Cool thing to do in WInamp 5...


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Got this off another forum

Get winamp 5

play a song

Start playing a song on WinAMP, goto View -> Visualizations, and pick a visualization you like.
Click on the little button below the bottom-right corner of the visualization and pick "Dock in AVS editor"
Click Settings -> display
Click the check mark on Overlay mode and then click the "Color" box.
Select white.
Click OK.
No, not untill you tell me what it does.
lol just made some parts of windows go red..
Do you have to restart or something to get rid of it?

(I haven't done it, I just don't want to restart)
No, just close winamp or go back and change the stuff back, lol, it won't give you AIDS or anything so calm down.
That's the coolest thing ever....
actually, wow, that's the coolest thing..
I'm leaving my windows like this.

Change your IRC background to white, it's awesome.
It didn't do anything.......OMFG ANYTHING WHITE ON MY SCREEN IS COLORED OMFG!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you woulda followed the steps you would have Winamp, but I see you are a FAILURE!
I can't find those buttons in my winamp! and I have 5.03!
MaxiKana said:
I can't find those buttons in my winamp! and I have 5.03!
Right click on the visualizer, and there are the settings.
MaxiKana said:
I can't find those buttons in my winamp! and I have 5.03!

Switch to Modern Skin.

Lmfao thats ****ing crazy. It rocks though. I am gunna use it as standard when ever I listen to music :D
Holy F^ck!!!!! That is AWSOME!!!!!!!

You know what I made one of those visulizations out of?

You know how it can use AVI videos?

Well I used the Havoc Fall Guy video.

Pretty funny to see in the backround wile I write this.
My modern skin doesn't work :(

/me cries.
You don't even need modern skin I don't think....just right click, go to visulizations, click configure, and then follow from there.
Since I'm betting that most of you have visulizations that have a black backround, here's what I did to fix that (sorta).

I just went into Trans\Color Map. Slid the white side all the way over. And set the output to subtractive 2. The only problem is that colors will be inverted. All I wanted it for was for a couple of moving particles on the screen and it works great.

I figure there has to be a WAY easyer way to make the backround white in the vis...but I couldn't see how...

[edit] And I'm not sure how much your skin matters. I'm not even using the modern skin. I always use my Fry Amp :) [/edit]
I watch the family guy network on my winamp. Pretty sweet.
Xeni said:
I watch the family guy network on my winamp. Pretty sweet.

I've never been able to get that to work for some reason. And I have dsl.

I always click on a channel...and it just never loads up...
Your can't post a screen shot of it sorry. I changed it from white to black because i was having difficulty reading.
.... I feel slightly stupid... I can't get it to work.
Change it to black and open looks awesome.
If I did drugs I bet this would be about 10,00 times cooler, or it wouldnt be that cool because my whole room is doing...
goto google and try it out...awsome.

Woo Wooo its on acid gogogogogogogo!