Cool Animal Facts


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Just post some cool animals facts that people may or may not know.

But don't be stupid and post something like 'Dogs have good hearing'...

I was watching TV (Discovery Channel), and learned that Pigeons' reflexes are fast enough to make them see the world in slo-motion. Which is freaking awesome. Imagine if they created something that makes peoples reflexes faster? Slo-mo fighting and what-not!

your turn, mofos.
3-4 millions dogs and cats are euthanized at shelters every year because they're unwanted ..oh and they're not euthanized like your pet fido is ..often it's a bullet or a hammer to the head - far cheaper
Just post some cool animals facts that people may or may not know.

But don't be stupid and post something like 'Dogs have good hearing'.

I was watching TV (Discovery Channel), and learned that Pigeons' reflexes are fast enough to make them see the world in slo-motion. Which is freaking awesome. Imagine if they created something that makes peoples reflexes faster? Slo-mo fighting and what-not!

your turn, mofos.

Pigeons matrix!

pigeon1: hey whatch out for that kid behind you!
pigeon2: !!!.....<slow mo> jumps making a turn to the left and kids miss it and crash whit wall <slow mo>
pigeon2: too fast for you maggot? *poo in kids head*

octopus can be more intelligent that dogs
Hippos are the most dangerous animal on the planet (next to humans).
A centipede.

erm... fleas have the biggest jump length/body size ratio in the animal kingdom.
Eating tinned salmon from 5 years ago causes a serious stomach upset.
a shrew have to eat every 2 hours or it will die
Columbian birds have hollow bones so they can hide cocaine
A grizzly bear can out run a human and climb trees better, so if you annoy one, you're f**ked
chihuahuas, although from a hispanic location, do not have good work ethic
Pigs are Satan and his cronies in disguise, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting Muslims and turn them into demons to battle Christ and his disciples.
Ants (or was it termites?) have the largest brain to body-mass ratio of any creature. An ant colony has about as much brain matter as a human.
The word Kengaroo comes from the Abariginie word "Kun gah ru", which means "I don't understand you."; this is the response British explorers got when they asked natives what the creature was.
If a shark stay still they die, to have to maintain a constant water flow through their gills or suffocate.
The word Kengaroo comes from the Abariginie word "Kun gah ru", which means "I don't understand you."; this is the response British explorers got when they asked natives what the creature was.

I believe this is an urban myth.

Fruit Fly sperm can be up to 5 centimetres in length when un-coiled.

Bears create their own buttplugs made from hair and feces to stop them from shitting during their hibernation.

Elephants often get drunk and kill people (No, really, they do.)

Eating nothing but rabbit will kill you due to a lack of the oils and fats necessary to keep your ass alive.
I believe this is an urban myth.


In the Guugu Yimidhirr language, spoken by the aboriginals of the area where Captain Cook's party recorded the term kangooroo (the original spelling), this word (more accurately pronounced something like kang-ooroo) refers to a particular species of kangaroo, namely the large black kangaroo. The only error Cook's party can be accused of is mistaking the name of one variety of kangaroo for the generic term. I hope you will be able to bring your readers up to date on this question and disillusion them regarding the widespread mythology surrounding it. --Bernard C., Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

pigs are more intelligent than dogs ..we dont eat dogs ..well at least the majority of us dont
Pigs don't do anything useful with their intelligence.
Do dogs? I mean... define useful. They're both still alive, so they're both obviously doing something right.

Being tasty has, in essence, kept their species alive.
Let me re-phrase that a little...

Pigs don't do anything useful while they're alive.

Except maybe eat dead mobsters.
Raccoons actually have 7 senses

Beavers are actually the fastest swimmers on the planet

You will swallow 32 spiders on average if you fall asleep with your mouth open
Daddy Longlegs actually have venomous bites, but not enough venom for you to give a shit.
There's this type of lizard that was discovered whose saliva has the potential to cure/fight Type-2 diabeetus.
Alright! Kids all around the world can be cured of diabetes, if only they french kiss a lizard! Got the guts? We'll find out after this commercial break..
Minutes after the discovery, the entire species was devoured by Wilford Brimley.
Pygmy fruit flies are only 10 nanometers long