Could've died on tuesday...


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
First off, a preface: I skateboard, and I'm damn good at it. I've been skating for over seven years now, and I absolutely love it.

Anyway, two days ago, I was goofing around on a rail in my driveway. I slid a nollie back lip down it (for those who don't skate, it's a tough trick) and rolled away... onto a patch of ice. I tried to stop, and slipped. Somehow, I managed to kick the board upwards, and it rocketed up...

straight into my neck.
The nose dug in right below my Adam's Apple, then gouged upward towards the bottom of my chin. Meanwhile, I bit almost clean through my lip, bit my tongue quite badly, and smashed both my knees onto the ice. I'm fine now (save for a crazy-ass mark on my neck), but I'm still amazed at how lucky I am. If the board had hit me a little higher up, or at a greater angle, I could very easily be in the hospital right now, or in a casket. I'm pretty sure I used up one of my nine lives on that one.

The funny thing is, right now I'm just pissed because I didn't get it on video. :|
Wow...that is pretty scary. You are lucky it didn't nail your throat and sever your wind pipe.
Even crazier (I forgot to post this) is that when I fell, I landed with my neck propped up on the edge of the board. It was ridiculous.
JNightshade said:
First off, a preface: I skateboard, and I'm damn good at it. I've been skating for over seven years now, and I absolutely love it.

Anyway, two days ago, I was goofing around on a rail in my driveway. I slid a nollie back lip down it (for those who don't skate, it's a tough trick) and rolled away... onto a patch of ice. I tried to stop, and slipped. Somehow, I managed to kick the board upwards, and it rocketed up...

straight into my neck.
The nose dug in right below my Adam's Apple, then gouged upward towards the bottom of my chin. Meanwhile, I bit almost clean through my lip, bit my tongue quite badly, and smashed both my knees onto the ice. I'm fine now (save for a crazy-ass mark on my neck), but I'm still amazed at how lucky I am. If the board had hit me a little higher up, or at a greater angle, I could very easily be in the hospital right now, or in a casket. I'm pretty sure I used up one of my nine lives on that one.

The funny thing is, right now I'm just pissed because I didn't get it on video. :|
Ouch...'Nuff said.
Off topic - Just looked at the 'Yet Another Show Yourself off thread' and realized you have the same pair of pants as me Nightshade... man... that is scary. (Tan ones)
Ahhhh i've nearlly died many a time:
-Setting myself on fire with alcohol accidently.
-Falling off the side of my house, suprisingly the only thing i broke was my tool box (and i don't mean my cock)
-Having a knife thrown an inch from my face at full speed.
-Nearlly detonating a 20kg propane tank inside my workshop
Of which i have a rather amusing video, and for some reason i can't upload it to putfile.
Nah... don't have a camera around, and it's going away much more quickly than I expected it to. I wish I'd thought to take one earlier, though...
short recoil said:
Ahhhh i've nearlly died many a time:
-Setting myself on fire with alcohol accidently.
-Falling off the side of my house, suprisingly the only thing i broke was my tool box (and i don't mean my cock)
-Having a knife thrown an inch from my face at full speed.
-Nearlly detonating a 20kg propane tank inside my workshop
Of which i have a rather amusing video, and for some reason i can't upload it to putfile.

wow. I lol'ed
Originally Posted by short recoil
Ahhhh i've nearlly died many a time:
-Setting myself on fire with alcohol accidently.
-Falling off the side of my house, suprisingly the only thing i broke was my tool box (and i don't mean my cock)
-Having a knife thrown an inch from my face at full speed.
-Nearlly detonating a 20kg propane tank inside my workshop
Of which i have a rather amusing video, and for some reason i can't upload it to putfile.

Showoff :D
I've cheated death so many times, one of these days I'm going to be going to the hospital choking from my peanut allergy when a tractor hits my ambulance, sends me flying through a fence decapitating me, and just for good measure lightning strikes me as I lie dead.
MiccyNarc said:
I've cheated death so many times, one of these days I'm going to be going to the hospital choking from my peanut allergy when a tractor hits my ambulance, sends me flying through a fence decapitating me, and just for good measure lightning strikes me as I lie dead.

and a snowmobile crushes your "toolbox"
OvA said:
and a snowmobile crushes your "toolbox"
Yes actually. That or a four wheeler.

And for good measure a bull will crush me as well.
I got trapped under a boat in a small pond before. My face was smothered in the mud. Passed out only to awaken face up in the water. My friends didn't even notice. Boy, was I pissed.
I probably survived a few times, there was this one time where I almost drowned , and probably a whole lot of lucky falls that didn't injure anything :p
Just a random detail- today (thursday) I was skating again, and managed to fall down and hyperextend my elbow. My luck is suck.
I've never come close to dying before. I live a safe and happy life in front of my computer ;(
JellyWorld said:
I've never come close to dying before. I live a safe and happy life in front of my computer ;(

same here, except from astma when I was two, but that wasn't my fault...

darn..had something clever to say and forgot
I nearly died once.

I was in this Arab town, and the terrorists only had one guy left, and this guy on my team was all like "Go to B" and the terrorist is trying to plant the bomb, and then this newb team flashes me, so I go blind, and when my senses come back I realise I only have 1 hp, so I dive behind this crate and then I jump out, headshot the terrorist and de-fuse the bomb (without de-fuse kit).

True story.
haha. The one good thing about all this stuff- skating for so long has given me a ridiculous level of pain tolerance.
Death doesn't dare **** with me. In fact, Death's so scared of me, he hasn't even come near any of my family.

True story.
MiccyNarc said:
I've cheated death so many times, one of these days I'm going to be going to the hospital choking from my peanut allergy when a tractor hits my ambulance, sends me flying through a fence decapitating me, and just for good measure lightning strikes me as I lie dead.

At least you'll know that it was definately your time.
Death buys me free drinks. Otherwise I ban him.
It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would- it was more freaky than anything else.

Of course, this is coming from the guy who didn't notice when he dislocated his wrist...
short recoil said:
Ahhhh i've nearlly died many a time:
-Setting myself on fire with alcohol accidently.
-Falling off the side of my house, suprisingly the only thing i broke was my tool box (and i don't mean my cock)
-Having a knife thrown an inch from my face at full speed.
-Nearlly detonating a 20kg propane tank inside my workshop
Of which i have a rather amusing video, and for some reason i can't upload it to putfile.

haha I loled as well. You can try uploading your vid to
Thats not almost near death, flipping a car over 3+ times is.
short recoil said:
Ahhhh i've nearlly died many a time:
-Setting myself on fire with alcohol accidently.
-Falling off the side of my house, suprisingly the only thing i broke was my tool box (and i don't mean my cock)
-Having a knife thrown an inch from my face at full speed.
-Nearlly detonating a 20kg propane tank inside my workshop
Of which i have a rather amusing video, and for some reason i can't upload it to putfile.
