Contacting Gabe

he doesn't answer every1, plus if its a stupid question he might just ignore it.
Will the movement of objects with the gravity gun just be limited to certain selected objects, or will it be virtually all components of the scenery?

Will Counter-Strike Source include new player models, new weapons, .etc?
probably will be limited(though it would be nice to uproot a tree and thow it at a strider).

CS:S will probably have new player models , but i doubt new weapons.
The manipulator can only fling things around with a certain weight. Cars, for instance, can't be picked up, although they can be jolted using the right mouse button.

CS:Source will be a port of the original CS. It is not CS 2.
Will the movement of objects with the gravity gun just be limited to certain selected objects, or will it be virtually all components of the scenery?

This question has been asked and the general answer we get is that:

Valve hate exceptions so as many objects as possible will be moveable/affected by physics.

However fixed items of scenary will not. And the manipulator has a weight limit which can be upgraded as the game goes on. :)

Will Counter-Strike Source include new player models, new weapons, .etc?

As for this. CS source will most likely have new player models. New weapon models. And new textures for everything. However, if you meant new weapons like a new "type" of pistol. Then that is unlikely. But possible...
GunPlay said:
Will the movement of objects with the gravity gun just be limited to certain selected objects, or will it be virtually all components of the scenery?

There is a weight limit, you can pick up stuff like tires, boxes, guns etc but you can't pick up the buggy....big stuff...really big people...

GunPlay said:
Will Counter-Strike Source include new player models, new weapons, .etc?

My guess is no.
If you need more information, feel free to ask for a $2.00 per minute charge at 1-800-LOSERS.
I've got another one too. A puzzler. :)

I haven't been able to find the answer to this question anywhere and I
figured that you would probably know. In the Half-Life 1 intro
sequence in the tram, one of the things on the screen is
Administrative Sponsor: Classified. I just want to know who Gordon's
adminstrative sponsor is.

A couple people have said that they are the Administrator who ordered Gordon to do the experiment.
um in the manual it says doctor kleiner sponsored him, and let the administartor know about freeman.
The Administrator was never seen in Half-Life 1, but will probably be the Dr. Breen seen in the E3 2004 videos. Contrary to outmoded beliefs, it wasn't the G-Man.
GunPlay said:
I've got another one too. A puzzler. :)

I haven't been able to find the answer to this question anywhere and I
figured that you would probably know. In the Half-Life 1 intro
sequence in the tram, one of the things on the screen is
Administrative Sponsor: Classified. I just want to know who Gordon's
adminstrative sponsor is.

A couple people have said that they are the Administrator who ordered Gordon to do the experiment.
Classified.... :borg:
The administrator is a character called Breen and can be seen in the E3 2004 videos of HL2. :)
guys he is asking who gordons adminstrative sponsor is , not who is the adminstartor, which his sponsor is kleiner which i've just confirmed with my trusty HL1 manual.
Impulse147 said:
guys he is asking who gordons adminstrative sponsor is , not who is the adminstartor, which his sponsor is kleiner which i've just confirmed with my trusty HL1 manual.

Ooops... ignor me.

I think I have tried to help enough people for one night anyway. I might go sleep now. :)
Oh and the manipulator will be upgraded during the game so maybe in the end you'll be able to pick up cars...who knows? I don't and you don't either!
Frank said:
Oh and the manipulator will be upgraded during the game so maybe in the end you'll be able to pick up cars...who knows? I don't and you don't either!
Really? Where did you hear this?
Frank said:
Oh and the manipulator will be upgraded during the game so maybe in the end you'll be able to pick up cars...who knows? I don't and you don't either!

That's ****ing great news. Reminiscent of DXIW actually.
Well you're supposed to be able to upgrade the manipulator as you go on apprently.

Supposedly at first you'll have the phys gun (blue beamed one) and eventually it'll become the manipulator.

Thar was from the VIT.
Chris_D said:
Well you're supposed to be able to upgrade the manipulator as you go on apprently.

Supposedly at first you'll have the phys gun (blue beamed one) and eventually it'll become the manipulator.

Thar was from the VIT.
You start with the physics gun? I don't want to ruin anything but I am pretty sure you are wrong.
Yeah, Chris must be tired because I am 100% sure you are wrong on this one. :O

It allways looks the same just has its weight limit upped. The blue beam gun will not be in the game.
Chris_D said:
Well you're supposed to be able to upgrade the manipulator as you go on apprently.

