Cop Who Killed Innocent Sean Bell Sues His Estate

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
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NEW YORK (WPIX) - A police officer involved in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell has filed a counter suit against the dead man's estate.

Officer Michael Carey , who was acquitted of all charges in the case, filed the suit last week in Brooklyn Federal Court.

He claims he suffered severe leg injuries after an intoxicated Sean Bell got behind the wheel of a vehicle that crashed into him, on the night of Nov. 25, 2006. In addition, he claims the 23-year-old husband-to-be wasn't wearing glasses or contact lenses despite having poor eyesight.

Bell, who was not armed with a gun at the time of the incident, was fatally shot in a hail of fifty bullets.

Officers Michael Oliver, Marc Cooper and Gescard Isnora were acquitted in 2008 of manslaughter, assault and reckless endangerment charges.

Officer Carey's lawsuit comes on the heels of a wrongful death suit filed by Bell's fiance, Nicole Paultre Bell, against the NYPD and the city.

Jesus ****ing christ, I hate these people.
Shocking, but such news is quite familiar to me. Many times have I heard and read about robbers and thieves sueing homeowners over injuries they suffered durring their attempted robbery.
Wait, Bell was driving drunk?
And crashed into a cop that proceeded to shoot him?
Wait, Bell was driving drunk?
And crashed into a cop that proceeded to shoot him?

That all depends on who you believe, the cops or the witnesses.

What is clear was that the cops involved were all undercover plain clothes officers. The cops say that they flashed their badge and tried to get Bell to stop at which point Bell took off hitting a cop.

The witnesses say that the cops never tried to identify themselves, they simply opened fire when Bell tried to leave. And we know that atleast certain parts of the cops story can not possibly be true having to do with a 4th men in the vehicle with Bell. The cops say in the report they prepared long after the shooting that there was a 4th guy that had a gun who ran from Bell's car after the shooting. But the cops never initiated a search for an armed suspect which would be the standard thing to do if they truly saw him.

So the cops are lying atleast about one thing for sure and witnesses contradict the rest of their stories. So you decide who you are going to believe but if you believe the cops I got a bridge to sell you.
I'll go with the cops, I don't care who the **** this guy was, he was drunk driving ffs. Could've wound up killing someone else on the way home.

Also, were the witnesses also drunk? Thats a big flaw in the case if so.
I'll go with the cops, I don't care who the **** this guy was, he was drunk driving ffs. Could've wound up killing someone else on the way home.

Also, were the witnesses also drunk? Thats a big flaw in the case if so.

Except that we have a clear case of the police lying about a 4th man in the car. Why did they lie about that? And the witness stories seem to be all consistent.

And yes, drunk driving is a horrible thing to do. You don't shoot people 50 times for driving drunk.
Don't shoot a person 50 times for drunk driving, but even jail is too much of a luxury for the shitheads who do it.

As for the 4th person, who knows? There could be a number of excuses, but only the cops responsible will know the truth.
Don't shoot a person 50 times for drunk driving, but even jail is too much of a luxury for the shitheads who do it.
What do you propose we do to drunk drivers? Half of the people I know and work with probably drove over the legal limit atleast once. I bet that goes for the people you know too.

As for the 4th person, who knows? There could be a number of excuses, but only the cops responsible will know the truth.

Really? So we know the cops lied because if they weren't lying they would have to call it in. You don't let a armed gun men flee a scene of a shooting and not call it in. So they LIED, that's undisputable.

And you pathetic excuse is "well, we'll never know, only the cops truly know because we can't believe the the witnesses because they all MIGHT have been drunk"?
If the witnesses were not drunk (meaning unable to make reasonable/rational decisions, not 1 or 2 drinks) then it would be a believable. Its when people start passing out/throwing up/being stupidly over drunk that its hard to tell how truthful they are.

Honestly, drunk drivers (again, not the "I had 1 or 2" crowd, but the "I puked on the steering wheel before blacking out" idiots) should permanently lose their license, and have some kind of ID stating that they cannot be consuming alcohol. Obviously it would never work, but ffs I'm tired of hearing "MVA with injuries, one patient intoxicated" come over the loud speaker at 1 am.

If your know your going to drink, why would you even think its an even halfway good idea to drive afterward?
What do you propose we do to drunk drivers? Half of the people I know and work with probably drove over the legal limit atleast once. I bet that goes for the people you know too.

