Corporate Anarchy New Website

holy goof beans! That is just the kind of mod I've been wanting to see.
/me drools
/me goes to register to the forums
/me notices that the team is almost full
/me doesn't think too highly of himself and decides not to even ask if there is any need for help
/me drools some more

ganbatte :thumbs:

EDIT: yeah, i hadn't really known about the mod until now :P
Why is it in Jap?

we are stronly influenced by the whole japanese culture and anime in general.

Anime = Japanese animation

I supose you could class it as the mods style. You would proberly understand if you watch anime etc...

EDIT: yeah, i hadn't really known about the mod until now

Most people don't know about us because we don't do much work atm, we don't really see the point without the SDK. All we are doing is sorting out the website and communication methods and also planning for when the SDK comes out. If we can hit it straight there and have all the time tables prepared we will proberly finish production before quiet a lot of mods even though the mod is quiet ambitious.

We are currently trying out different art directions and trying out new ideas. We want all the memebrs to understand the mod and all have a fresh and good look at whats going to happen. So thats what have basiclly been doing for over 1 year now :D
I love the Hiragana/katakana... trains my reading skills :)

Other than that, nice. I like it clean and simple, just like that site.
IchI said:
Most people don't know about us because we don't do much work atm, we don't really see the point without the SDK. All we are doing is sorting out the website and communication methods and also planning for when the SDK comes out.
Err... Modelling? Skinning? Do you need the SDK for those?
nope, we just would rather have a visual perpective of what things will look like before we start to model. Since we are been very ambitious with a massive city we need to get polgon counts exact. The only thing we are really doing atm model wise is weapon models.
nice site, but...

If onions sees this he'll have a heart attack.
Onions crying - what sweet irony. *grins*

Still, you probably don't actually need that many coders, you know. Too many coders = inconsistencies in the code = can sometimes be slower. But, then again, with good leadership, you could pull it off. But you're hogging all the coders, and we coders are a rare commodity this day and age!

I like the site - clean, crisp, and descriptive.

-Angry Lawyer
I don't know whether I prefer the style of this new one over the old one, but it certainly is easier to navigate.

Now get that media section up! :P
IchI said:
we are stronly influenced by the whole japanese culture and anime in general.

Anime = Japanese animation

I supose you could class it as the mods style. You would proberly understand if you watch anime etc...

I do watch some anime. Some ppl are just too much into it.....
Actually we have 6 coders, I just haven't talked to two of them in a while so I thought it would be safe to leave them out of the roster. Personally I was waiting on announcing the site because our media section isn't up yet...
Cerberus said:
Actually we have 6 coders, I just haven't talked to two of them in a while so I thought it would be safe to leave them out of the roster. Personally I was waiting on announcing the site because our media section isn't up yet...

eek sorry m8, you need to tell me these things :-/

its okay you posted this. And I suspect that media section will come very soon, even if its just a temporary one.