Cool thought/idea for HL2


Jul 1, 2003
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I don't know if Direct X 9 shaders could do this but I thought something that would be kinda funny/cool for HL2 is a player idle animation where you see Gordon's hands come up to his face and momentarily remove his glasses to wipe them clean, leaving a blurry unfocused POV of the game world until the glasses are replaced. :rolling:

Just thought it would be a nice touch, and wanted to share.

That would be pretty nice. Good idea.
Too bad this is unlikely to ever happen :(
Quick, E-mail Gabe!
It would have been a fun little quirk of the game, but it's a bit late now, but hey, you never know, when have any of us seen it be idle?
I never really liked things like that - those kind of ambient "You haven't moved in a while and frankly I'm less than impressed" animations from the character. I think it'd be especially annoying in first person as it'd block out so much of the view.
Heh, that's a nice idea, actually, they might have put it in if you would have thought of it earlier. Wouldn't be too hard to do, and it's a great idle thingy.

Gordon should get contacts. :|

EDIT: Ahh I see your point el Chi, it might get in the way of just looking at a fight or something, all of the suddon he takes off his glasses...
So maybe not, but good idea anyway...
I think it would take away from the experience, because one of the great things of HL1 is that you WERE gordon freeman, and the only way this could add to the experience would be if the player wore big emo glasses as well :p
Jade, how would it take away from the experience? He'd still be wearing his glasses, just clean them off if idle..

Anyway, I like this idea, the first time I ever saw something that made me laugh (idle animation was) was when Mario would slowly fall asleep in SM64
vegeta897 said:
Gordon should get contacts. :|
Contacts? Contacts!? Burn the heretic!

Besides, I have Freeman stylee glasses (not because of him) and so they are good. Plus contacts can dry out really easily which is a pain in the arse.
I dunno, its just like the effect where you look in a mirror in an FPS and the person looking back isn't you (obviously) but it just sorta takes away from the fact that its you in the game. /shrug
Jadewolf5675 said:
I think it would take away from the experience, because one of the great things of HL1 is that you WERE gordon freeman, and the only way this could add to the experience would be if the player wore big emo glasses as well :p

Funny, I do. And I have a similar facial structure, different nose though. Blonde hair too. Oh well.
Jadewolf5675 said:
I dunno, its just like the effect where you look in a mirror in an FPS and the person looking back isn't you (obviously) but it just sorta takes away from the fact that its you in the game. /shrug

lol, solution is to make it so users must be running a webcam.. mirrors = live webcam view :)
I kid, I kid ;)
Pendragon said:
That mirror thing can be a bit touchy--I remember way back in No One Lives Forever there was a mirror, and the person in the mirror held her gun differently than the viewmodel :p.

MDK2 did mirrors best..

They were a still, fuzzy looking monitor that had a sticky note attached to them saying "Out of order" :LOL:
jasonh1234 said:
I don't know if Direct X 9 shaders could do this

What do Dx9 shaders have to do with it?
I would have to say Deus Ex mirrors were the worst of the bunch. And to add my thoughts in with this, I don't think it would work to well if it messed up the veiwpoint, what if you are attacked right in the middle of it. It might be cool as a condition, like in AvP2 when you're the Predator and they capture you and take your mask. They capture Freeman and take his glasses...although didn't we already determine that since he could breath on zen he had to have had the helmet on?
It would be a cool easter egg, activated when you're idle for a long time. 5 minutes or so.

Or, make it a seperate button: 'G' for 'Clean Glasses'.
In fact, that could be an effect: If you get too uppity with the bug-smashing, you're bound to get some innards on your glasses. So, your vision gets progressively worse until you stop for a spit-shine. :)

Still, despite the promotional photos, Gordon is never seen wearing his glasses in any of the games. Plus, if you've played Decay for PS2, Gordon keeps a small, pale, white & blue cardboard box in his apartment's bathroom.
Like the kind contact lenses are sold in...
I'd guess that he switched to contacts shortly before the accident.
The famous picture of gordon with a shotgun from the old cover most be from Gordo's HEV training, before the switch.