Haha, flashbacks of the piracy thread. Convicted drunk drivers should get jailtime and have their licenses revoked.

Counter suits are common when being sued... pretty much everyone does it because you might as well. The story itself sounds pretty bad, though.
If the witnesses were not drunk (meaning unable to make reasonable/rational decisions, not 1 or 2 drinks) then it would be a believable. Its when people start passing out/throwing up/being stupidly over drunk that its hard to tell how truthful they are.

Except you have no evidance any of the witnesses were that drunk, you just assumed it. Why?
Honestly, drunk drivers (again, not the "I had 1 or 2" crowd, but the "I puked on the steering wheel before blacking out" idiots) should permanently lose their license, and have some kind of ID stating that they cannot be consuming alcohol. Obviously it would never work, but ffs I'm tired of hearing "MVA with injuries, one patient intoxicated" come over the loud speaker at 1 am.
Right, lets make sure that people who do something stupid when they are 19 not be allowed to drive when they are 40. Very reasonable.

If your know your going to drink, why would you even think its an even halfway good idea to drive afterward?

It's not, but people do stupid things all the time. And we have laws to punish those people, shooting them 50 times isn't part of those laws.

Now please, if you would address why the cops should be believed in this when they clearly fabricated part of the story.

Haha, flashbacks of the piracy thread. Convicted drunk drivers should get jailtime and have their licenses revoked.
Totally agree with you. But to me it sounded like he wanted the balls of drunk drivers cut off.

Counter suits are common when being sued... pretty much everyone does it because you might as well. The story itself sounds pretty bad, though.

I don't have any issues with your points but it kind of bugs me how you always have to play devils advocate. Counter suits might be common, but that doesn't excuse this case. This asshole cop already put his family through enough, now he is pissing on their dead sons grave (the son he killed).

It would be like OJ suing the family of Nicole.
Except you have no evidance any of the witnesses were that drunk, you just assumed it. Why?

Because A) He was at some bachelor party and B) None of the people with him seemed to try and stop him from getting behind the wheel.

Right, lets make sure that people who do something stupid when they are 19 not be allowed to drive when they are 40. Very reasonable.

I'm a very reasonable man.

It's not, but people do stupid things all the time. And we have laws to punish those people, shooting them 50 times isn't part of those laws.

Now please, if you would address why the cops should be believed in this when they clearly fabricated part of the story.

Who would you believe? Some sober cops who had to defend themselves (albeit, shooting someone 50 times is NOT self defense) or some drunk who tried to run the cops over because, for reason X Y and Z, it seemed like a good idea at the time?

If the witnesses were sober, then there is no reason why their story would be unbelievable/taken into account and highly considered during trial.
Because A) He was at some bachelor party and B) None of the people with him seemed to try and stop him from getting behind the wheel.
What do the actions of Bell have to do with witnesseses? If Im at a bar and see some drunk idiots get in cars guess what? I'm not about to get in a fight and go to jail.

I'm a very reasonable man.
Lets extend that to some other things. If you ever speed lets take your license away for the rest of your life. Lots of people die because of idiot speeders too, around 1,000 a year. People that run stop signs kill 5,000 pedestrians each year, lets do that to them too.

Who would you believe? Some sober cops who had to defend themselves (albeit, shooting someone 50 times is NOT self defense) or some drunk who tried to run the cops over because, for reason X Y and Z, it seemed like a good idea at the time?

If the witnesses were sober, then there is no reason why their story would be unbelievable/taken into account and highly considered during trial.

You say they had to defend themselves, but you don't know that. Now you are right, the cops should be reliable witnesses. But we already know they lied on their initial report. So why in the world would you believe someone that has clearly lied? And it's not a minor lie.

So your argument here is not at all reasonable. You are saying we should believe somoene that has lied to us over the people that have nothing to gain by lying.
Totally agree with you. But to me it sounded like he wanted the balls of drunk drivers cut off.

Ah, I misunderstood. Agreed, then.

I don't have any issues with your points but it kind of bugs me how you always have to play devils advocate. Counter suits might be common, but that doesn't excuse this case. This asshole cop already put his family through enough, now he is pissing on their dead sons grave (the son he killed).

It would be like OJ suing the family of Nicole.

