coolest movie/videogames lines


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I mean lines like "hasta la vista baby" of terminator

post the most coolest lines

I remenber one of riddick in the game Cronichles Of Riddick:Escape Of Butcher Bay that say

"whats hell...whiout a litle of fire"
Star Wars:
Vader: "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again at last. The circle is now complete; when I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the Master."

Obi-Wan: "Only a master of evil, Darth."

Gman: "Gordon Freeman in the flesh! Or rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons. Most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you've earned it"
Arnie/Dutch, after sticking a guy to the wall with a throwed knife: Stick around.

Jesse/Blaine, after being told by Poncho that he's bleeding: I ain't got time to bleed!

Jesse/Blaine: Bunch of slack jawed ******s around here. This will make you a god damn sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me!

Predator is a one-liner goldmine. :E

As for games..

(NOLF2) Crazy Harij: No one passes the gate without paying Harij!

(Halo) Sgt Jackson, to a Covenant Elite as Halo is going up in flames: This is it, baby. Hold me.

Oh, and yeah. Anything from Max Payne and Max Payne 2.
Cooles movie/videogame lines:

"Come get some"
"Who wants some"
"Hail to the King, baby"

from both Evil Dead & Duke Nukem
Matthias said:
Cooles movie/videogame lines:

"Come get some"
"Who wants some"
"Hail to the King, baby"

from both Evil Dead & Duke Nukem

I'm here to kill monsters and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of gum.
"Hey, buddy, you got a dead cat in there or something?"
"F*ck you, asshole."
Goldmember: Can I paint his yoo-hoo gold now? It's kind of my thing, you know...
Dr. Evil: How 'bout no, you crazy Dutch bastard!

Dr. Evil: You know Goldmember, I don't speak freaky-deaky dutch. Okay perv boy?
Goldmember: Fassia, his dad, dad is fassia
Dr. Evil: Oh his dad, oh his FATHER.

Nigel Powers: There are two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
Maude Lebowski (after showing him a clip from the porn movie starring Bunny): You can imagine where it goes from here.
The Dude : He fixes the cable?
Maude Lebowski : Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.

Litre is french for give me some F***ING cola! - Super Troopers

"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" from Dr. Strangelove

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning...smells like...victory." - Apocalypse now
Litre is french for give me some F***ING cola! - Super Troopers

::inserts the entire conversation from the first five minutes of super troopers::

That movie is awesome.
After a few days of R&R im ready for more action! Oh Duke come back to bed! (Duke Nukem 3D)

*After knocking two doberman pinchers heads against eachother* Arnold:STAY! (True Lies)

*After snapping a guys neck in an airplane*
Arnold: Can you bring my friend a blanket..hes DEAD tired..(Commando)

arnold rulez!!
Pulp Fiction when he pulls up in the car and Marcellis Wallce walks by turns sees him and says "Mother F*cker" The way he said it was perfect. Almost everything in Pulp Fiction is a good line actually.
"Damn, I'm about to drop some science........AND YOU'RE UGLY"
-Gordon Freeman......sorta.
CrazyHarij said:
Oh, and yeah. Anything from Max Payne and Max Payne 2.
Oh so painful. With MP1 you it was hammy enough that you could say that they're just being a little bit ironic, but with MP2 it just got bad. Cringe-worthy occassionally.

Splinter Cell
Lambert: ".. you never forget how to do it. It's just like riding a bike."
Fisher: "Or wearing high heels."

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Lambert: "We're not sure if he's a terrorist or a CIA operative."
Fisher: "Those things aren't mutually exclusive."
Lambert: "Hippie."

So many lines from Giants: Citizen Kabuto ("What the f*ck is a Kabuto!?")
Also from No One Lives Forever - there's a great bit when two guards are discussing "offing" one of their irritating mother-in-laws. And the sleazy code-words in Berlin :)
Too many lines from too many LucasArts games... <Sighs>
Grim Fandango
Glottis: "Until now we scraped along the ground like rats. But now, we soar like eagles... on pogo sticks!"
Max Payne and Max Payne 2 are full of them. a couple of my favorites:

"It was colder than the devil's heart, raining ice pitchforks as if the heavens were ready to fall."

