Converting .map to a hl2 deathmatch map and tfc .bsp?


Oct 13, 2007
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Hi all

How do i convert a .map file into a .bsp one for tfc and the file for hl2 dm? (i can't remember the extension)



To convert a .map file you need to compile it. That creates the actual bsp. With that map file I can only assume that you are working on the goldsrc engine and to edit and compile the map file you can use Hammer verision 3.5

However, for alll source related files you should use the verision of Hammer that comes with the SDK. You will find this under the tools tab in Steam. And then you should be editing vmf files instead of map files since this is what the new engine uses. Compiling is done the same way, although using different tools - tools that come with the SDK.

Happy mapping.
Thanks alot!

1) How/where do i compile it?
2) When i open hammer in SDK version, it says some file is missing. - Where can i get this file?

Thanks in advanced,

Please, in the future be more specific. Don't say some file. Say which specific file.

Im assuming that it says "Game configuration is missing or invalid" since that is the most common one.

What you need to make sure is that you've got the right game selected in the drop-down menu in the SDK. Different games have different configurations in Hammer, so you need to specify it here.

Before you run Hammer, you must however have been running the game since the last update. Haven't run the game in a while? Do so. If Hammer still reports this error when you have run the game, then first try to Refresh SDK Content (you'll find this in the SDK). If that doesn't work, reset the SDK.

Once you get into hammer, load up the map, edit and then hit F9 (run) to open up the compile box. Make sure that all options are set to Normal and then tick the "don't run the game after compiling" box, then press OK.

Check the log (a bunch of text that will appear in a box) for messages such as WARNING or ERROR. If there are any of those, something is wrong with your map and you need to fix it. Post the error here and we can help.

If there are no errors, open your game and load the map by typing map mapname in the console, where "mapname" is ofcourse the name of your map.