cool thing i did in nova prospekt


porkchop express

alright. in that control room while your waiting for alyx to show up and you have to set up those turrets? well i did a pretty awesome thing that made me love source. i took all the debris and objects in the room and blocked the bottom of the stairs so the combine couldnt get up. so then i set the turrets over-looking the combine and they had no way to get to me. it was absolutly awesome.

after meeting up with alyx, i picked up a turret and carried it around with me for the rest of the level. so when you get to another location to set up more turrets, i had a extra. made things really easy hahahaa.

thats just awesome you can do that though. this game is nuts.
im kinda lost in there im in the kitchen area where do i go from there?
damn, i was going to try that, but i didn't think it would work because earlier in the game, i blocked a door with a sofa and some other crap, and when the combine arrived, they just pushed it aside like it was cardboard.
lol this was so funny in HL2... I could hear a manhack somewhere but I couldnt find out where, so I looked around and found out it was trapped under a part of a metal ladder, lol :)
When you had to set up turrets and wait for Alyx (with combine coming from all sides) I set them up against the back side of a very tiny room with one door and piles barrels in front of them so that all of their shots made it over but most of the enemys' shots hit the barrels instead... to keep them from being knocked over. My only job was to sit in the corner and make sure the grenades that went in came back out while they were still in one piece (because they were my only threat). I got through that fight without firing a single bullet.
ya, i did that too the second time you had to do it. i had all four turrets and whenever they knocked one down, id just pop it back up. not one shot fired. it was badarse.
NetWarriorDan said:
I took a turret with me but a turret was missing when I got to the next part. :(

I'm pretty sure there are only 3 there anyway... I think...
I took the turret with me all the way untill the next part where you get more turrets (in that small room with 3 more turrets). I probably could have taken it further, but I didnt.
porkchop express said:
ya, i did that too the second time you had to do it. i had all four turrets and whenever they knocked one down, id just pop it back up. not one shot fired. it was badarse.
Was a while before I realised I could just keep picking them up and having them work again, the turrets are great, I wonder if its possible to spawn them in other maps. That could be fun ;)