You're right, you're right, I'm an argumentative asshole. I apologize. I guess I didn't see much room for debate here, cuz the guy is clearly a piece of shit...

except you got it. :p Carry on!
I think that no limit is right and that he wins this posts. I also think that all cops are out to get me and they are all not to be trusted for any reasons and they are all bad.
When I was a young child I tried to stick a fork in an electrical outlet. I am never allowed to touch anything electrical again.
Shocking, but such news is quite familiar to me. Many times have I heard and read about robbers and thieves sueing homeowners over injuries they suffered durring their attempted robbery.

This. I find it such a perversion of justice that this is allowed to happen.
When I saw the title: D:

When I learned that Sean Bell was actually not innocent but a drunk driver: :rolleyes:
I would probably side with the cops' story if they didn't fire their guns for a total of 50 ****ing bullets.

There were 5 cops involved, so that's about 10 bullets each. How many shots do you need to apprehend or fatally injure a suspect? I'm pretty sure one or two in the chest should have been enough, but they fired a total of 50 bullets?
Oh numbers, you always ignore the point.

And to me the most incriminating thing is not the 50 bullets (although that's pretty bad too), it's how they blatantly lied.
I'll go with the cops, I don't care who the **** this guy was, he was drunk driving ffs. Could've wound up killing someone else on the way home.

Also, were the witnesses also drunk? Thats a big flaw in the case if so.

So its okay to light him up? You saying you support execution (or even the lesser life sentence) for those convicted of DUI/DWI?

When I saw the title: D:

When I learned that Sean Bell was actually not innocent but a drunk driver: :rolleyes:

Slam me all you want for a nazi reference, but what about the following?

A Jew in Nazi Germany is caught stealing money from some womans pocketbook. He is thrown into concentration camp and dies. Does that make the punishment from state authorities okay because he was not a 100% innocent man? Absolutely not. If you believe it does, then you're at about the same authoritarian level as the nazis mindset wise.
A Jew in Nazi Germany is caught stealing money from some womans pocketbook. He is thrown into concentration camp and dies. Does that make the punishment from state authorities okay because he was not a 100% innocent man? Absolutely not. If you believe it does, then you're at about the same authoritarian level as the nazis mindset wise.

Well, was it legal?

More seriously, no of course it isn't OK, but Sean Bell allegedly tried to run over cops. Besides, I doubt Sean Bell was killed because he belonged to an ethnic minority; at worst he was killed because the police used excess force.

To be honest, I don't know what the legal punishment for DUI is, but DUI + attempted murder should result in sudden death. (Of course, this is assuming that the police were not lying, a fact that seems to be contested)
Well, was it legal?

More seriously, no of course it isn't OK, but Sean Bell allegedly tried to run over cops. Besides, I doubt Sean Bell was killed because he belonged to an ethnic minority; at worst he was killed because the police used excess force.

To be honest, I don't know what the legal punishment for DUI is, but DUI + attempted murder should result in sudden death. (Of course, this is assuming that the police were not lying, a fact that seems to be contested)

I dont think it was becuase of his race either. I think it was excessive police abuse. Today in the USA it's not about race, it's become The People vs The Police.

And the police vs police as well. For example here in Maricopa county the Sherriffs office is often at odds with local authorities, etc.
I dont think it was becuase of his race either. I think it was excessive police abuse. Today in the USA it's not about race, it's become The People vs The Police.

And the police vs police as well. For example here in Maricopa county the Sherriffs office is often at odds with local authorities, etc.

I'm not familiar with your system of law enforcement. I thought the Sheriff's office was the local public security authority for the local region?
Well, was it legal?

More seriously, no of course it isn't OK, but Sean Bell allegedly tried to run over cops. Besides, I doubt Sean Bell was killed because he belonged to an ethnic minority; at worst he was killed because the police used excess force.

To be honest, I don't know what the legal punishment for DUI is, but DUI + attempted murder should result in sudden death. (Of course, this is assuming that the police were not lying, a fact that seems to be contested)

Let me ask you numbers, you get in to your car after leaving a bar and you see a guy that looks like a North Korean running toward you with his gun pointed. What do you do? Stop and politely ask the gentleman what he is up to? Or do you drive off possibly trying to hit him in self defense?

Because even if you believe the cops in this case 100% the plain clothes cop was running at Bell gun pointed without any kind of identification. Bell obviously assumed it was a car jacking since that's exactly what it looked like. So he tried to take off in the process hitting the gun with his car which led to him being shot up 50 different times. Obviously the cop that was hit wasn't that badly injured since he could still fire off an entire clip in to Bell's car.