Supposedly at first you'll have the phys gun (blue beamed one) and eventually it'll become the manipulator.

Thar was from the VIT.
WHOA new info :) And what is VIT? Probably connected to my next question which is: When did we find out about this?
GunPlay said:
Will the movement of objects with the gravity gun just be limited to certain selected objects, or will it be virtually all components of the scenery?

Will Counter-Strike Source include new player models, new weapons, .etc?

maybe try asking someone else in the company about the counter strike source such as cliffe... there are other people working at valve other than gabe newell

I think the manipulator upgrade was just speculation from someone who noticed the gun didn't have the 3 'pinchers' at the front in a certain video.

Where and when you see this I don't know.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
The administrator is a character called Breen and can be seen in the E3 2004 videos of HL2. :)

are pple just assuming this? or has Gabe or someone else from Valve confirmed this?

i mean i understand why pple think Breen is the Administrator but at the same time...Breen could be the "mayor" of City17 right? i mean that doesn't sound too far fetched, does it?

unless i missed something, i don't think its "a sure thing" that Breen is the Administrator.
Dr. Freeman said:
are pple just assuming this? or has Gabe or someone else from Valve confirmed this?

i mean i understand why pple think Breen is the Administrator but at the same time...Breen could be the "mayor" of City17 right? i mean that doesn't sound too far fetched, does it?

unless i missed something, i don't think its "a sure thing" that Breen is the Administrator.

Gabe himself confirmed this in the 40-min gamespot interview, emm 6 months ago. We got to see visual evidence in this year's E3 though.

LMAO at Mr-fusion, seems like you busted into gabe's email account. Expect someone to post this soon enough:

"OMG!!Gabe h4xord the rong n3wb!, the h4cker is still alive!!!11one"
LMAO, read the John Carmack one.

John Carmack
"Clearly, I'm better than you."
6/17/04 9:12 pm
Chris_D, I must say that Im think you're seriously wrong about the blue-beam gun being the basic manipulator. At least one eMail in the Info thread says that it's not being included, I'm sure...
Brian Damage said:
Chris_D, I must say that Im think you're seriously wrong about the blue-beam gun being the basic manipulator. At least one eMail in the Info thread says that it's not being included, I'm sure...

It's definately not in the game, Greg confirmed this. See the 3rd last page of the valve info thread for proof.
That's what I thought. I knew I'd seen it somewhere recently... Thanks dude...
Here it is.

Greg said:
Ok, this has been fun but the thread's a little out of control. After this round I'm going to quit answering stuff in here and get back to the more normal threads -- ones that don't have my name in the title. :)

The Mullinator asked: Is the playtesting about balancing and tweaking the levels, or is it about finding bugs?
At this point it's mostly about squashing bugs, but some balancing work is still happening. And we're testing lots of other things. For example, we've been reorganizing the weapons into different HUD "buckets" (numbered slots) this week, and we're playtesting different configurations. I think we're closing in on the final arrangement.

Murray_H asked: Price range for HL2 collectors edition?
Not sure yet. But this reminds me, I've got to do some work on the packaging for the retail collector's edition. Doug Lombardi and I have been looking into some different metal containers, but I'm really behind on nailing down the details.

Somebody asked: Will that beam-physgun from the 2003 techdemo be in the final game? Is it available to Modders?
No & probably not. But a Mod could build one fairly easily in Source.

Daegon asked: What's up with the Valve/US Military collaboration?
I haven't heard about that for a long time. Someone should ask Rick Ellis that question.

Tab asked: What are your feelings about the code theft?
I'm grateful for all the help Valve got from gamers in tracking down the people responsible. I was helping to field lots of mail that got sent in to the "helpvalve" address, and was talking with the authorities quite a bit during the whole investigation... so it's been really gratifying to finally see some results. There is no way the case would have gone very far without all the help we received from the community.

Six Three asked: When is "Akzidenz-Grotesk" being released?
I don't know. In the meantime, try this game.

Several people asked: What was the easter egg in the E3 2003 vids?
I don't have the heart (or the spine) to answer this question.

Cutey_Kaite asked: Greg, can you marry me?

jimbones asked: Get back to work?