Oh, and both Barney and Shephard can survive in Xen without protection, So Gordo must be safe going helmetless.
But there are pics of Gordon holding a helmet under one arm... and if he wasn't wearing a helmet, where did the HUD come from?
jasonh1234 said:
I don't know if Direct X 9 shaders could do this but I thought something that would be kinda funny/cool for HL2 is a player idle animation where you see Gordon's hands come up to his face and momentarily remove his glasses to wipe them clean, leaving a blurry unfocused POV of the game world until the glasses are replaced. :rolling:

Just thought it would be a nice touch, and wanted to share.

a sort a like thing would be nice, like in Metroid, but cleaning glasses isnt that cool tbh :hmph:
Yes, the Metroid Prime visor was cool. For anyone who's never played it, your visor reacts to environmental conditions by fogging up, having raindrops on it, or frosting over...
Thats a real mature of viewing things dude(no pun intended)............real mature
Anyone who argues that glasses arent for nerds just cant hack it that they wear glasses.
Im not gonna bother with you now

Anyway, that glasses effect would be pretty cool, if done right
Yeah, and if you are suddenly attacked and start shooting you drop your glasses and can't see anything. And then you after the battle you have to try and find them. And if you step on them you have to play with blurry vision thru the rest of the game.

Oh, hang on, that might be annoying...

Yeah in principle it would be cool, and you could probably work it like Gun idle animations, it just stops when you start shooting.

Perhaps a minimod, if the focus bit is possible (surely you could just write a universal shader to do this?).
Deus Ex mirrors were awesome! The only reason the characters looked crappy in them was because they were poorly animated. Ion should release a dx patch with all new animations. The Mirrors in Deus Ex were actually calculated by the engine, not just rooms that had a transparent pane inbetween. Because of this, they reflected everything, all entities, players, pickups, doors, lasers, even the reflections of other mirrors.
Six Three said:
What do Dx9 shaders have to do with it?
The blur effect I assume.

What could be cool, as a little gimmick, have his glasses get slightly dirty as you play, and then once the action dies down a little he'd give them a clean.

This could be an alright thing if after a few minutes of being AFK he gets bored (like Sonic did) and so he starts looking round, cleans his glasses, polish up his weapons...
No no no bad idea, YOU are Gordon, thats how it works, if there were a button to clean glasses after they get dirty, it would get so annoying, pressing it everytime you crowbar a zombie or something. Baaad. Besides, G could be used for something more useful, like quick switching to the grenade. :)

So basically, it's just a bad idea. It would be nice eyecandy, but just doesn't fit.

Phantom said it best:
Cool Feature.
Bad Gameplay.
Shuzer said:
Anyway, I like this idea, the first time I ever saw something that made me laugh (idle animation was) was when Mario would slowly fall asleep in SM64
lol, that was a great game, i remember leaving it for like an hour at one point, and when i came back mario was completely lieing down, and talking in his sleep, mumbling spaghetti, meatballs, ravioli..... that was funny :)
I always like the little animations of weaponry interaction...

Like when the player character tries to prod a snark and almost gets his finger bitten off... or when Shepherd pats the lizardgun...

I reckon the best way to implement the smudged glasses (Or more likely visor) would to have them not really interfere, just blur things a little. And when you press G there's a squeaking sound and the smudge is wiped off quickly, with little or no animation...
You get to hear Gordon momentarily.
If you wait a while, Gordon will say in a squeaky voice, "What are you waiting for, Christmas"
You get to hear Gordon momentarily.
If you wait a while, Gordon will say in a squeaky voice, "What are you waiting for, Christmas"
Hahaha I remember that from Duke 3D right?
Nahh, no idle stuff, besides the stuff they did in HL1, like petting the lizard gun or checkin out the python...
Brian Damage said:
Yeah... checking out the Python...

"Oooooooo... SHINY..."
Hehe, I like how he slowly pulls back the hammer, if he slipped then BAM!
Woops.. Sorry Barney...

Ugh, this is so pointless, I know Valve knows exactly what to, how much detail or realism there is, just trust 'em. :)
el Chi said:
Besides, I have Freeman stylee glasses (not because of him) and so they are good. Plus contacts can dry out really easily which is a pain in the arse.
If I could get frames like this, I would ditch my contacts.
What kind of frames are they?
i think someone should definitly mod this in. it would be like an idle thing that you get if you stand still for like 1 minute or so. if nothing is attacking you in a minute of standing still, you are most likely safe.

gordon should simply wipe the glasses with a rag or something, and put them back on. if somehing happens and you need to see again the animation could be cut short and he would immediatly put on his glasses once gordon moves or shoots
eh seems a bit frivelous(sp?) if you ask me. I wouldnt think itd add much to the experience and, if anything, just get in the way.