Could Episode 3 be announced late April (My PCGamer speculation)


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I really hate to troll as it does involve, by accident, causing people's dreams to fade away if the info (however little) turns out to be misplaced.

However as with the new Valve website, new office, the Portal 2 announcement and the Mac release almost upon us, I felt compelled to let people know that PCGamerUK has apparently got two secrets to reveal on May 6 (earlier if your a subscriber). I would of dismissed it but given the Mac release and Portal2 has already been revealed in this mag and that Episode3 has been so silent; no screenshots or info regarding the project, I had assumed that Ep3 could be one of the two secrets.

Could be totally wrong, but then the two projects are up to speculation. Has anybody got any other theories as to the "Unbelievably Exciting Secret #1, #2"
From experience, PC Gamer always pumps up these exciting announcements, but they are almost never as exciting as they say they are.

Of course, I would love for there to be an announcement, but something tells me Valve want to be a bit more clever when revealing episode 3.
So it could be anything, rather than Valve specific, right? Because it could be absolutely anything, especially as it's ultimately a tease to sell the magazine (nothing stopping it from being an 'exclusive' hands-on with a known quantity like Portal 2 after all).

In favour of an Episode Three announcement, Valve's expansion and removal to bigger offices means they should be capable of dealing with more than one title at once. Portal 2's announcement in spring could be read as an attempt to keep the summer tradeshow season free for a second big announcement, but then it could just be a way of ensuring that people go into that period ready for Portal 2 news... take your pick.

But it's just as likely to be anything else. Perhaps someone is pulling an awesome old PC IP out of the attic for a new title this year? Perhaps it's Irrational Games' next title, or someone else with PC roots who'd make enough of a splash?
yeah we don't even know if this has anything to do with valve.
I reckon if VALVe are going to announce Episode Three it'll be at E3.

Still, fingers crossed.
Even a Valve employee project tree would tie me over.
Piss off you ****ing troll, bbson.

EP3 will be released, but they're sure taking their dear sweet time on it...
bbson may be correct - Episode 3 is never announced, because it magically transformed into HL3.
bbson may be correct - Episode 3 is never announced, because it magically transformed into HL3.

This looks pretty logical to me, I can't think of any other reason to wait with a release for such a long time. A full-length HL game would be very nice.
In favour of an Episode Three announcement, Valve's expansion and removal to bigger offices means they should be capable of dealing with more than one title at once.

They haven't been capable of that in the past? :sleep:

Also I called Ep3 being 'upgraded' to HL3 months ago. Would be cool if I was right :)
They haven't been capable of that in the past? :sleep:
Well, they've always been capable of working on more than one game concurrently, but managing the concurrent development and promotion of more than one full-scale product at a time? Not really. There's always been an 'A' and a 'B' project at Valve.
bbson may be correct - Episode 3 is never announced, because it magically transformed into HL3.
Like a Fabulous! Butterfly. And yes, everyone suggested this months or years ago and wants cookies for doing so. Good for them.
I'm willing to bet my left testicle that valve will "announce" ep3 at the e3 2010. It makes sence since its the most hyped up event in gaming, and that would give them plenty of time to release it for chritmas 2010.
I'm willing to bet my left testicle that valve will "announce" ep3 at the e3 2010. It makes sence since its the most hyped up event in gaming, and that would give them plenty of time to release it for chritmas 2010.

Better start watching dickchop so you know how.
I'm willing to bet my left testicle that valve will "announce" ep3 at the e3 2010. It makes sence since its the most hyped up event in gaming, and that would give them plenty of time to release it for chritmas 2010.

People have been saying that for the past 2 E3s.
I'm willing to bet my left testicle that valve will "announce" ep3 at the e3 2010. It makes sence since its the most hyped up event in gaming, and that would give them plenty of time to release it for chritmas 2010.

Why would they announce a second huge Valve title when Portal 2 is on the way? Logic would suggest that Valve will tell us about Ep.3 after the release of Portal 2 - no second earlier.
Portal 2 and HL2:EP3 storyline?

Well we know that Portal 2 is set hundreds of years after the event of Portal, and Portal's event is somewhere during or shortly after HL2. If Portal and Portal 2 are parts of the Half-life Universe, how would the outcome of HL2: EP3 (or HL3 whatsoever) be hundreds of years later, given the discovery of the Borealis at the end of EP2 and presumably Portal characters appearance in EP3 (e.g. GlaDOS)?
They said they were loosening the ties from HL2 to Portal I think, didn't they?

they said they're not planning on elaborating on them but it's still set in the same universe. which is weird because I can remember Gabe saying a while ago that they were planning on putting them together, something about chell having an important relationship with some of the Half-Life characters.
Who knows? It's Valve's way to change the entire game during the development process. Look at the original Half-life 2 gameplay and storyline (aka HL2 Beta) compared to what the game actually was when released
Game Informer already said we won't see Ep3 this year. So there's no real reason it would be announced this year, IMO. I think, for now, they are just putting their focus on getting Portal 2 out the door first.
No, the next things is EA's acquisition of Valve.

Nah. I think Valve's better off with Activision and see how things go in the FPS war against the CoD franchise. But well, there's also Blizzard Entertainment in the sales war, so...
Nah. I think Valve's better off with Activision and see how things go in the FPS war against the CoD franchise. But well, there's also Blizzard Entertainment in the sales war, so...

Blizzard and Activision are one company. If Valve signs up with Activision rather than staying an independent company, I'll have officially lost hope in the company.
I suspect that if a new game is one of the secrets, it's more likely by a mile to involve IceFrog (the guy who maintains DOTA and was recently hired by Valve) and some kind of Valve DOTA clone. I can dream it'll be about Ep3 though...
Being that DOTA was a primarily multiplayer oriented experience (though single player is possible) and that we've heard nothing about Ice Frog's development I have the suspicions that they are working alongside the TF2 update team. You have the RPG elements, the Bots, the Uber Secret Engineer update. Not that I'm getting my hopes up for that, but it would give TF2 another game mode and maybe a couple of new maps.