government commit more crime than anyone else." In this case, the FBI is determined to have these people obtain insurance money. Damn them!

5. Microwave killing
Guy has occasional headaches, and his old neighbor likes to visit his house.

Conclusion: The FBI, after spending what must be vast sums of cash and manhours monitoring Guy, decide that they should kill him for no reason, and in the most inefficiant way possible: Shooting microwaves at Guy's van every thursday for a several years until he maybe has a heart attack.

6. Looter and scapegoat
Guy tells his entire family that the feds are tracking him with radioactive money. Out of the entire family, only Guy's sister has her house broken into. The police capture a man who is black.

Conclusion: The feds have commited this crime because they love to annoy, but do absolutely nothing to stop, about 5% of the people who hear about their radioactive money.

7. Alleged murder of Ernie
A guy, who has a lot of money, dies of a stroke.

Conclusion: Because they wnat money, the FBI used thier combined force of theives, radioactive money and heart attack microwaves to give Ernie a stroke.

8. FBI's profit
In 1961, the FBI made criminals pay large fines.

Conclusion: America is ruled by a government mafia. The FBI is based entirely around stealing money from random people and using high-tech weapons to kill them just because they want to.

9. Estranged friends and customers
Since 1991, Guy has recieved considerably fewer christmas cards from family. His customers go to his store with the sole intention of buying things.

Conclusion: Even though the FBI is trying to kill him for no reason, they are also telling everyone Guy has ever met and ever will meet to treat him kinda okay, I guess. Because they are evil.
The lack of family correspondance, coincidentally, has nothing to do with Guy's announcement to his entire family that the government is tracking them with radioactive money.

10. The death of old people
Three elderly people, who have nothing to do with the heroin smuggler, die.

Conclusion: The FBI is stopping everyone* who knows about Guy's story by either killing them or framing them for murder, sending them to jail and then hiring prison gangs to kill them.

*everyone except his family, roomate, co-workers, customers, brief aquaintances and friends.

11. Helicopter Surveillance
Over the course of two hours of driving, Guy sees a star, a van and a helicopter.

Conclusion: The FBI is using night-vision equipped helicopters to make sure that Guy has no idea that they are using night-vision equipped helicopters.

12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)
While guy is driving at night, he starts to feel sleepy, has trouble keeping his eyes open, and almost hits a truck.
Conclusion: The government is using mind control microwaves to make Guy tired when at night.

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

Guy has a headache at night, and is also tired at the same time.

Conclusion: Microwave rays again!

...I gave up after I realized there's 105 (!) points more or less as valid as these. Ugh.

My conclusion:
This guy is a paranoid version of a hypochondriac.

He reads an article somewhere about microwaves, and immediately he realises that microwaves are killing him. He puts up metal sheets (or 'placeboes', as I like to call them) and suddenly he's cured.

He reads something about radiactive money and suddenly his leg pains are attributed to the money in his wallet. Once he takes it out of his pocket, he's fine.

He reads something about infra-red and suddenly he realises he's being monitored. Etc, etc.

So, the solution is simple: Stop reading things about government technology, and you'll never gain any more problems.

You forgot "14. Icarus is really a government agent(called "G-Men") and is simply here to cover up what the government is doing to him"

Great post Mechagodzilla
237. The June plot (6/29)

Though the "6/19 terror attack" failed to be carried out, other events show how Feds prepared to frame a case in June.

On 6/17, S.J.M.N. reported, "Board OKs merging sheriff, coroner offices. In a move aimed at saving money, Santa Clara County leaders on Wednesday approved a controversial plan to allow the sheriff's department to manage the coroner's office. But the merger worries opponents who believe it could create an extra layer of public mistrust toward law enforcement."

In message "170. Suspends Coroner (10/11)" I talked about how Feds plotted to oust the chief medical examiner Schmunk. Finally Feds got coroner's office under their control. It will help them to cover up the murder committed in the coming framed case.

On same day 6/17, local Chinese TV reported a Chinese dissenter, Peng Min, was arrested in Burma and was handed over to Chinese government. Peng Min favours to overturn Chinese government by violence. About a year ago(?), he appeared in a talk show of that TV station. In interview he called for people to join his orgnization. He said that he needed qualified personnel to fill the post of Defense Minister and etc. He offered three to four thousands dollars of monthly salary for these posts. The host of talk show asked him where did he got that much money. Of course, Peng Min would not reveal his financial source. By common sense, it was from intelligence.