I dont think it was becuase of his race either. I think it was excessive police abuse. Today in the USA it's not about race, it's become The People vs The Police.

And the police vs police as well. For example here in Maricopa county the Sherriffs office is often at odds with local authorities, etc.

When was the last time a white guy was wrongfully shot up by police? You have any examples? I do agree with you to some extent about it being people vs police but lets not pretend that minorities take most of the burden.
Let me ask you numbers, you get in to your car after leaving a bar and you see a guy that looks like a North Korean running toward you with his gun pointed. What do you do? Stop and politely ask the gentleman what he is up to? Or do you drive off possibly trying to hit him in self defense?

Because even if you believe the cops in this case 100% the plain clothes cop was running at Bell gun pointed without any kind of identification. Bell obviously assumed it was a car jacking since that's exactly what it looked like. So he tried to take off in the process hitting the gun with his car which led to him being shot up 50 different times. Obviously the cop that was hit wasn't that badly injured since he could still fire off an entire clip in to Bell's car.[

Wait, so they were all plainclothes officers? This actually makes sense to me now.

I retract my statement. I should read more closely. Of course, DUI is bad, but he would have had no way of knowing who the people with guns were.
Wait, so they were all plainclothes officers? This actually makes sense to me now.

I retract my statement. I should read more closely. Of course, DUI is bad, but he would have had no way of knowing who the people with guns were.

They were all undercover. The one that chased down Bell with the gun I know was plain clothes for a fact, not sure about the others. But since they were all undercover Bell had no way of seeing them until after the shots were fired so he had no way of knowing that the guy running toward him with a gun was a cop.
I believe the jury let him off due to there being a crime in progress. I am not saying that's okay in the least- just thats the way juries think. Not because "they hated the black man" or something.

For the motorcycle guy there was no crime in progress (they stopped right after he turned on the lights) so there was no possible way in the least for the cop to mount a defense.

I think the main problem is the way juries and the public view the police as somehow above the law or unable to do wrong, rather than racism. The cops would've fired upon the person whatever their race and I dont think saw him and said "Hes black open fire"
These cops need to learn how to show some reserve. One bullet can take you out of the fight, but 50 is overkill. I would call that cruel and unusual punishment even during a crime.

On a side note: take a look at Batman, one of the greatest superheroes ever made, and even he doesn't like killing people. I would have said "bravo! you caught another drunk person" instead its more like, "wow 50 times?? WTF are the cops on PCP??"
I believe the jury let him off due to there being a crime in progress. I am not saying that's okay in the least- just thats the way juries think. Not because "they hated the black man" or something.
Pretty much any time a black guy is beaten or killed by a cop the cops get off. I can't think of a single case otherwise. Even when there was clear video evidance. The trial for the BART shooting started last month, first thing they did was take 1st degree murder off the table. Now the only 2 options the jury has is 2nd degree murder or acquittal. If history teaches us anything he will be acquitted.

I could be totally wrong, do you have any examples of black people getting shot by cops and the cops getting locked up for it? I couldn't think of a single white guy that got shot by police until you posted that incident, you got any others? Did the cops get off in those other cases?

I think the main problem is the way juries and the public view the police as somehow above the law or unable to do wrong, rather than racism. The cops would've fired upon the person whatever their race and I dont think saw him and said "Hes black open fire"

That would be true if justice was being applied equally for all the races. It clearly isn't.

Uh, it happens all the damn time? Theres a post every other day on about cops shooting/harming someone innocent. Several of them have had honkeys as victims.
Uh, it happens all the damn time? Theres a post every other day on about cops shooting/harming someone innocent. Several of them have had honkeys as victims.

Would you agree more often than not it doesn't involve honkeys? I'm not kidding, I am hard pressed to find cases of innocent white people getting killed by police. Tasered or beaten, ok I can think of a few. But never shot and killed.

Obviously just because I can't think of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen as been shown, but it is rare and even in the example cited the cop got 10 years behind bars. In Bell's case they were found not guilty. When Rodney King got his ass kicked which was clearly caught on video cops got off scott free. Cops thought a black guy reaching for a wallet in new york was pulling out a gun (dont remember his name, the african guy) and shot him in a hailstorm of bullets and nobody got punished for it. The BART shooting? My money is on acquittal.

Let's not pretend, everyone knows about these incidents and they show how unequally people are treated in this system.