"Collecting evidence had gotten old a few hundred bullets back. I was already so far past the point-of-no-return I couldn't remember what it had looked like when I had passed it."

"Gognitti bailed. I made like Chow Yun Fat."

"They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led up to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was all over. The storm seemed to lose its frenzy. The ragged clouds gave way to the stars above."

"I lied to myself that it was over. I was still alive, my loved ones were still dead. It wasn't over. And it would get worse before the end."

"Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion you are already dead."
Pirates of the Caribbean has some good lines... one of them being my signature. :) Another one is like this... not going to get an exact quote 'cause I'm a lazyass:

"This is either madness... or brilliance..."
"You'd be surprised how often those two traits coincide."

As for games... here's one from Far Cry:

"I'm gonna shoot you in the FACE!"

Har har!
Its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and im all outta gum. - Duke Nukem (actually anything from that game was kick ass)

Just about anything from pulp fiction.

"Wake up Mr Freeman.... Wake up and ... Smell that ashes" - The first time i heard that it sent a chill down my spine.
Letters said:
As for games... here's one from Far Cry:

"I'm gonna shoot you in the FACE!"

Har har!

What about "Bite my ass!"

I thought that one was a little homoerotic.
When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. ~Peter -Dawn of the Dead (1978)

The Worlds Is Yours ~Scarface

Selena: We have enough food.
Jim: Yeah, but we don't have any cheeseburgers.
~28 Days Later

Selena: Hannah, it's ok. He's not infected.
Hannah: But, I thought he was biting you.
Jim: I was kissing her. Are you stoned?
~28 Days Later

Hannah: Are you trying to kill me?
Selena: No, sweetheart. I'm making you not care. Okay?
~28 Days Later

Jim: No, no. No, see this is a really shit idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a shit idea. ~28 Days Later

Persephone: Cause and effect, my love.
Merovingian: Cause? There is no cause for this, what cause?
Persephone: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
Merovingian: Lipstick? Lipstick? What craziness you are talking about woman, there is no lipstick.
Persephone: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.
~The Matrix Reloaded :laugh:

Tony Montana: I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. ~Scarface

Jim: That was longer than a heartbeat. ~28 Days Later

Alot from Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. ~The Oracle -The Matrix Revolutions

Elle Driver: That's right. I killed your master. And now I'm gonna kill you, with your own sword, no less, which in the very immediate future, will become... my sword.
The Bride: Bitch, you don't have a future.
~Kill Bill Volume 2

[the Bride sees B.B. for the first time]
B.B.: Freeze, Mommy!
Bill: Bang bang!
[pretends to be shot]
Bill: Oh B.B., Mommy got us. I'm dying.
B.B.: I'm dying. I'm dying.
Bill: Fall down, sweetheart. Mommy shot you.
[both fall down and pretend to die]
Bill: [in a narrative tone] But little did Quick-Draw Kiddo know that little B.B. was playing possum, due to the fact she was impervious to bullets.
B.B.: I'm impervious to bullets, Mommy.
Bill: Hey, get back down there. You're playing possum.
[in a narrative tone]
Bill: So, as the smirking killer approached, what she thought, was a bullet-ridden corpse, that's when little B.B. fired.
[B.B. gets up and pretends to shoot the Bride]
B.B.: Bang bang!
Bill: You're dead, Mommy... so die.
[the Bride is still shocked]
Bill: B.B.
[comes out of it and acts out a huge death scene]
The Bride : Oh, B.B., you got me. I should have known... you are the best.
[collapses to the ground and pretends to die]
B.B.: Oh, Mommy, don't die. I was just playing.
The Bride: I know.
~Kill Bill Volume 2