Peng Min was arrested a short time before 6/17. He was charged of holding a large amount of forgery Chinese currency by Burmese police. He was delivered to Chinese government quickly. I think he was arranged there by intelligence. Peng Min might have thought he was working to overturn current Chinese government. He could never dream of that he became a chip in a secret deal and was sold by his host. He became a payment to Chinese secret police to exchange for a framed drug case D.O.J. wants.

It was similar to the framed case in April when my wife went to HongKong visiting her dying adopted father. For that case, US had deported one of China most wanted escaped corruptive official to China. FBI director Mueller also announced HongKong would be attacked by Al Qaida terrorists then. Now, Ashcroft and Mueller announced the coming summer attack by Al Qaida. And, too, they gave Chinese government one of their most wanted as interest exchange - a political dissenter.

Because US still holds a title of democracy which Bush used to "liberate" Iraq, Feds couldn't deport a political dissenter to China. So the secret deal was fulfilled by the third country-Burma. (see "222. Perform a secret deal (4/19), 223. FBI director said HongKong will be attacked (4/24)")

Former P.M. of Spain, Aznar was an ally of Bush. I alleged Madrid bombing was done to help his election. So, he should be familiar with these "terror attacks".
Here is an excerpt from an article:

Quote, "During his visit to California, Aznar referred more than once about a terrorist attack taking place in the United States in June, 2004, which would lead to a Federal Emergency Management Agency takeover of the U.S. (International Herald Tribune, May 15, 16, 17, Los Angeles Times, May 15)"

What made Aznar so sure there would be an "terror attack" in June? He might be able to access some inside information. I based on my own experience knew the mastermind is D.O.J. and their purpose is to eliminate a witness of their crime. For them this is a real imminent danger. Of course, to help their puppet Bush in election as well, too.

The above article is an interesting one, worth to read.

Quote, "Rogue Bush Backers prepare Super 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks

INN Preview Exclusive -June 2

By Webster Griffin Tarpley

Toronto, May 30 - Intelligence patterns monitored over the US Memorial
Day weekend now point conclusively to an imminent new round of ABC
(atomic-bacteriological-chemical) terror attacks in the United States,"
get a life dude, nobody cares... go out and get pissed and make some friends... c'mon. stop all this rubbish and get a hobby.
kathaksung: if you made any sort of sense people would at least listen, I cant make heads or tails out of your posts
247. Russia and terror attack (8/14)

On 5/26/04, Ashcroft and Mueller announced "terror attack in coming summer". On 6/4, in message 232, I alleged D.O.J. was the hand behind the coming attack to distract a framed drug case. I also predicted "And the time will be around 6/19."

On 6/19, Washington Post reported Russian leader Putin said his intelligence in 2002 had warned US that Iraq government planned to attack US. This news, combined with others, were used to fix the gap of soured "6/19 terror attack", enabled me realizing the attack was postponed. It also proved my allegation of secret deal between US and Russia.

On 6/10/2002, Ashcroft announced Padilla's arrest in Moscow. What made US Attorney General to give out such a news in a foreign capital? Five days later, on 6/15, in message "68, Re 7. Padilla and OKC bombing (6/15)", "Re. 9. Ashcroft in Moscow" I alleged a "terror attack" would be done to US. I wrote,"Or probably there will be a big terror attack which government had said,"Bombing is inevitable.".

One month later in message"77. The payment of deal(July/02)" I wrote, "It must be benefit to FBI because Ashcroft was involved.", "If so, US people still will suffer another attack-a dirty bomb attack. When they want to demand more from people. Either for election, or for the support of war on Iraq, or against criticism of failure's their choice."

What the role Russian would have played was a witness if the attack had happened. If Russian said they knew Saddam had planned such an attack, and had informed US in advance. People of the world would believe it. Because at that time, Russia seemed to be more friendly with Iraq than US. Russia opposed US war policy in UN convention.

