Could a man overpower an ant the size of a rabbit?

I think the ratio of brain mass to body mass is also a contributing factor.

Also, I believe that the reason insects don't grow larger isn't just that they wouldn't stand under their own weight, but that they don't have lungs like real animals.
Insects are weird and don't deserve to be animals :arms:
The ant would only be as strong as a rabbit. The reason ants are that strong is because they're so tiny, if it was bigger it would be not as strong.
Most types of ants won't harm healthy creatures unless they see it as a threat to their nest. They are scavengers, feeding off scraps and the dead and dying.
Ya, but that would happen quite often I'd imagine, and an ant that size? The nests would be f**king huge!
This reminds me of that time when I kept seeing ants all over my floor. No matter how much damage I dealt, they just kept coming back. After a while, I started to get tired of them, because they were crawling around on my xbox and such. Eventually, I found the cause. Some asshat dropped a Reese's Cup in between my bed and the wall. I picked the damn thing up and just threw it out in the road. I am happy to say that I no longer have an ant problem.

Now it's just me in my dark, lonely room. ;-;
You've all seen ants hauling things far bigger than themselves. They are incredibly powerful creatures. I just had a conversation and it was concluded that an ant the size of a cow would take down a tyranosaurus rex.

The conversation went like this
Me: "Do you reckon an ant the size of a cow could take down a t-rex"
Paul: "Yes"

An ant the size of a rabbit would surely be able to take down a man. ****, can you imagine an ant that big.

Ir'd collapse under its own weight or its "lungs" (so to speak) would cave in.

Either way, it's ****ed.

Man, I loved those missions. Far better than the dinosaur campaign.
They're both rip offs of 50's B-movies you big eejit...
Love them b-movies. Especially that one with the big ass spider. I can't remember the name.

Also, whoever took this image and put that folding effect on it needs to die in a fire.
I think the most important question is: could a man the size of an ant overpower an ant.

To be honest, I think they have the huge advantage of having their skeleton on the outside, while our flesh would be vulnerable to their pinchers. But, again, we could create small tools and use clever tactics to our advantage. MM, I overlooked the fact that our brain would be smaller than a spec of dirt. Unless it scaled internally as well, just making it High Density, as it were.

Hmm, I guess we would be very strong for our size as well.
Oh man, someone make that film please. Miniature humans fighting wars against soldier ant colonies.

Also the humans have Steampunk technology and explosions and there's this sex scene but then the ants invade and the man is all DEARY ME and he pops on his moustache and defeats the ants with a miniature nuke.
Doesn't some shit like that go down in the latest "Honey, I Shrunk" movie?
I think the ratio of brain mass to body mass is also a contributing factor.

Also, I believe that the reason insects don't grow larger isn't just that they wouldn't stand under their own weight, but that they don't have lungs like real animals.

True. In the past, insects could grow much larger because the Earth's atmosphere was more rich in oxygen. Larger as in seagull-sized dragonflies and 1m long centipedes. The stuff of nightmares.
**** you guys, you know I have a phobia of larger than average ants. My skin is ****ing crawling right now.
I've seen a huge ant before, a few times. I wonder if they are ambassadors or champions or something.

We're like dinosaurs to the insects. They can feel the ground shake when we walk past.
I see those big ones all the time. They're black, but around the size of 2 and a half normal black ants.