Convert Quake3 maps to DOOM3 looking


Aug 20, 2003
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the programmer at have a program which convert Q3 maps into D3 textures. Download it from the above link,

Q3toD3 GUI converts automatically Quake3 Maps into Doom3 Maps.

It performs the following tasks for you, so you don't have to do them by hand:
1-Convert Quake3 Map into Doom3 Map
2-Extract textures needed by the map
3-Convert textures to Doom3
4-Copy material list to the right place
5-Extract models needed by the map
6-Convert Models to Doom3
7-Extract needed textures by the models
8-Convert model textures to Doom3
9-Copy model material list to the right place

have fun ;)
Why would you want to do this? The maps are going to look exactly the same, with work needed to properly align some of the textures. The only difference is the lighting.
And as multiplayer, you're down to 4 players, rather than 16 player games (32 player?)
I see no benefit to doing this... unless you want to use it as a base to add more detail into the map, to make it look better, rather than starting the map from scratch...
You are somehow right, its just a small improvements over q3 maps but you can get a mod for 32 players server. Download link is @ planetDoom3.