Putin's defense in 6/19/2004 for Bush was only a performance of that secret deal of June/2002. That's why I was surprised when I heard it.
In which you can see a time accord. Re: "The report, which cited an unidentified intelligence agent, said Russian intelligence had received information in early 2002 that Iraq was planning an attack against the United States. "This information was more than once passed on to our U.S. partners in oral and written form in the fall of 2002,"". (Washington Post, 6/19/04)

As I said, the secret deal was done in early June, 2002. The bribe of the secret deal was paid to Russia in later June. Then we could see today that "the information from Russia in oral and written form passed to US in the fall of 2002." They could cheat people anything. But the action could only be carried out after the deal.

What was the fall of 2002? In October that year, a sniper shooting spree pushed law makers passed the Bill to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq. Bush got the war power; About same time, a French oil tanker was bombed; There was also a Bali bombing which killed nearly 200 people, most of them Australians. A push for the two countries to support for the war against Iraq. What Bush needed was an "Iraq terror attack" to justify the invasion. A Russia oral and written form of information would make the case credible.

For some reason, the plot to plant a terror attack on Iraq was soured. I think my revelation in advance played a role on it.
Sprafa said:
My God, Don't You People Ever Die ?
Nope, they are too super1337skillz!!!1111 I mean come on, they are naturally able to evade murder from FBI agents ;)
Kathaksung has entered... THE TOILET ZONE!

I like how he totally ignores the mountains of plot holes that fill every aspect of his confused story.

Even when I wrote a big-ass post detailing how moronic this is, and got it quoted three times, he is still somehow oblivious to how entirely whacked out he looks.

Or maybe that's what the FBI want us to think???
248. Secret deal and payment (8/19)

1. In April 2001, an US spy plane EP-3 collided with a Chinese fighter above the South sea of China. An article said a secret deal was reached for releasing the spy plane and its crew.
It said in secret deal, officials of FBI and DEA were the signatories and guarantors. Why FBI and DEA involved in a diplomatic and military event? I then concluded it's a secret deal between Feds and Chinese secret police in the name of settlement of EP-3 plane. The real deal was to frame a drug case to demolish a witness of the crime of D.O.J. committed.

I was puzzled quite a while at the amount of payment for that deal. The article said it was 40 billion dollars. That was a big amount. How could Feds have that much money? I had the answer a few months later. It was an economic benefit equivalence. Later that year, China was granted to host Olympic 2008 and was approved to be a member of WTO. Media said it would benefit China billions of dollars worth. Now we could see the result. The economy of China had a big leap forward since then. China now is the sixth big economy power in the world. The worth of payment exceeds far from 40 billion dollars.

2. On 6/10/2002, Ashcroft announced the arrest of Padilla in Moscow. In a message on 6/15 I alleged there was a secret deal between D.o.J
. and Russia that there would be a "terror bombing" to US. As usual, there always was a payment for the secret deal.

The bribe paid quickly this time. Because the demand of Iraq war was urgent. Same month on 6/27 in the meeting of G-8 in Canada, Russia was granted 20 billions of dollars within 10 years in the name of demolishing its WMD. Russia was also granted to host G-8 in 2006 which meant it was approved to be a partner of G-7.

What Russia was requested to do was to pass information to US intelligence in oral and written form that Iraq planned to attack US in the fall of 2002.(That's what we outsiders are able to know so far due to the 6/19/04 news release. Russia might have done more to plant.) The purpose was to frame Iraq as mastermind in a "terror attack" to US.

The planned "terror attack" soured for some reason. US bought the ticket but didn't go to the theater. So when it wanted to see the film again, it had to buy another ticket. So secret deal repeated.

3. Since my continual revelation of secret deal, now they put relevant figures and news in inconspicuous place.

Re: "5/17/2004 (S.J.M.N. brief news)
Rice pleased with talks on Iraq policy

The US and Russia are now" on the same page "regarding the future of Iraq despite disputes,"... national security adviser Condoleezza Rice met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the weekend to discuss next stage in the Iraq occupation..."

Re: "5/22/2004 (S.J.M.N. brief news)
Moscow signals support for long-stalled treaty

Russia signaled Friday that it would ratify the Kyoto climate-change treaty in exchange for European support for its bid to join the World Trade Organization."

