Converting Base Goldsrc Shared Content Localized files into steam cache...

Oh Alb... Why does this constitute a new thread, and why haven't you noticed Abomination's sticky? Come on dude, pay attention.
Originally posted by alb1221
this step has been goin on forever ughghghghghgh

That step took about 5 minutes for me...

Stupid me though, I left the window up for like half an hour because I didn't realize that the "next" button had become pressable...
My steam seems to be stuck on exactly the same thing :x
Alb, how long has it taken so far?
...? What didn't you understand? My Steam is also taking forever on the same part that you said yours is stuck on.
well the bad news is that i cant help you out dudes BUT the good news is that there aint anny bandwidth for annyone at this moment so you aint missing out on much (read anything)
Well I'm getting 44kilobytes/sec unless it's still kilobits in which case I'm just getting 6kilobytes/sec.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well I'm getting 44kilobytes/sec unless it's still kilobits in which case I'm just getting 6kilobytes/sec.

It's in kilobits i'm affraid. :(
There is no way that Steam will be able to handle thousands of people downloading Half-Life 2 at once. When HL2 comes out on Steam it probably won't download completely until like a week later.
ahaha I let it start this morning before school, came home it was done :)
That step seems to be a bit buggy, alb. A few people are having problems with it.
I tried to let mine download while I was at work, got home and that ****ing "Debug Assertion Failed" error message had come up and crashed Steam probably about 10 minutes after I left for work.
There is no way that Steam will be able to handle thousands of people downloading Half-Life 2 at once. When HL2 comes out on Steam it probably won't download completely until like a week

I have to agree, things still aren't stable even with just releasing the non-beta client. Imagine whats gonna happen when HL2 is released on Steam :p
i quit the converting after about 20mins because the hard drive activity light wasn't moving yet it still said converting.
i've had it on for about 45 mins and i have my cpu mointor up and its stable about about 80% (2 ghz p4) some times it goes down to 9 but gernaly at high use my god this is gonna take FOREVER for me