Cool idea for using monitor technology


Jul 7, 2003
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You know how the tech demo shows that real-time video/monitor? What I would love to see is some sort of defense map where you've got a central command room with videos of key points in your base. Maybe there could be some rudimentary ordering capabilities like "Team A move to Hall B" or something. If anyone has played the first level of "Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith" they'll know what kind of environment I'm thinking of.

This could also be used for multiplayer games of course.

duh yes thats vary possibly and will be vary easy to do with half life2 so whats your point?.......itll get done wooptie doooooooooo
Poison lay off. Sound like a good idea Trigger.
exactly, so stfu. If you dont got something nice to say, just STFU!!! :afro: cool idea.
Originally posted by PoiSoNSpiDeR

duh yes thats vary possibly and will be vary easy to do with half life2 so whats your point?.......itll get done wooptie doooooooooo
Jesus christ, there is nothing wrong with this thread. Why do people like you have to make these forums so uncomfortable for everyone?

It's an interesting idea trigger, I'm sure we'll see it implemented in the future.
that would be pretty cool for natural selection, if the ns-dev team are going to make a HL2 port, wich I don't know.. but it would be cool :)
just imagine, helmet cameras on the marines, like in Aliens, so the commander can get a glimpse on what is going on outside his command chair :p
The possiblities with source are so awesome. I am rather interestied in seeing how mod makers impliment the real time camera's. They look like they should be really popular.
Mod makers, it seems, have alot of work to do now. We might not be seeing any good quality mods for half an year after HL2 is released.

The maps are becoming alot more detailed and the use of bumpmaps doubles the texture making time.

No problem for modellers though because they usually start off very high poly with the models and scale it down from there. (it's a blessing for them, really)
Yeah then again if Valve delievers on the prefabs we might see some great gameplay although it mgiht be a bit repetative. Then again what the hell do I know.
Look at UT2003. Mods didnt really start comming out for it until last month (because of the make something unreal contest.) That game has almost been out for a year!
Perhaps a small, toggleable square in the lower left of your hud showing the perspective of your team mates? That would boost team based mod player coordination 10 fold.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Perhaps a small, toggleable square in the lower left of your hud showing the perspective of your team mates? That would boost team based mod player coordination 10 fold.
Sounds a lil hardware demanding. Perhaps if it were only one or two screens, but having your whole team displayed? Nah. Mayb if you could cycle through their views.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Perhaps a small, toggleable square in the lower left of your hud showing the perspective of your team mates? That would boost team based mod player coordination 10 fold.

Like "Aliens" where they watched from the APC! When I got the "Aliens vs Predator" demo it had little camera screens in the APC and I thought it was showing real-time views from squadmates. Turns out they were looping smacker files but with HL2 we could do it!
It would definitly be cool in a multiplayer map where someone could stop by a control room every couple of mins to see where there is heavy activity, and send reinforcements to that area.
I cant wait to see how valve uses the monitor technology in HL2. You could go some mighty freaky stuff with that kinda technology.
In Quake 3 Fortress, the engineer has a sentry-view window on his HUD, and that game doesn't have nearly the same capabilities as HL2 does, so the camera-in-HUD idea is certainly doable, I'm sure.

The real cool thing will be having in-map screens that you walk up to and show your teammate's view or somesuch.
Also, if it was showing your view, it should recurse (the picture-in-picture-in-picture-in-picture thing), as we figured out from scouring the videos a couple of months ago :D
Stupid rip-off of cs_assault?
Do you think that mapper invented the security camera?

What can be done in HL2 is that you can have and actual security system. Actual security cameras that pan around and have their video displayed in real-time on monitors (people won't have to make themselves vulnerable while looking at the monitor as in cs_assault, and multiple people can look at the monitors at the same time).
The intruders will have to make a choice... try to slip through quickly and hope no one sees or destroy the cameras and make them guess what is happening (but that will give the security a general idea of where the action is).

Another thing I would like to see cameras used for is a mod with a modern (or futuristic) military theme. The helmets could have a screen that toggles between one of several things: A map with the location of all players on your team and the locations of orders/targets given to you, a first-person view through a camera mounted on each team mates helmet (you can cycle between players), a view from a camera mounted on your gun so you can look around corners by holding your gun around the corner (but the screen will be rather small and your aim won't be incredible while holding it in that position), or night/heat vision.

Another thing cameras could be used for is a modern MMORPG (like Foreordination and RolePlay Annihilation). There could be TVs around the maps in random places that could be cycled through various camera inputs. Some of the cameras could be in a news show setting where players stand behind the desk and use the voice communication system to deliver live in-game news. Others could be carried around to have news on-site when the action is happening. People roleplaying as evil characters could use them to announce that they are holding someone for ransom. People could even put on live-action performances (it could be interesting if done well) or plays.

