Coolest sounding features of Aftermath, yo.

Yeah, I meant how they got to Xen. We know they were escaping the Combine in some way, but that's not a load of details.
Not many real questions will be answerd in Aftermatch, or thats at least what i think. I mean, did you get more info about things in Blueshift or op4s? But on the other hand, BS and Op4s wasnt Valves creation... Hmmm. But still, i dont think that much of the "bigger" questions will be answerd. Insted, we will se Alyx grow as a cherecter(spelling?)(spelling on spelling?)
more guns and a love scene between alyx and gordon oh and a co-op mode cuz alyx and gordon are together in the game more so they can make a co-op mode.
A co-op mode? On PC? That's suicide :/

Unless it's a SVEN Co-op mode.
Bull Goose Loony said:
whatthe g man is talking about when he goes "we'll see about that!" in the trailer
yeah, lets state the obvious and the thing almost everyone have said: He sounds pissed. I bet i know why :p :p

Oh and btw, whats SVEN Co-op mode?
it was a mod orginally for hl 1 now they are remaking it with the source engine ,called sven coop 2
Yeah but if people have slow computers it could take a very long time for just one loading screen. Half Life 1 was obviously not a problem with loading. In Garry's Mod this kinda of thing was attempted, but when you would change from story level to story level, people would lag out a lot.
yeah....hl2 has big maps...unless they cut them down....and more loading times...that would be annoying
I would kill for a two-player cooperative mode where you could play as either Alyx or Gordon. Of course, Alyx wouldn't be as good in combat as Gordon, but would have other abilities - hacking, that little taser thing that opens Combine doors, and the ability to climb things other than ladders - that would make her just as critical to the success of the mission.

The downside would be that if Alyx were playable either 1) her player would have to lose control of her for "cutscenes" where she advances the plot or furthers their relationship (romantic or otherwise), thus breaking the immersion, or 2) Alyx will become mute and clueless (like Gordon), relying on other NPCs to advance the plot and explain what the hell is going on, and putting the Alyx/Gordon relationship on hold for the entire game.

Still, co-op mode would be sweet. Maybe for a mod, though, not the canon games.
I just wanna see the gman PWN whomever he's talking about with the "We'll see about THAT!" statement. I would imagine the gman is one scary dude when he gets pissed off.

And co-op would be fuggin awesomesauce.
This is nothing confermed or anything, but I want a section in which your a passenger in some kind of car or buggy or something and you have to hang out the window and blast combine soldiers and stuff. One of my favourite levels in any game is the level in the orginal call of duty in which you bomb around in that old French car and mow down some Jerries with your thompson. It's so much fun I wish valve would copy the same kind of idea into one of their games.
The coolest thing that could happen in AM is no co-op, no playing as other charecters and no cut-scenes.