Costume Ideas


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
I've got to dress up as something from a film (any film) for a fancy dress ball, but I can't think of what to go as ;(

Any ideas (not James Bond/Superman/anything too obvious) will be ace :)
Jay or Silent Bob depending on your body design and availability of clothing.

Clint Eastwood in one of his Western movies.

Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf, etc.
How about this.


If not that, then go as Flash Gordon (Maybe too retro)

How about this then.

Sorry :(

I can't think of much that isn't obvious really. Willy Wonka sounds like a good idea though.
Mr. Blonde? Or any of those characters, really (except Nice Guy Eddie...). Easy to do, and you'll be the coolest looking ****er there. :p
Go as George Bush or or or, even better! John Kerry :afro:

Not quite a film, but still on tele lol

Dress up as someone from the X-Men.

GOLLUM!! I'll find you a nice set of holey underpants :D
The Thing said:
"Mr. Anderson...."


Go as Neo, all you'd need is a cool trench coat and black shirt and pants.
pix of u plz

But seriously, go as Joel in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. No one would know who the hell you were, and there would be no possible way to make a costume. :D

...but you would be one of the most best portrayed and acted movie characters of all time.

...or you could be Captain Jack Sparrow

Or, if you are really into movies, you could be Ed Wood (played by Johnny Depp as well ;))

CptStern said:
Yeah, that too. :D
After speaking with a friend, I am going to be Indiana Jones....and we are going to make a boulder for him to wear and he's going to shadow me all night :D

Now if you are bored, you could try and find me a hat retailer (online UK ONLY, I haven't got the time/money to fanny about with shipping overseas), cheapest Indiana style hat wins the prize!

I've found a whip, I'll go charity shop shopping for the rest of the gear :)
Go to a Goodwill or whatever you brits have for discount used clothing and find one, they have tons of those things.
Thought it could do with a revival since it was tonight

The indiana jones idea didn't fly, instead I went as shrek, with a girl called fiona going as my lovely wife.

Anyway, all week I had to get my costume, and yesterday I lost my wallet. So, with about £7.50 to my name, me and two friends went into town to get our costumes sorted. At about half past 3. The ball was at 8.

Numerous charity shops, normal shops, costume shops later, I ended up with a perfect copy of a shrek tunic/jumper (perfect if you forget about the sunderland badge on the front of it.....), a riding jacket thingy, green, about 3 sizes too small (which was the perfect size for shrek) and some face paint.

We ran all the way to claire's accessories to get me some shrek ears. They had sold out. Of shrek ears. Why? Anyway, I went to my local shop to get some tights (2 pairs) and then I run back to try it on for a quick taster.

If I use a little bit of bad langauge, the result was ****ing terrible. I looked like a twat, my tights were really see through, and everything seemed wrong.

I got a bit pissed off, had some southern comfort and a sausage roll with my mate and then got to work on my shrek ears. 20 frigging mins it took me to get the bastards right. Stuck them on my swim cap (green, for baldness)......when I tried it on it looked so shite.

I got in the shower (with half an hour to go), jumped into my costume and whacked on some makeup (hands and face) all my friends barged in (Mr T, Mr Pink, Fred Flintstone and Dorothy) and helped me with my swimcap and jacket.

Jesus christ - it actually looked good, ****ing good if I may say so myself. I went to the ball, didn't get too pissed (no wallet = no money) but had a whale of a time.

Everyone loved my costume (yay!) and quite a few people said I was the best looking :D My wife (fiona) must have liked it too....we copped off together and I've only just got back from hers :angel:

Unfortunately I trapped my bollocks in my tights about 20 minutes ago and have pulled something.

Really badly :(
Pictures! Na na na! Pictures! Na na na!
Not of your bollocks, mind.

I was speaking to a friend of mine today about having a "Bad Taste" fancy dress party. The general thing is to have an ounce of creativity (you have to be more imaginitive if you're going to shock), a sufficiently sick sense of humour and a liberal sense of irony. All of which are things not enough people possess. More's the pity.
I would love a bad taste fancy dress party, I'd wear an anorak, comb-over, stupid NHS glasses, cords, white trainers and sellotape a doll over my crotch (doggy style I think)

Paedophiles rule!!!111

No pics yet, I should have a couple by tomorrow but I used two disposable cameras so it may be a while ;(
Murray_H said:
I would love a bad taste fancy dress party, I'd wear an anorak, comb-over, stupid NHS glasses, cords, white trainers and sellotape a doll over my crotch (doggy style I think)
Paedophiles rule!!!111
Yeah that was one of our ideas too! :D Huzzah for paedophilia!
Weirdly, that wasn't one of our most extreme ideas... Much humour. Yes.
You should of went as a combine, there is a rumor that VALVe will be making a HL movie. I had a link but I lost it :o

I would go as a Combine in this mask and make random arrests and if anyone resists I will use my stun baton (Flash light with metal and blue celaphane stuck to it)
Danimal said:
You should of went as a combine, there is a rumor that VALVe will be making a HL movie. I had a link but I lost it :o
Yeah there's been talk of that for ages. Apparently Valve said they'd consider it if a studio came up with an adaption they were comfortable with. Personally I don't think it'd be that great - a sci-fi action film with a mute protagonist?