Has anyone actualy thought about what could have happend when Valves computers were accessed by hackers?
Here is something im glad did not happen.
Those Hackers could have gone in to valves computers and DELETED EVERYTHING they had worked so hard on this past years!
They realy need to think about that next time. Take that into considiration.
Have safer computers!
Of course the deletion of the files in Valves computers would have probably lead to the cancelation of the game (probably not).
What do you think could have happend?
Here is something im glad did not happen.
Those Hackers could have gone in to valves computers and DELETED EVERYTHING they had worked so hard on this past years!
They realy need to think about that next time. Take that into considiration.
Have safer computers!
Of course the deletion of the files in Valves computers would have probably lead to the cancelation of the game (probably not).
What do you think could have happend?