Cooling issues

Sep 21, 2003
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Well, I have a Radeon 9800 non-pro. I was playing NS the other day and usually it'll keep it running around 60-72 fps (being the max) and well when it bumps up to 72 it seems like it's "overclocking" itself or something because I'll start to see some articles...basically along the sides of the screen, whatever graphics are there start to become reallllly choppy.

So I've decided that I need to cool down my card, and I might as well go on ahead and get some cooling for my HD and my CPU and maybe a few case fans as well.

I'd like to do this without my comp. sounding like a V6 engine running in my room...any suggestions or recommended fans anyone? I'd really appreciate it if I can get some help on this issue thanks.

oh BTW,

Comp. Idle: 51'C
Pretty high temps dude, get more fans or a new case. If u go casewise go with what i got, Xaser III....7 fans will keep ur case like a fridge ;)
thermaltake, makes a nice line of fans... id go for those ^.^
blehh, my seven case fans keep it at 30c idle.

i was hoping for less :)
I would especially recommend a PCI slot fan under your graphics card to pull the heat in and exhaust it out of your case
what brand of case fans? just 80mm fans or what? oh btw...where do you hook up the fans? to your case power supply or to your mobo or where?
Case fans connect to PSU connector plugs, and branch off in an adapter-like fashion so you can still use the plug for other things (PSU to fan, fan to HD, for example, all on one line)

Kinda a shady explanation, but I think you get the idea
Oh and a few 80mm case fans would do just fine, brand doesn't really matter except for the fans lifetime, I believe (I could be wrong though, I just go with generic for almost everything)
Sunon, YS Tech, Thermaltake, Delta, they all make good fans. Word of advice, don't get HD cooling. Everybody seems to want to go overboard with fans these days, that's why dumb people waste their money on cases such as the Xasers.
Zalman fans are easily the best
7000 Cu CPU fan is quiet and very efficient and they make good case fans
all my fans are Zalman and coolermaster and they keep my comp 30C idle less than 45 playin games
:bounce: :cheers:
panaflo are the best, get some 120mm fans and run them at low rpm. youll get the same or better cfm as 80mm fans at lower noise
lolz I got a p4 2.4 gz and a radeon 9800 pro, and with 1 fan in my cheap arse case (30 bucks I know it looks ugly!) and I sid at 30 degrees when idle using and like 35 when playing lolz
Err...Panaflo fans are made by Panasonic, sorry.

*hugs Mac because he likes OS X*
Originally posted by ale2999
lolz I got a p4 2.4 gz and a radeon 9800 pro, and with 1 fan in my cheap arse case (30 bucks I know it looks ugly!) and I sid at 30 degrees when idle using and like 35 when playing lolz

Umm that is impossible... Water cooling can barely do 35C at load.
allright found some CPU/MOBO heatsink/fans. which do you think I should get? /me thinks most expensive = best btw, <---socket 478
If you want some nice 80mm fans that really kick ass, check out ThermalTake smartfan II w/coolmod. They get really loud at full turn, but they look cool and push alot more air then conventional 80mm fans.

If you have 4 or more pc fans, you might want to check into getting a fan controller, especially if you don't want your system sounding like a jet engine. With this, you can manually adjust the fan rpm's for noise volume/cooling, etc.

CPU cooler huh. The only one I wanted was this cool ass Jet7. ---> 7&PHPSESSID=fb2f7c7f937280087d627eba885360a1
i've got a really sweet setup that keeps my case incredibly cool

Chenbro Xspider case
1 Cooler Master 80mm blue LED fan as intake
1 Cooler Master 80mm blue LED fan as exhaust
60mm->80mm adapter on p4 1.8a with Cooler Master 80mm red LED fan

couple that with 2 blue cathode rays and my computer looks sweet as hell, is pretty quiet, and very cool, often cooler than the temp in my room (no joke)
Originally posted by Doobz
couple that with 2 blue cathode rays and my computer looks sweet as hell, is pretty quiet, and very cool, often cooler than the temp in my room (no joke)

Uhm, even if your CPU ran at 35ºC, that would be well over 90ºF, which is really hot for room temperature.. what're you smoking?
it was 100 degrees today and my house has no air conditioning
and that temperature was caused by him buying to much weed, so he didnt have enough for air conditioning, so he was smoking something, and it was the cause of his problem!
yes, yes too much weed

i'm 15, i didn't pick the stupid house, but we're getting ac put in soon
Beleive I found out exactly what I'm going to get guys, I've taken a look at my case and it looks like I can fit it all up in there with no prob. (may have to take out the mobo and radeon 9800 to put it on)

Radeon 9800 heatsink/fan ZALMAN

I'll post the other link when I've found it...seems I've lost it...brb