I alleged another secret deal was done and the payment this time is WTO. (US opened green light for it) The plot had a tight schedule. Ten days later on 5/26, D.O.J. (Ashcroft and Mueller) announced the "coming attack in summer". On 6/19, when the plot soured, to take maximum advantage of the deal, they still let Putin give a news that Russia knew Iraq had planned to attack US. To save Bush's fame and also to prepare for the next plot in July.

There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation:

Ezekiel 25:17 "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"

My opinion is this:

Kathaksung = a very elaborate social experiment.
kathaksung is banned!?!

But he was entertaning!!! He's an internet legend, and we don't have him ?

Besides, WTF, Icarus reads a passage from the Bible Pul Fiction-style when he bans people :O
Icarus said:

There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation:

Ezekiel 25:17 "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"


I have bee banned for a while. The page said, "Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? "

Since I have done neither of above except post in two threads, I can only conclude someone was uneasy with my messages and abuse their power to ban me. Lood at the above message, they behaved like a KGB, or rather, a rogue FBI who thought himself a Lord. This is what US now become more and more like a totalitarian country. The Feds have un-checked power. But that won't stop me to speak out.

I thank Icarus giving me a vivid sample of "God" Bush warshipped.


I jumped over the continue messages to this one to show you the meaning of "Lord" they talked about.

261. Prophecy (10/14)

Early this year, an article in World Journal caught my eye. The topic was: "Big prophecy for 2004". I am not a superstitious man. But five pictures with the article attracted me. They were: Eiffel Tower of Paris; Senator Edward Kennedy; Pope John Paul; Prince of Monaco Albert; ruin of ancient Rome.

It said, Canadian Anthony Carr, viewed as a modern Nostradamus, predicted that Eiffel Tower would collapse after an attack, Rome of Italy and California of US would have strong earthquake in 2004.

The following are the successful prediction he had made:
1. On 1/1/2001 and 8/14/01, Anthony twice said "There will be airplane accident in New York. Hundreds of people will die." That was 9/11 attack.

2. Same day on 1/1/2001, he said George W. Bush would bring war to the world soon after he became president. We all saw it.

3. In February 2002, he said Princess of Margaret would die in 2002.

4. In August 2002, he said Mad Cow disease would attack Canada and rapidly swept across US. All these prophecy came true. And also he had predicted the death of Princess Diana.

If someone had made the above prophecy one hundred years ago, or 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago, I would admit it was a prophecy. Because there were too much variables in a long period. But check these achievements. It came true within a year, some even within a month. It's much more a proclamation of a project of intelligence then an astrology. Assassination of celebrities; terror attack; war. All the work capable done by government inside group.

I talked about mad cow, alleged it was a bio-attack from intelligence in December 2003. (see "191. Framing a case in December (12/26/03)") I talked about for many times that government knew 911 attack in advance. (see "68. Ashcroft's revenge (5/31/02)") All these were written before January 2004 when I knew there was such an Anthony Carr and his prophecy from newspaper.

In the books of of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, former counter terrorism adviser Richard Clark, Bob Woodward, Joseph Wilson we know from beginning when Bush entered White House, he determined to activate war. Outsiders observed phenomenon, insiders knew the detail. That's how Anthony Carr could make a prophecy. Or rather, to announce the plan of inside group in advance.

Now we go back to the great prophecy of 2004 by Anthony. It's still the assassination of celebrities, (Pope Paul, Edward Kennedy, Monaco Prince Albert) terror attack (Eiffel Tower), natural disaster (earthquake which could be induced, or created by modern technique).

Then why did they let out their plan by Anthony Carr? It's a psychological manipulation. Quite a lot of people believe in God. Prophecy will attribute all these events fatal. The prophecy will make that part of people believe what happens is natural.

You can also see Bush did the same thing. He always said what he did was God's will. As a matter of fact, media play the same role too. When brand name ABC, CNN, USA Today, Gallup..... constantly issued poll that Bush has an approve rate around 50% and leads over his rivalry despite Bush is a proved big lier, they are giving a prophecy too. This time it is for the rigged election. To make you believe the output of election is reasonable.

