Corporate Anarchy website up


May 18, 2003
Reaction score

See concept art by our talented artists, and later this week we'll release one of the techno songs written by our great musician. We have a rather large team of 11 members that includes three programmers, however we are still looking for an animator who would be available near august.

Various innovative features
1.Extremely flexible character design system.
2.City maps will be inhabited with many NPCs yet won't cause lag.
3.Unique three team system, 2 corporate teams and 1 cop team.
4.Usable Vehicles including monorails and cars.
5.Going stealth or rambo both viable strategies.
the name's been in contention for so long. Don't worry, they can change it between now and the Sept. 30 release date.

Argh! the stupid forum (sorry) keeps telling me to use Internet Explorer 4.0 or above! Most irritating!
"2.City maps will be inhabited with many NPCs yet won't cause lag."

How do you know that? The game isnt released yet :)
if the game is not released yet, they are assuming the best, but if that is not the case, I'm sure they could tweak the netcode :)
No quality mod would release an UBERmap that lags horribly, so it's a bit pointless to even mention it 8)

No, see, in almost all multiplayer games all entities are updated second by second. Thus the more entities you have, the more bandwidth you hog and the greater chance for the game to lag. However if you gave each client the ability to independently predict where an NPC will be at any moment, you do not need to update its position every second. That is a simplified version of how we plan to have cityscapes with moving NPCs yet not cause too much lag.

Also I find it *HIGHL* ironic that BADGER is telling me not to post too many topics.
Your website is ok, and as the above said, name sounds funny. But good luck with your mod. :)
Re: no

Originally posted by Cerberus
No, see, in almost all multiplayer games all entities are updated second by second. Thus the more entities you have, the more bandwidth you hog and the greater chance for the game to lag. However if you gave each client the ability to independently predict where an NPC will be at any moment, you do not need to update its position every second. That is a simplified version of how we plan to have cityscapes with moving NPCs yet not cause too much lag.

Also I find it *HIGHL* ironic that BADGER is telling me not to post too many topics.

So the NPC will have a linear patch to go? that isnt very interactive :)

You need to get the information from a server at some point to update whats going on with them. (if they are killed and so on)
My mod has one thread.. no more :P (I may post lots elsewhere, but thats got nuthing to do with it)

best of luck anyway... it's an interesting idea about the NPCs, hope you pull it off :cheers:

"Ladies and Gents, your Comments please"
"help wanted!"
"Operation Everlasting Shadow"

Thats three topics on your mod, not one. Sorry for nitpicking.
True..... lol... thats from way back in my newbie days :P (at least that my excuse :E)
npc movement

npc movement is semi-linear. The server randomly picks from various routes, then every 2 minutes or so updates an NPCs position, speed, and destination for every client.
Re: npc movement

Originally posted by Cerberus
npc movement is semi-linear. The server randomly picks from various routes, then every 2 minutes or so updates an NPCs position, speed, and destination for every client.

That means that it can take 2 mins (or so) for a other client to see that a NPC died, and the client that killed him saw that for 2 mins ago.

Im just a pain in the ass right now, eh? :D
You might consider something like updating all NPC's positions every minute or so only of those NPC's havent had any critical interactions. When a player causes an NPC to do something that would be changing its position from the others players copies of the same NPc it sends an update for that one NPC.
The guy just standing on the corner not having any interactions with anyone or anything dosent need to have much data transmitted very often at all. But the NPC that you just blocked, or shot, or did whatver to needs to send out some data right away. Sort of a priority system.

thats how I'd do it anyhow, if I was much of a coder.

punisher, thats almost exactly what we have had in the plan file. Basically the server has this list of entities to update, and when an NPC is bumped then it has higher priority to be updated. But NPC death will be handeled real time. Saying NPC X is dead takes only a slight more bandwidth, and also that means it no longer has to be updated.
Hey cerberus, I'm on your forums now as SunWolf, and I'm trying to subtly annoy people.
one question -

I've been wondering how you were going to keep players from completely levelling towns, killing npcs, etc.

works like gta system except backwards. Also a bit more complex. Kill one NPC then wait awhile and kill another(say 90 seconds) and the penalty is the same for each. Kill several in a row(say, grenade) and they stack up exponentially. Now each character has two cash funds, one for cybernetics and one for guns. Killing NPCs subtract from the gun fund, if the gun fund can't cover the total penalties then nothing happens. However, if a police player then kill you then the remaining penalty you can't pay is subtracted from your cybernetics fund. That cop then collects a bounty which is larger or smaller depending on your criminal record. The gun fund replenishes often, but the cyber fund only increases slightly(bad guns=okay, bad cyberware=gimp). For cops, shooting civialians cause a small gun cash penalty(no rollever into cybernetics fund) and the weapon is turned off for a few seconds.

So you can go on a killing spree, just avoid the cops and don't expect to buy good weapons the next time you die and then respawn. For cops, don't go about killing NPCs unnecessarily. Having your gun not work is a major pain, and is not good if you want to survive.

If you do kill several NPCs by accident(aimed for the cop but shot up the crowd), avoid killing any more npcs and really avoid the cops. Since your gun fund increases over time, slowly that huge penalty will dissapear. Also it should be said, guns are bought with cash, when you die you need to buy new guns. Cyberware is different, you buy access. Once you've bought access you can spawn with it as many times as you want. Hence the reason why the gun fund fluctuates way more then the cybernetics fund. Also a good cop who gets several mass murderes can become the most uber characters in the game, hence a reason to be a cop/bountyhunter/militarypolice player. Remember though that both corp teams will be shooting for you.

website has been updated with new concept art, and we've added a new modeler to the team.

We'll be uploading the techno song soon, but until then you can still hear it at the forums.

Cerebus, all I have to say is god bless you man if you pull this off. This would be my dream game if you make it come true.:) I support you 100%, you've got a new fan boy:)

hey, MANY of the members of our team are talented, have you checked out ninja287s music? Also soon the modeling work will be coming out and I'm confident that it will be of the same high quality of quakeulfs concept art. But yeah, I do feel lucky that he is on our team. Hes actually norwegian, but wishes to go to japan.