Cordless Phones


Feb 3, 2005
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I have a telephone jack in my kitchen, but not in my bedroom.

Is possible to use a 2 x base phone ...

phones.jpg put a stand / battery charger in my bedroom? I'm wondering if both bases require a phone jack.

EDIT: I found the answer.
The L302 requires only one phone jack and has a range of up to 160 feet indoors and 980 feet outdoors.
I guess all of these phones with 2 bases are the same.

I wish I knew about this years ago, I would have replaced my old phone a while ago. Battery completely gave up recently and the batteries aren't cheap, so I started looking around.
I have a cordless phone base in my room, that plugs into my phone jack. Another phone base is in my brothers room, the secondary one that doesn't require any phone jack.

So yeah, but you already figured out the answer for yourself. yay!