Elle Driver: Bill gave you a Hanzo sword once, didn't he?
Budd: Yeah.
Elle Driver: [examining the Bride's sword] How does this one compare to that one?
Budd: If you're gonna compare a Hanzo sword, you compare it to every other sword in the world... that wasn't made by Hattori Hanzo.
~Kill Bill Volume 2

Japanese Businessman: Do you like Ferraris?
Go Go Yubari: Ferraris... Italian trash.
[Japanese businessman giggles]
Go Go Yubari: Do you want to screw me?
[Japanese businessman giggles again]
Go Go Yubari: Don't laugh. Do you want to screw me, yes or no?
Japanese Businessman: Yes.
[She stabs him in the stomach with a Samurai short sword]
Go Go Yubari: How about now, big boy? Do you still wish to penetrate me?... Or is it I who has penetrated you?
~Kill Bill Volume 1

Hattori Hanzo: Funny, you like samurai swords... I like baseball. ~Kill Bill Volume 1

Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
~The Matrix

Tank: Okay, so what do you need, besides a miracle?
Neo: Guns. Lots'a guns.
~The Matrix

Alot from Scarface.

Trinity: Dodge this. ~The Matrix

The Caller: Isn't it funny - you hear a phone ringing and it could be anybody. A ringing phone has to be answered...doesn't it? ~Phone Booth

Alot from 28 Days Later.

The Caller: You're in this position because you are not telling the truth.
Stu Shepard: I'm in this position because YOU HAVE A GUN!!
~Phone Booth

The Caller: The things we fears the most, are things that have already happened to us. ~Phone Booth

Tommy DeVito : But, I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to ****in' amuse you? ~Goodfellas

Alot from Goodfellas.

Tony Montana: Say hello to my little friend!!! ~Scarface

I can't think of any memorable videogame lines. Only movies.

Oh wait...

FATALITY! ~Mortal Kombat Announcer
"It's time to kick ass and chew gum.

And I'm all outta gum."

Or something to that degree.
also: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.... hit it."
Kangy said:
"It's time to kick ass and chew gum.

And I'm all outta gum."

Or something to that degree.

I'm not usually the one to complain about duplicate posts, but that has been posted in this thread about four times already!

'Tis a great line though, I guess it deserves to be repeated :E
Everything from Dirty Harry.

"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, "you could ask your self a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya? Punk!"

"Well, opinions are like assholes - everybody has one."

"Go ahead, make my day."

Mayor: I don't want any more trouble like you had last year in the Fillmore District. Understand? That's my policy.
Callahan: Yeah, well, when an adult-male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard, that's my policy.
Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that?
Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.
Mayor: (after Callahan has left) I think he's got a point.

and many more... :)
User Name said:
Persephone: Cause and effect, my love.
Merovingian: Cause? There is no cause for this, what cause?
Persephone: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
Merovingian: Lipstick? Lipstick? What craziness you are talking about woman, there is no lipstick.
Persephone: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.
~The Matrix Reloaded :laugh:
Except for the fact that almost every single line of dialogue in those second two films was complete and utter drivel.
el Chi said:
Except for the fact that almost every single line of dialogue in those second two films was complete and utter drivel.
It's your opinion, but...

I'd call blasphemy!
el Chi said:
Except for the fact that almost every single line of dialogue in those second two films was complete and utter drivel.

Didn't Matrix-bashing go out of fashion like 10 months ago? :p
The second two Matrix films were poor, especially because of the dialogue. Oh Christ it was bad. Like really bad.
On the upside, I want to be a writer and it's a constant comfort when nonsense like that gets published because it means I have a more than decent chance.

I bet the Wachowski Brothers either do nothing ever again or do something suspiciously similar.
el Chi said:
I bet the Wachowski Brothers either do nothing ever again or do something suspiciously similar.

i bet nothing :cheers:
unless they come out with something brilliant like the matrix was...