Could You Kill Someone?

Yes, I could do it out of rage if I knew for certain that I woulden't get caught and diden't care about or know the person.
No... not willingly.

I think I'd have to be put in a kill-or-be-killed typed situation.(ie: Saw... or be thrown into war.)
I think the question you should be asking is "Could you not kill someone?"
I can see the bad part being paranoid of repercussions though. From the law and from people trying to get back at you. That's the thing for me you know what I mean?

But as far as taking someone out goes that's a completely different scenerio.

Anyway if I had a blade or something and I went into a rage I'd most likely end up using it without hesitation or remorse for the person. The only remorse or sort of thing I'd have is like for getting in shit with the law.

That's a bad public situation though. If you knew you wouldn't get in trouble legally at all for it would you have followed through and stuck him?

I probably would've. Can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation.
You don't sound tough, you just sound like a tool.

Nobody can think straight in a rage. That's why you do everything in your power to avoid rage. That means dropping all your dud friends who take drugs, deal drugs, fight with people, carry knives, knife people.... Etc etc. Do nothing and you simply remain as the scum of society.

Anyway if I had a blade or something and I went into a rage I'd most likely end up using it without hesitation or remorse for the person. The only remorse or sort of thing I'd have is like for getting in shit with the law.
Would you say you were raised in a healthy environment by loving parents? Or would you say you kicked in the guts repeatedly and told get up off the dirt?
I've done it before and i'll do it again if I have to.
Oh come on, it's not like she messed up your car that much, Pobz! D:
I think I could in self defence. And to save a family member etc.
In war I think I could to. Well I'd have to else it'd be a bullet in my head from the enemy. :P
Zombie outbreak?... BRING 'EM ONN!!

In any other circumstances... doubt I could.
A gun, yes, knife no, but only if they were trying to harm me
I think I could kill no problem if I deemed it nessacary.
Killing however is never the best solution imo.
I can see Jack Thompson coming into this thread and saying "I told you so!" even though he'd have no evidence it was linked to gaming.

I'd kill if I was protecting someone I care about if I had no other choice. Otherwise it would have to be by accident. Oh noes! The crowbar slipped.
It certainly is.

Whereas killing for $5 would be considered immoral, killing for $5 million would be more acceptable.

It's a material world after all. :smoking:
the usual I think, self defense, saving a family member, revenge

i would never kill for money.. but it's a hard question. dont think i'd ever get the offer to kill for a couple of million

I've done it before and i'll do it again if I have to.

Yes. I could kill someone with a gun or a knife if there was a good reason to do so. Money doesn't count as a good reason... maybe sometime it does... if the goal is a scum.
I could only kill someone if I was driven into an uncontrollable frenzied rage. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the guts.

Except of course if it is the case of a burglar or somebody threatening my family, and I am confronted with that person. I will kill them if I have a gun in my hand, or a knife... if they try to resist me. I wouldn't be afraid to pull the trigger. But that would sort of be classified as my frenzied rage, only it would be internal, that this bastard has the balls to bring harm to my family.
I could never ever stab anyone, just the thought of things piercing the skin do my nut in. I turn green when I get injections...
Chances are I would have to be in a "his life or mine" kinda situation to be able to kill. Definatly not in cold blood.
In the right context, anybody can kill somebody.

I'm a pretty big sissy when things die, but if you put me in a situation where my life is threatened, I reckon it would become mighty easy of me to start pulling triggers. I might also do it if I was paid an obscene amount of money, and by that I mean very obscene.
I'd imagine most people won't truely know whether they have the guts to kill another human being until they're actually put on the spot, especially since the majority here are not trained or military personnel.
I'd kill if I was hungry and the only food available was human meat.
I'm ex-military (conscript but nonetheless). Yeah, I'd kill if I had to, preferably with a rifle, but anything that comes to hand will work.

Of course I prefer to draw, write, read and play games because it's easier to understand the value of life once you understand how fragile it really is.

Always walk away from a fight if you can, the hurt is not worth it.
Revenge (killed my family member, best friend, etc.)
Self Defense (every time I hear "Self Defense" I immediatly think "wuss"..)
If I was paid alot.. ($350,000 USD would be my money-point. )
Like that, althought if I were paid a lot, I'd just tell the guy to go into hiding into Japan and tell him that if he were to show his face ever again, he'd get wtfpwnt

Blind anger would also be a reason (See 'Revenge' thingy). If they're ninja looting my stuff, I'll just smack them over the penis with something heavy; he'll be down for a while :p
This is a strange topic, mainly because you dont know whether you can kill someone until you get into that situation, you could say 'oh yeah i could kill someone under such and such circumstances' but then you get to that stage and you may find it harder than when you first thought. Its like saying fighting in a war is a great adventure, then you are put into a war, and things are a lot different.
Unlikely. The only situations would be defending myself or that of my close friends/family.
I'd have trouble living with knowing what I'd done.

-Angry Lawyer
As AIM said, it's hard to know for sure. That said, I'm pretty confident that I'd be able to, if I had to.
Yes. I have so much pent up anger and rage, hell, anything could set me off, and I honestly don't think I would stop. I know in self defence, I'd probably kill the guy, so that he could never do what he is doing to someone else. Someone broke into my house? Well, he'd either die, or leave with no genitals, hell..I don't want him procreating.

Money...yeah, I'd do it for money...doesn't even have to be alot.

Who it is. I could kill somebody if I REALLY didn't like them for some reason. Like people from my highschool..the dicks that thought since they were popular/football players, they could do whatever. It's not like I was bullied, it's just the way they treated everybody else.

Actually, hell, if I really felt the need, I could probably drive by some randomguys house and shoot him. Though I probably wouldn't any time soon, since I'm not THAT angry.
What if somebody grabbed your hand and punched themselves in the face with it and then started crying?

Thats different. I mean if i was standing infornt of a person with the intent of punching them I would probably not be able to make the punch sufficiant enough to make damage. It would be similar to standing infront of a spike and trying to force it through your own hand. Your entire body would resist your brain from doing it.
You should learn karate like moi ^^

To be honest, if someone was to try and mug me or break into my house, I would rather beat them to a pulp, enough to put them in hospital for a few months, and then after that they can straight to jail, i would rather have that put on them than killing them xD
Followed by cannibalism.

"Noone must ever know what went on in this elevator! D:"