Cooking a HE grenade.


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Throw grenade with right mouse button.

Quickly press "e".

The grenade is held out in front of you, you can then throw it with the left mouse button.

Lots of people have been doing something similar with the grav. gun, but this is easier as you can catch the grenade right after you throw it, so you have a lot more time to play with, and it's more reliable.
Do you get the same speed and distance if you do it that way?
Not really. It's like the difference between throwing a brick with your grav gun and then throwing it with your hands.
I prefer cooking it with my grav gun. It has some pretty far range and once you get it down, it can be extremely deadly.
nice trick but the reduced quality of the throw does not outweigh the slieght time diff that the grav gun gives.

and also, does this work in MP cuase i didn't think you could pick things up in it.
I usually just throw it right away, no point in holding around :p
engineer said:
Haha, it's just like the DoD method.
you could pick up the grenades in DoD wow i wouldn't have thought they had an option like that in the original hl engine
They had some sort of physics system in the specialsit, weapons would fall realisticly.
This is a funny trick, allthough I don't see what's the point.
Gravity gun is much more effective IMO.

The grenades will explode on impact if thrown using gravity gun Seppo.
Sam2k said:
Gravity gun is much more effective IMO.

The grenades will explode on impact if thrown using gravity gun Seppo.

Woah they do? That sounds like fun, I think I'll go try it now.
I find I don't use grenades much. Except to get rid of people in the shop with the crossbow or the damn RPG campers.
Cons Himself said:
they dont

They should do, maybe the time balance is just right though so they explode on the target most of the time.
yeah its just the fact that 1/2 the fuse has gone by the time u drop them, piuck them up with grav gun and then fire them.
This doesn't work in multiplayer, and the grav gun is more effective almost all the time anyways.

You can easily catch it out of midair with the G-gun. With a bit of practice this can be more powerful that the rocket launcher because you can do airbursts.
I find grenades too bouncy to be reliable :thumbs:
Tynan said:
This doesn't work in multiplayer, and the grav gun is more effective almost all the time anyways.

You can easily catch it out of midair with the G-gun. With a bit of practice this can be more powerful that the rocket launcher because you can do airbursts.

What do you mean doesn't work in multiplayer?

[edit]Oh i get it, the picking up thing[/edit]
if you can get the timing and switching down to a T, grav gun + nade cook can serisouly own. now, im sure everyone knows about the "g" key, and how it quick switches to the grav gun. that really helps reduce the time it takes to get the nade ready to throw. the hard part is i hit g too early and dont actually throw the nade. also, use secondary function so you dont chuck it far, that's harder to catch.

practice it, and you'll be getting double kills all over the place.
or another thing is you could make a script that switches to grenades, fires, switches to ggun and picks it up. but wait that is cheating forget i mentioned that
And apparently every time you pick up a nade with the Gravity Gun the fuse resests.
I usaully just throw the damned thing ;)

But sometime if i know there are A LOT of people in a tiny room ill chuck it with the grav gun.
[46] pushit [2] said:
if you can get the timing and switching down to a T, grav gun + nade cook can serisouly own. now, im sure everyone knows about the "g" key, and how it quick switches to the grav gun. that really helps reduce the time it takes to get the nade ready to throw. the hard part is i hit g too early and dont actually throw the nade. also, use secondary function so you dont chuck it far, that's harder to catch.

practice it, and you'll be getting double kills all over the place.

i like using the grav gun + nade, but the nade by it's self can be just as good. - if you are pinned below an enmy, chuck the nade up, it falls back NORMALLY exploding just above you - eliminating the enmy.
ive found every time i try to cook a nade like that and i have more than one, it'll throw the second one after i pick up the first...
rpgprog said:
or another thing is you could make a script that switches to grenades, fires, switches to ggun and picks it up. but wait that is cheating forget i mentioned that

scripts....why not just actually practice and get it down. that is true "skill"...haha

btw, has anyone played the map DM_Crossfire_Source_1-1? it is a really cool map with nice HL2 themed additions. i had been screwing around on an different version of crossfire, and while it was fun, crossfire_source blows it out of the water. very cool visuals/graphics, fun as hell to play on.

only problem is there are literally NO servers with 1-1. so spread the word!
CookieCuttah said:
They had some sort of physics system in the specialsit, weapons would fall realisticly.

Physics lol. Thats simple code aligning the gun to a surface.