Coreography sound problem


Mar 7, 2005
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hi there,

I'm trying to make a scene with coreography tool where a citizen is suposed to shoot a smg, then reload it and then shoot it again. Everything is allright except the fact that when the npc is shooting it doesn't make any sound.

Any ideias?

Thanks for any help
that's probably because all that's playing is the animation. if you just want a citizen to shoot an smg, reload and shoot again i'd suggest giving him a real SMG, adding an npc_bullseye somewhere nearby and let him have at it. npc_bullseye can't be killed so he can fire at as long as you want
Ok that could be a solution, but my ideia is to make the npc's shoot at something when they pass a trigger. When they pass the trigger it begins a scripted_sequence for each one wich makes them to crouch and stay there. They are then under fire which comes from an env_gunfire. I want to some of them shoot back and stop but in a way that seems real. How to they react to bullseye?

most npcs have a neutral stance toward the bullseye by default, but obviously you can change this with ai_relationship. i guess the trigger could output a beginsequence which would make the npc run to the scripted_sequence ent, then use info_hint with a 'crouch cover medium/low' hint activity to make them crouch. also give them something to fire at, whether real enemy or bullseye
But how do i use the info_hint? When the npc's are performing a sequence they lose their AI right? I can't put them on a sequence and with the AI active at the same time?

They shoudln't be performing a sequence at the info_hint. You're basically directing them and not controlling their every action at that point.