Convince to get (or not to get) Prey.


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
I think it looks like a pretty good innovative FPS, and I may add it to my birthday list. Is it worth getting?
Try the demo.

I liked it...
Nice graphics, interesting gameplay elements(walking on walls, spirit walking...), great voice work...

The only thing I didn't really like was the generic weapons, sure they look damn spiffy... but they're just your standard FPS weapons.(Machine gun, rocket launcher, etc.)... and the MP is a little too hectic and disorienting.
no, don't get it. the only innovations to speak of are portals and the weird gravity... both of which are gimmicky and get old after about an hour of playing. the only other appeal is the good graphics, but the level design is generic and uninspired, the coolest part of the game is the opening abduction sequence
The features it has that other games don't seem very gimmicky to me, but it does look like a very pretty game. Also the portal thing is being done better by Valve soon, so the basis of buying the game would be if the story and graphics considerably impress you? Maybe someone else can fill you in on those.
I've been thinking about getting the retail version too.
I have my doubts though.
There's barely any servers for it available i hear.
Unless Portal comes out by then,i'll wait a few more months till the price drops a bit and and purchase it then.
Find it on the cheap, otherwise the short (but good) SP isn't worth it.
slacker just come to gamefrog and play it on the 360
Not worth it for full price. I also agree that the opening scene is the best part of the game.

There was a topic a month ago with mini-reviews of the game by users here so you might wanna look at it.
Its a good game, not great (some parts are, but some parts are less then great). I dont regret buying it.
slacker just come to gamefrog and play it on the 360

I kinda want to take a road trip down to Durham and go there. The local LAN place is in downtown Raleigh, and while it's fun, the game selection could be a lot better...
It's a good game, but I'd say it wasn't worth it. The weapons are boring as hell, and the story is also quite annoying. Honestly.. Native Americans aren't interesting and shouldn't be in a sci-fi video game. Spirit walking my arse.

Maybe I need to hate it now. :)
Don't get it, but don't worry about how good or bad the game is:

3D Realms produced the game alongside human head, they will no doubt get royalties of some kind from the game sales. If it sells well then they will certainly be in no rush to produce any games themselves in order to keep themselves afloat. If it sells poorly then 3Drealms will have to think more carefully about their future. And if this means even the slightest increased chance that they will get off their FAT and LAZY asses and make DNF then you should all not buy this game. Hell the worst scenario would be if they go out of business, even then we would not have to worry about DNF anymore.

I hated the game.

I was playing a rebel Native American. What the ****.