Could there really be a hl2 mp? think about it

ailevation said:
:dozey: They've had that info out for like eternity, I don't see much changes at all @

EDIT: They managed to add release date info though.

heheheh i hate websites that dont update info *****
Yeah, it gets terribly annoying, especially when it's a mod website.
I HATE when mods don't give you progress reports :|
well, how hard would it be to port all the game models, and make a HL2 DM Mod?

I was, as many, really looking forward to using the gravity gun online and shooting chairs at my friends.
Bling said:
well, how hard would it be to port all the game models, and make a HL2 DM Mod?

I was, as many, really looking forward to using the gravity gun online and shooting chairs at my friends.

that wouldn't work very well anyway, so theres no point even hoping for that, the collision detection would be very dodgy like CS:Source and only a few things could be physically simulated in an unrealistic fashion to CS: Source
I don't understand this thought pattern.

Q: Is there a hl2 mp mode other than CS:S?
Doug Lombardius the Great: No.

Intepretation: Doug doesn't really mean no. By saying no he really means yes. So, yes there will be a hl2 mp mode. I'm so excited for a hl2 mp mode! Yes!
/removes left shoe
Doug doesn't have mutch credibbility and i think they do have plans or working already on other multiplay options. If people have to wait for the 1st good quality mods to come out they will be waiting for quite a while yet.

I hope they are porting TFC over, TF2 will be a whole different expirience if its anything like the old TF2 info.
Let me spell this out for those who have yet to understand...





Get it through your heads and move on, please!
Jesus Christ...

I thought some of you people were desparate when we were still debating over Gabe's words at E3. But this? We've gone Gold and there has been no announced MP. We're less than a month away from release and there is no announced MP. It's been said by Valve employees that CS:S is multiplayer component. Doug has now stated that there will be no "proper" HL2 multiplayer. And yet you people still insist on believing that good ol' Uncle Valve still has some benevolent surprise up its sleeve.

Newsflash: They don't.

I reccomend that you get used to this.
Food for thought

planet half life
A Half-Life 2 SDK (Software Development Kit) for mod developers will be released prior to the game hitting store shelves.

There will be drivable vehicles in both single and multiplayer.

An upgraded Hammer editor should ship with the game, but instead of just editing maps it's now described as a "complete development environment" for maps, mods, and more.

the first and last snip seem to contradict each other, so will there be drivable vehicles in both single and **multiplayer**?

the APC's back in CS:s?
Yes but just think about this....

would hl2 not sell better and more and get better reviews if it included a hl2 dm or mp other than cs:s?....the answer most probably....!!!!

Therefore they would not at the last minute include a hl2 mp that was not a part of the review that would be absurd as less people would be encouraged to actually buy the game...

therefore by saying no mp.....he means no mp (asides form cs:s)
So, it could be possible that Valve announced another multiplayer as a sort of commercial stunt to get the hype around hl2 even higher?
Foegel said:
So, it could be possible that Valve announced another multiplayer as a sort of commercial stunt to get the hype around hl2 even higher?

or we just think that... and they knew that we'd think that.... meaning that in the end it did hype it up... and we now know that they knew that we knew that they thought about somehting...... hm.. i'm confussed?
smokeyassassin .. there is currently vehicles in CS theyre just not on the official maps. The option to include vehicles will be in cs:s they just wont add them to dust2 & inferno etc . Flying vehicles should also be possible as they were in the HL2 stolen build. bombs away! :)
ukfluke said:
smokeyassassin .. there is currently vehicles in CS theyre just not on the official maps. The option to include vehicles will be in cs:s they just wont add them to dust2 & inferno etc . Flying vehicles should also be possible as they were in the HL2 stolen build. bombs away! :)
AHAAH they could create a mod where you are a seagull and yo have to collect the most rubbish!!!.....

^^^...yes i am kidding......