Coolest splicer.


Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I was wondering what You all think is like the scaryest and coolest splicer in the game? Idk how to post a poll so just say on your post I guess.:|:|
Houdini splicer. If you see the rose petals, get ready for a fireball in the face.
Spider Splicers are loud and often catch you by surprise, I'd say they take the cake
Any Splicer in a masked ball-style mask is creepy.
I like the doctor ones (thuggish, leadhead and nitro splicers) in the medical pavilion. They have good lines and give you some seriously jump-out-of-your-skin moments.
Probably a tie between Houdini and Spider.

On one hand, the houdini splicers give you a great fight when you encounter them, and they definitely have the best attacks of any splicer... on the other hand, spider splicers are fast, and have that neat crab walk that they use when wall crawling during a fight.
I was dissapointed that you couldn't use Telekinesis on the Houdini Splicers as they teleported, pulling chunks out of their red cloud, making them re-appear incomplete.
I saw 2 splicers danceing in olympus heights. They were both houndini. Also a houndini was fighting slugesh splicers and after it killed them it would not attck me no matter what I did. Maybe not all splicers are bad.
I saw 2 splicers danceing in olympus heights. They were both houndini. Also a houndini was fighting slugesh splicers and after it killed them it would not attck me no matter what I did. Maybe not all splicers are bad.

About the two dancing splicers

If you left Cohen alive at the end of Fort Frolic, he comes back here. Interrupt their dance in any way and you'll have to fight him. You then get access to a power to the people station in his room.
O i killed him ill keep him alive next game. Im already on this second file.
Houdinis are ****ing annoying to fight. I liked how you were introduced to them in...Arcadia..was it? They're not even hard or anything, but it's just like, okay, I'm killing you, but wait, where'd you go? Oh, nowhere? Okay let me run a little bit over here until you reappear so I can finish killing you.

I don't even use the Frost plasmid. It takes me more ammo or effort to break them when they're frozen and you don't even get their loot.

I personally like Leadheads and the other normal splicers in the beginning areas. They had the creepiest lines and conversations in my opinion. Especially right in the beginning, like, in the "demo" area.
They call them leadheads for a reason. TAkes lik 1 or 2 shots to the head and their down. I like the spider splicers cause they are a pain. The best way to see if one is comeing for you is watch the ground. If theres any source of light it will cast their shadow. Plus they whisper alot if you listen. Houndini just like throwing fireballs. THugesh are plain stupid though I thought the thugesh splicer couple in demo area were funny. I hate nitro and electric thug splicers.