Anthony Carr doesn't need any reason to support his prediction. That's the advantage of a prophet. I predict sometime too on the purpose it won't happen. (such like the framed drug case even with specific date 6/19 , 9/2......) I always gave the reason why I thought in this way and with my analysis. I remind people from time to time "beware of pick pocket" so the thief won't steal for the time being.

I hope my revelation can prevent Anthony Carr's prophecy from happening.
262. Kennedy (10/19)

I haven't got my newspaper delivered on Sunday (10/17). This was the second time occurrence in recent four years. Last time I got a credit in my account for missing paper. This time I requested a refill even though the missing paper had to be delivered next day. I don't think it was a missing case. I thought there might be something Feds didn't want me to read.
(The missed paper appeared at my door today. I know it was the original because it was in a plastic bag with ads of a newly open store.)

I think the article they didn't want me to read is one about Kennedy. It said, "Kennedy's press chief dies in France at 79. He clouded his own legacy with conspiracy theories."

Pierre Salinger, press secretary to President John F. Kennedy and chief European correspondent for ABC News, died of a heart attack Saturday at a hospital near his home in France.

" His journalistic reputation was besmirched in the 1990's after his insistence that two major airline crashes were not what they seemed."

He said the 1988 crash of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie was a D.E.A. operation that went wrong. He also believed TWA Flight 800 was shot down near Long Island by a stray Navy missile in 1996.

I don't think it was a coincidence he died just two days(10/16) after I posted last message.(10/14) In which I talked about one of major projects of inside group in 2004 is to assassinate senator Edward Kennedy. Salinger was one who suspected the criminal activity of US government committed. He thus was a target of Inside group.

In early 90's I was intimidated by "So what, they even killed President Kennedy". (see #17. They killed President Kennedy) This was the beginning I realized the dark side of US intelligence. Instead of keeping silence I told people the assassin of JFK was FBI.

Twice I had left US trying to get rid of the persecution. Each time they killed a key member of Kennedy's family.

The first time was in July 1994. I went to China. I ordered the air flight ticket in April. Then in June, Jacklin Kennedy (widow of JF Kennedy) died of cancer. I didn't connect it to my leaving because at that time I didn't know much of Feds.

It was until in July 1999 at Hongkong, when I decided to go to South East Asia and started visiting appropriate consulates, I learned Jr. Kennedy died of air plane accident. The news reminded me of his mother's death. They both died several weeks early before I left for some countries Feds not so controlled. Feds were afraid of the reaction if my story had been revealed. They were afraid the potential political influence of Kennedy family.

Edward Kennedy is the last one of famous Kennedy's. That's why he becomes a prophecy of Anthony Carr. There was sign two months ago when news reported Edward Kennedy was banned to board US Airway's shuttle out of Washington to Boston. His name was put in the "no fly" list. It took several weeks to take his name from that list. Was it a mistake? But one thing for sure is that mistake won't take place on Bush, Ashcroft and Rumsfelt.

Feds is not the same one which assassinated President Kennedy 40 years ago. They are much stronger now armed with Patriot Act. They can open humiliate a president (Lewinsky scandal). So what to a Senator. They even predicted his death by prophecy. And to assassinate, no bullet needed anymore. Modern technique enable them to kill in covert way. They prepare heart attack for Edward Kennedy. Salinger died of it. Clinton, too, had a heart attack when he gave campaign advice to Kerry. Clinton told Kerry to abandon his Vietnam history but to focus on Iraq war. He offended the taboo of insider group and was punished by a heart attack. (see heart attack at # "5. Microwave killing" )
go away, nobody cares. get a life. garrr. :flame:

Sorry, im just fed up with the drivel that you come out with sir. Sort it out.
that guy posted in here last summer.( summer 04)

he got some believable point.
so apparently this kathaksung is some kind of internet celeb? anyone got any good info on him? i could google it, but then i'd have to erase this post :(
I feel bad for this guy....

Not really.... :laugh:

If you keep coming back, I assure you I will contact the athorities and give them a reason to shut you up.

Icarus said:
If you keep coming back, I assure you I will contact the athorities and give them a reason to shut you up.

Woah... thats abit harsh. Banned fine, but the whole, we will report you...? :eek:
he's not banned. it was in reply to oldage who thought reporting to authorities was harsh.
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