There are a lot of uses for the live camera technology that I haven't mentiond because you people have imaginations, too... use them.
This feature could add a lot to certain mods.
Id like to see:
a counter-strike mod using that technology... thatd be sweet like for cs_assult or something :D


Just walking into a control center with monitors in HL2 the game would kick ass.. looking at diffrent monitors.. seeing whats actually there... very cool!
I want a bomb disposal mod with me controlling a robot, lol.
for MP CTF, etc it would ROCK. in SP?...

SP frankly it would about no action....
I suppose if done correctly it could work very well, not my thing. :)
Im with gabe, I want to see a fighting game in source :) And ya cameras could have alot of awesome uses.
I read somewhere that gabe said there is currently a restriction that means you can only have one camera within a certain area. I don't know why there would be a restriction like this (since it implies you could have as many cameras as you want if they are far enough away from each other, and you could still have the monitors in the same place).. Hopefully if there is a restriction like this, it'll be fixed up before release.

Btw, check the valve info thread if you want to see the e-mail.. I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
Here is that e-mail I was talking about:


Question about HL2.

The most interesting part, to me at least, about the e3 demo video was the input/output camera demonstration. How hard is it to specify a plane to be the screen and an object to be the camera? I’m guessing that this gives good possibilities for mappers to create a “waiting room” sort for spectators in which they could just sit back and view the match from a few different angles at once?


Hi Adam,

It's surprisingly easy to setup a camera and monitor in this fashion. At the moment, there is a restriction that there may not be two cameras in the same area, but you could certainly have multiple cameras covering different areas. I could see the "waiting area" of such a mod resembling a sports bar with big-screen TVs. Now there's an idea...

well he does say at the moment, that at least implies that it will be something that gets fixed by the time of release or by patch
he also said there are no arbitrary limitations to the source, and if that doesnt get fixed well, there is a limitation.
What happens if the camera points at the monitor thats attached to it? Do you get an infinite number of monitors in one another? Or will HL2 crash? hehehe... interesting to find out
That actually happened in the tech demo, and yep, you get a screen within a screen within a screen etc. Watch closely just after the camera is picked up with the manipulator :)
It would be fun tech to use in order to make a hall of mirrors.
In my opinion, one of the most impressive parts of the tech video was the feedback the monitors displayed when the camera was pointed at the screen, just like a real camera does. Awesomeness.
What if you set up a monitoring camera in Alyx's bedroom hehe, and just sit in your room instead of playing on so you can watch the survalance hehe, ahhh hahahah, you think I'm stupid for spawning this idea? wait till the 'Alyx B3dr00m M0D' comes out, cuz I know it will, some perv will probaly allready be making the room and setup :p
I think that these camera things would make excellent tools. Imagine this. Have something you could place on walls like the half life 1 laser mine only this one would be much smaller.

After placing the camera you'd have a small screen you could bring up in conjunction with any 1 handed weapon like a detonator, pistol (less accuracy while 1 handed) or c-bar. It would be like a small PDA type deal with a large screen relaying video to you.

It'd be perfect for monitering remotely placed explosives, flags, choke points, etc
UDHA: You generally find that the kinds of people interested enough in that stuff to make an Alyx's bedroom mod, don't have a tenth of the skill or dedication needed to make a good mod. So basically, other than possibly a few nude skins that look like someone's just drawn some boobs in MS Paint, it'll never happen.
a real time screen in your hand will be ahrd but it is possible
I was thinking about this. Camera's on any ballistic weapon or missile!
controlable missilles with camera's.
Thank god nobody will wine about 'lame AWM in counterstrike because the missille would be much more lame
not really, controlling a missle via remote control leaves you, the firer vulnerable. If the missle is slow enough it could be dodged, if the missle is too fast you'll ussually miss if your aim isn't good
Originally posted by Stingey
a real time screen in your hand will be ahrd but it is possible
I was thinking about this. Camera's on any ballistic weapon or missile!
controlable missilles with camera's.
Thank god nobody will wine about 'lame AWM in counterstrike because the missille would be much more lame

Ahh wow .. now we're finally getting some GREAT ideas for the i/o technology. I remember the HL1 RPG had a little screen attached to it. Wouldn't it be ultra-cool if you would see the missle-cam's view as it closed on the enemy at 200 mph ..

EDIT: Not for targetting purposes, just for fun.

Definatelly something that should be included in some mod. :cheers:
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